Quote:Please provide an example, and ensure it is not someone who committed adultery, and then tried to use rape as a way of getting off.
No Abu. They voluntarily went in to report the rape. During the interrogation they admitted having consensual sex.
Quote:Also are we talking about Islam here? Or what Middle Eastern countries implement in the post-Islamic era?
I guess it is a post Islamic thing, seeing as the punishment for consensual sex was not as barbaric as Islam proscribes.
Quote:You regularly fail to stipulate which one it is
Given that you claim that no Islamic state exists, you can hardly blame me for your own confusion. But you would have to be pretty dishonest to rpetend that these attitudes and punishments are not a hangover from the days of Shariah. The only difference is they are not as barbaric.
Quote:So absent witnesses for the woman, she is a goner.
Interesting that you should claim this, given that Abu's (and Falah's) first response to the story about a foreign rape victim getting put in jail for consensual sex was that she made up the rape story to cover her 'crime'. Is it any wonder that a rape victim who reports a crime voluntarily to Muslims ends up getting thrown in jail? And to think, Abu even tries to use the low reported rate of rape as evidence that the actual rate is lower than in countries where reporting is encouraged.
Quote:For adultery or fornication, that is the maximum punishment for first offence. For the crime of rape it is the minimum punishment. Understand the difference?
You previously only mentioned stoning in the context of consensual sex. If being whipped then stoned to death is the minimum punishment for rape, why did you previously describe the extra puinishment of a fine and jail time on top of whipping? It sounds to me like you are making it up as you go along.
Quote:I didn't say that it would occur in that order. Although, obviously execution for a rapist is a severe punishment, and we don't usually go beyond simple executions.
Here you go contradicting yourself again. Above you said it was the minimum penalty. Now it is the severe one?
Quote:I never said it is the lighter punishment. In Islam, adultery (a married person having sex outside of marriage) is considered a serious crime, and it carries the death penalty.
And once more you contradict yourself. Is death penalty the statutory punishement or the maximum available punishment? As far as I can tell you agree with me that Islam does not distinguish between rape and consensual sex (you even reject this concept) in any significant way, buit you merely insist that I try to spin it the same way as you.
Quote:All illegal; sex is bad, but obviously we cant do much more than execute the married rapist - unless he uses a weapon.
Can you explain the married bit here? Are you saying that the punishment for rape is made along the same lines as the punishment for consensual sex - that if the rapist is married he gets the same punishment as a married person who has sex outside of marriage? I am having trouble seeing why you appear to be disagreeing with me here.
Quote:If you are not insinuating that rape victims would be charged, then I don't know why you would even bother to bring it up in the first place.
I'll give you a hint - look at the topic of this thread. I found a way in which Islam does distinguish rape and consensual sex - by not punishing the victim of rape (unless of course they can pin something else on her).
Quote:The punishment for rape cannot be less than the punishment for illegal sex because the punishment for illegal sex is the minimum punishment for the rapist.
Right. My point exactly. And the 'extra' punishment for it being non-consensual is insignificant, unless you consider a fine to be harsher than getting stoned to death. That is, Islam equate sex and rape.
Quote:If we execute the rapist, what more would you expect could be done to him? We can't make him die twice.
Again, you are right Falah. Islam equates sex and rape.