Andrei.Hicks wrote on Mar 7
th, 2012 at 8:25am:
Any civilian death is regrettable and unfortunate.
However if you can't see this difference then you are retarded -
1) Palestinian suicide bombers TARGET civilians. They get onto buses in Jerusalem and blow it up. They blow up cafes and market places. There are many innocent Israeli civilian deaths because that is their aim!
2) Palestinian civilian casualties occur as a result of operations aimed at targetting terrorists. The aim of the Israeli Army is to remove the threat posed and to MINIMIZE civilian casualties.
3) Palestinian terrorists will often deliberately operate from densely populated civilian areas with the aim of hiding behind innocents.
4) Israeli operations (and I know this from several friends who have served in the Israeli Army) cannot respond or engage in fire unless specifically authorization comes from Tel Aviv. They then must adhere to Israeli rules of engagement.
5) MOSSAD removes the threat from terrorists. It will only carry out an operation to eliminate a suspect after it has been removed and approved at the highest level in Jerusalem. No civilians are ever targetted.
That is the reality.
How many Israeli children has the Hamas government killed since it took control of Gaza? None.
UNICEF: 300 Children Killed in Gaza
The head of the United Nations children's agency says 300 children have been killed during Israel's campaign in the Gaza Strip.
UNICEF director, Ann Venemen, says more than 1,500 other children have been wounded, casualties she calls "tragic" and "unacceptable."
Separately, Palestinian medics say more than 1,000 people have been killed during the 19-day offensive...
Israeli soldiers used child as human shield
ANNE BARKER: At the height of the war in January last year two Israeli soldiers helped take control of an apartment block in the Gaza City suburb of Tel al-Hawa. As they did so - according to the court testimony - they came under gun and rocket fire from Palestinian militants.
As they rounded up the residents inside, the soldiers stumbled on bags in a bathroom and ordered a nine-year-old Palestinian boy to check them to see if they'd been rigged with explosives. The boy opened a bag belonging to his own family - but when he failed to open another one the soldiers pulled him away and shot at the bag - endangering everyone in the room, according to the court verdict.
The boy involved gave evidence to his own lawyers that he thought one of the soldiers would kill him, and had wet his pants in fear.
"I opened the bag as he pointed his weapon directly at me," the child said. "I emptied the bag on the floor. It contained money and papers. I looked at him and he was laughing."
It's the first conviction of its kind for a practice that is now strictly banned by Israel - and known as "neighbouring" - where Palestinian civilians are used for example, to doorknock the homes of suspected militants to protect Israeli forces from coming under attack.
The court verdict makes no mention of any munitions being found in the bags but the soldiers' lawyer Ilan Katz says they've both been used as scapegoats.
(Ilan Katz speaking)
"These two soldiers are the ones that pay the price for the mistakes of senior people," he said. "The system thinks that if they are convicted the world will get off Israel's case. Whoever thinks this is severely mistaken."
Israel's Human Shields and Live Bait
"Sharmoota!" hisses the Jewish settler as she presses up against the bars of a Hebron home where she has forced a Palestinian woman to take cover. "Whore" in Arabic, the shameful word hangs in the air like verbal dynamite - and shocks again and again as rapid-fire "Sharmootas" are spat out at their victim. An Israeli soldier stands by and watches this provocation. He does nothing. Video 1, Video 2
Young teenage settlers hang around outside a Palestinian schoolhouse, waiting for the stream of Arab mothers and their children to make their way home. The settler youths - all girls - shriek abuses at the frightened Palestinian kids, kick the elders and pull headscarves off the heads of pious women - "terror games" to pass time on a Jewish holiday, all under the watch of armed Israeli soldiers who do not intervene. Video
There are 500,000 illegal Jewish settlers in occupied Palestinian territories today - a number that has increased five-fold since the US-sponsored "peace process" began 19 years ago.
Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, August 12, 1949, 6 UST 3516, provides, in paragraph 6: "The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies."
Peace advocates contend that this Israeli push to "settle" Jews in the occupied territories reflects the determination of an increasingly right-wing government to prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Logic dictates that the physical presence of half a million Jews in illegal settlements and outposts - connected through a maze of Jewish-only roads - has stealthily destroyed the possibility of a land-for-peace compromise. And Israel's government has spent $17 billion on settlements since occupation began.
But here's something we don't talk about readily. Why would consecutive Israeli governments heavily subsidize and incentivize the relocation of young families - women and children - into hostile environments? Why would Israel - which claims security dangers wherever there are Palestinian populations - deliberately and systematically place its Jewish civilian population in "harm's way?"
The settlers are Israel's human shields and live bait.
"Naatzi! Naaaatzi!" This word, amazingly enough, is a settler favorite. "Nazis!" they screech at foreign TV crews, while waving their infants around. "Nazi, Nazi, Nazi," they chant as they provocatively try to stop Palestinians from harvesting their olive crops. And the IDF soldiers wait and watch - occasionally intervening to push a frustrated and humiliated Palestinian objector away from a taunting, threatening Jewish settler.
Eventually, a half-crazed Palestinian will fight back, even kill some settlers. Israeli authorities immediately step in and claim the "Security Risk" has increased and more Palestinian land has to be confiscated to ensure Israel's security. More Palestinians are detained, harassed, punished. More Palestinian homes are occupied or demolished. See how that works? Unleash your craziest Jews onto a Palestinian civilian population until someone blows a fuse and hits back. Then use that as the pretext to encroach further into the lives and onto the land of Palestinians.
Jewish settlers. Half a million of them in 121 illegal settlements and 102 illegal outposts. Human shields and live bait for Israel. The Jewish state's frontline army for depopulating Palestinian land.
International law recognizes the right of a person living under occupation to resist or retaliate against occupying forces - nobody would question a Palestinian lashing out at an Israeli soldier. But kill a Jewish settler, and the lines get blurred fast. Under the Fourth Geneva Convention, the "occupier" (Israel) may not settle its populations (Jewish settlers) in occupied areas (West Bank, Gaza, East Jerusalem), but these laws also do not permit the harming of civilians except in the case of self-defence during an act of violence. In other words, although Israel flagrantly violates the former law by incentivizing Israeli citizens to move into occupied Palestinian territory, these same international conventions do not allow Palestinians to willy-nilly defend their lives and property from Jewish settlers - except during actual hostilities, when they are usually at a considerable disadvantage.
But are settlers really "civilians" as intended by the protective language of the Fourth Geneva Convention? This is debatable on at least one score, as the language dealing with "protected persons" is often prefaced with "civilian persons who take no part in hostilities..."
"The Hilltop Youth consist of hundreds of young settler boys and girls who have become protectors of the illegal outposts pitched on Palestinian-owned land throughout the West Bank...heeding only the "law of God" and the religious-nationalist action calls from the likes of Judeo-fascist high-priestesses Daniella Weiss and Nadia Mattar, these kids have unleashed the newest waves of settler vigilantism: "Price-Tagging."
Every time authorities act against the perceived interests of the settlers, the latter will exact a "price tag" by carrying out reprisals against nearby Palestinians and their property.
Fourth Geneva Convention, PART III - STATUS AND TREATMENT OF PROTECTED PERSONS; SECTION I - Provisions Common to the Territories of the Parties to the Conflict and to Occupied Territories: Article 33: "No protected person may be punished for an offence he or she has not personally committed. Collective penalties and likewise all measures of intimidation or of terrorism are prohibited. Pillage is prohibited. Reprisals against protected persons and their property are prohibited."
According to Israeli human rights group B'Tselem, these acts of vengeance include: "blocking roadways, so as to impede Palestinian life and commerce. The settlers also shoot solar panels on roofs of buildings, torch automobiles, shatter windowpanes and windshields, destroy crops, uproot trees...