Bobby. wrote on Mar 13
th, 2012 at 10:44am:
I wouldn't be so sure Chicken.
There are many Muslim voters in England who
would love to see Israel given back to their friends.
England still has a lot of power.
Good, let their good friends the Jordanians be the first to give the Palestinians their land.
We both know that wont happen, ever.
We also know that Israel is on the front line of Muslim extremism, and has been so for decades.
And many a European leader sleeps sounder at night knowing Israel is there taking the missile strikes, and not their own cities.
Do you honestly think that those members of the Arab League that send hundreds of thousands of troops and tanks into Israel all those times were doing it to establish a Palestinian State?
Of course not, it was about killing Jews and taking a slice back of the country for themselves.
Britain may well still have a lot of power.
But not enough to hand Israel over to terrorists that would see Britain destroyed.