abu_rashid wrote on Mar 8
th, 2012 at 9:48am:
The infant had been circumcised in a controversial religious ceremony in which a rabbi or mohel draws blood away from the freshly circumcised penis with his mouth.
Source: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/brooklyn/herpes_death_probe_of_bris_baby_PVRokFJcFMkJdHas44IuFN#ixzz1oTZR1Y1Y
What is a mohel Abu?
Can you please link your sources so we can click on them, it takes no extra effort.
Science might be close to a cure for herpes,HepC and HPV virus which is good because God does not care there will be no cure from him regardless of how many times he is asked by prayer.
Harvard did a study on prayer, it appears god is not listening,google it Abu.
Butylated Hydroxytoluene is showing anti viral properties, it does not kill the virus it reacts with the cell walls of the virus enabing the immune system to recognize the virus and finish it off.
It is still in the research stage yet the results are good.
If God made man perfect then why is there a need for circumcision?
Did he forget to do something?
"God speaking here-
Listen up chaps.. a slight oversight on my part, you all have to cut the ends off your dicks"