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Zionists tells China to Privatize/Deregulate (Read 1127 times)
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Zionists tells China to Privatize/Deregulate
Mar 12th, 2012 at 2:01am

World Bank head Robert Zoellick tells China to Privatize/Deregulate.


(1) World Bank tells China to abandon "state-led capitalism dominated by
giant state-owned corporations"
(2) World Bank head Robert Zoellick tells China to Privatize/Deregulate

(3) China should Privatize state-owned firms - economist Michael Pettis

(1) World Bank tells China to abandon "state-led capitalism dominated by
giant state-owned corporations"

February 22, 2012

China Needs Deep Reform, Says Upcoming Report

China could face an economic crisis unless it implements deep reforms, according to a report by the World Bank and a Chinese government think tank, which urges Beijing to operate its vast state-owned enterprises more like commercial firms.

By Bob Davis

BEIJING—China could face an economic crisis unless it implements deep reforms, according to a report by the World Bank and a Chinese government think tank, which urges Beijing to scale back its vast state-owned enterprises and make them operate more like commercial firms.

The recommendation is contained in "China 2030," a report set to be released Monday, according to a half-dozen individuals involved in preparing and reviewing it.

The report, which addresses some of China's most politically sensitive economic issues, is designed to influence the next generation of Chinese leaders who take office starting this year, these people said. It challenges the way China's economic model has developed during the past decade under President Hu Jintao, when the role of the state in the world's second-largest economy has steadily expanded. Reuters A customer pays for her vegetables at a local market in Shanghai  February 9, 2012.

"China 2030" cautions that China's growth is in danger of decelerating rapidly and without much warning, as has occurred with many high-flying developing countries once they reach a certain income level, a phenomenon that development economists call the "middle-income trap." A sharp slowdown could deepen problems in the banking sector and elsewhere, the report warns, and could prompt a crisis, according to those involved with the project.

It recommends that state-owned firms should be overseen by asset-management firms, say those involved in the report. It also urges China to overhaul local government finances and promote competition and entrepreneurship.

"China's state-owned sector is at a crossroads," said Fred Hu, chief executive of Primavera Capital Group, a Beijing investment firm. The Chinese government must decide "whether it wants state-led capitalism dominated by giant state-owned corporations or free-market entrepreneurship."

Even ahead of its release, the report has generated fierce resistance from bureaucrats who manage state enterprises, according to several individuals involved in the discussions.

China's political heir apparent, Xi Jinping, now vice president, has given few clues about his economic policies. Analysts expect the high-profile report will help to shape discussions among Mr. Xi and his allies about whether to make changes to a state-led economic model that has alarmed Chinese private entrepreneurs and is becoming a source of growing tension between China and its main trading partners, including the U.S.

The report's authors argue that having the imprimatur of the World Bank and the Development Research Center, or DRC—which reports to China's top executive body, the State Council—will add political heft to the proposals. The World Bank is widely admired in Chinese government circles, particularly for its advice in helping China design early market reforms. ...

(2) World Bank head Robert Zoellick tells China to Privatize/Deregulate

China to Be Largest Economy Before 2030: World Bank

Published: Monday, 27 Feb 2012 | 3:43 AM ET

By: Reuters

China must relax its grip on industry and move towards a free-market economy, the World Bank said on Monday in a report that forecast the country would become the world's largest economy before 2030.


Judging China to be near an inflection point in its economic growth, the World Bank called on Beijing and its incoming leaders to overhaul the structure of the world's No. 2 economy to keep income and productivity rising in years ahead.

"As China's leaders know, the country's current growth model is unsustainable," World Bank President Robert Zoellick said in Beijing at the launch of the "China 2030 Report".

"This is not the time just for muddling through. It's time to get ahead of events and to adapt to major changes in the world and national economies."

An executive summary of the 400-plus page report, made public by Zoellick, had six broad recommendations for Beijing: strengthen a market-based economy, foster innovation, go "green", provide social security for all, improve the fiscal system and seek mutually beneficial relations with the world.

Among other specific recommendations, it urged Beijing to commercialize banks and allow interest rates to be set by the financial market, develop its private sector, protect farmers' rights and cut local governments' dependence on land revenues.

The outcome of these changes would produce a China that is more socially stable and equal in wealth distribution, relies less on exports and investment for economic growth, and more on domestic consumption that can be sustained, the Bank said.

"The reforms that launched China on its current growth trajectory were inspired by Deng Xiaoping who played an important role in building consensus for a fundamental shift in the country's strategy," the report said.

"China has reached another turning point in its development path when a second strategic, and no less fundamental, shift is called for."

President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao are scheduled to hand over power to a new leadership in the late autumn, by which time China should be well on course for its slowest full year of growth since they took office a decade ago.

Zoellick acknowledged that the World Bank and Beijing had disagreed over the contents of the report, which is prepared by the Bank and the Development Research Center, a top Chinese think-tank that advises China's cabinet, the State Council.

But Zoellick said the report "stops short of being overly prescriptive", as requested by Chinese authorities, and recognizes that any recommendation needs further discussion within Beijing before they can be implemented.

"The report is realistic. Reforms are not easy. They often generate pushback," he said. "We have tried to recognize obstacles to reforms, suggest sequencing and quick wins, steps that can make reforms easier to implement."

The thrust of the World's Bank latest report is similar to one released by the International Monetary Fund in November that urged Beijing to free up its financial markets to give investors, commercial banks and the central bank more autonomy.

The IMF's recommendations drew rebukes from Beijing, which said some of the ideas were not comprehensive and objective enough.

Dong Tao, an economist at Credit Suisse in Hong Kong, said while the World Bank's recommendations were sensible, it was unlikely that they would all be implemented due to political sensitivities around any form of privatization.

"As an economist, I'm a big fan of market-based economies. But Beijing needs to balance what is economically good with what is politically and socially practical," he said.

(3) China should Privatize state-owned firms - economist Michael Pettis

MICHAEL PETTIS: No One Is Considering The One Option That Could Save China

Gus Lubin | Feb. 29, 2012, 5:33 AM | 610 | 1

Michael Pettis says the World Bank's report on China out this week doesn't go far enough.

Where the World Bank calls for moderate reforms to increase state revenue like increasing dividends paid by SOEs, Pettis says China needs a radical solution—or it faces severe slowdown.

He writes in a newsletter:

What we really need are much more dramatic transfers, for example wholesale selling of assets, with the money used either to clean up bad loans or delivered directly to households. According to the article, however, “neither the World Bank nor the DRC proposed privatizing the state-owned firms, figuring that was politically unacceptable.”

This is the problem. The best solution for China, economically, seems to be off limits because it will be politically difficult. In that case the second best solution, a gradual build-up of government debt as growth slows for many years, is the most likely outcome.

And how much will growth slow? The World Bank report apparently doesn't say, but the consensus has been slowly moving down towards 5-6% annual growth over the next few years. That's better than the crazy numbers of 8-9% most analysts were predicting even two years ago (and some still are), but it is still too high. GDP growth rates will slow a lot more than that. I still maintain that average growth in this decade will barely break 3%. It will take, however, at least another two or three years before a number this low falls within the consensus range.

Continued next ..................
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Re: Zionists tells China to Privatize/Deregulate
Reply #1 - Mar 12th, 2012 at 2:05am


(4) China's state sector is reason its stimulus package more successful
than the West's - economist John Ross

(5) China's post-Mao economic transformation "the greatest economic
achievement in world history" - John Ross

(6) China tightens grip on hot money

(4) China's state sector is reason its stimulus package more successful
than the West's - economist John Ross

05 February 2012

Deng Xiaoping and John Maynard Keynes

John Ross

[...] In the US and Europe budget deficits have been utilised – although they are under increasing attack. Low central bank interest rates have been pursued and some forms of quantitative easing, driving down long term interest rates through central bank purchases of debt, have been used. But no serious programmes of state investment have been launched – let alone Keynes's 'somewhat comprehensive socialisation of investment'.

In China, in contrast, relatively limited budget deficits have been combined with low interest rates, a state owned banking system ('euthanasia of the rentier') and a huge state investment programme. While the West's economic recovery programme has been timid, China has pursued full blooded policies of the type recognisable from Keynes General Theory as well as its own 'socialism with Chinese characteristics.' Why this contrast and why has China's stimulus package
been so much more successful than the West's?

Because in the US and Europe, of course, it is held that the colour of the cat matters very much. Only the private sector coloured cat is good, the state sector coloured cat is bad. Therefore even if the private sector cat is catching insufficient mice, that is the economy is in severe recession, the state sector cat must not be used to catch them. In China both cats have been let lose – and therefore far more mice are caught.

The recession in the Western economies, as foreseen by Keynes, is driven by decline in investment – in most countries decline in fixed investment accounted for two thirds to more than ninety per cent of the GDP fall (Ross, Li, & Xu, 2010). Keynes's calls for not only budget deficits and low interest rates but also for the state to set about 'organising investment' are evidently required. But this is blocked because the state coloured cat is not allowed to catch mice.

To put it another way, the US and Europe insist on participating in a race while hopping on only one leg – the private sector. China is using two legs, so little wonder it is running faster.

To turn from metaphors to economic measures, a large scale state financed house building programme, or large scale expansion of transport, of the type China is following as part of anti-crisis measures not only delivers goods that are valuable in themselves but boosts the economy through macro-economic effects in raising investment. But in the West such state investment is blocked as it creates competition for the private sector. As the top aim in the US and Europe
is not to revive the economy, but to protect the private sector, therefore such large-scale investment must not be undertaken.

It is an irony. Keynes explicitly put forward his theories to save capitalism. But the structure of the US and European economies has made it impossible to implement Keynes's policies even when confronted with the most severe recession since the Great Depression. The anti-crisis measures of China's 'socialist market economy' are far closer to those Keynes foresaw that any capitalist economy. Whereas in the US, for example, fixed investment fell by over twenty five per cent during the financial crisis in China urban fixed investment rose by over thirty per cent. Consequently, there is no mystery why China's economy has grown by 41.4 per cent in the four years since the peak of the last US business
cycle, in the 4th quarter of 2007, while the US economy has grown by 0.7 per cent. ...

(5) China's post-Mao economic transformation "the greatest economic
achievement in world history" - John Ross

John Ross

19 February 2012

China's achievement is literally the greatest in world economic history

Economic development's purpose is to improve the conditions of human beings. Robert Lucas put it eloquently, in frequently quoted words, examining the consequences of different rates of economic growth: 'I do not see how one can look at these figures without seeing them as possibilities. Is there some action a government of India could take that would lead the Indian economy to grow… If so, what, exactly?… The consequences for human welfare involved in questions like these are simply staggering: Once one starts to think about them, it is hard to think about anything else.'

In this framework it should be stated, soberly and with due consideration, that China's economy since 1978 is the greatest economic achievement in world history. This article shows this in the prosaic language of statistics. But of course that is not the real issue. What really counts is the consequences of this for human beings – escape from poverty, improvement in life expectancy, improved health, expanded potential for education, improvement in the position of women, and many other dimensions. Economic statistics, such as GDP per capita, simply underpin this improvement in human conditions.

The scale of China's economic achievement

A problem in assessing the true scale of China's economic achievement is that partial statistics are frequently used to state it. Some of these, for example that China has become the world's second largest economy, or that it has raised 620 million people out of internationally defined poverty, are extremely striking (Quah, 2010). But nevertheless, because they are partial, they do not capture the full scope of what has occurred. Only when systematic data is used does the full magnitude of China's achievement become clear.

Again, even when systematic comparisons are attempted, the scale of China's economic achievement is frequently underestimated because inappropriate measures are used. For example when comparing rates of economic growth, in calculating contributions to economic welfare, it is misleading to take individual countries as the unit of comparison, rather than the proportion of world population affected – rapid economic growth in a small country evidently contributes less to human well being than rapid growth in a large country.

In order to give an initial systematic comparison, therefore, Table 1 shows the percentage of world population affected at the point when sustained rapid growth commenced in major economies. For example the first country to experience sustained rapid economic growth was the UK in the industrial revolution - which was in a country with 2.0 per cent of the world's population. The sustained rapid US economic growth after the Civil War was in a country with 3.3 per cent of the world's population. ...

No other economy starting sustained rapid economic growth even approaches the 22.3 per cent of the world's population in China in 1978 at the beginning of its new economic policies. For comparison Japan's rapid post-World War II growth was in a country with 3.3 per cent of the world's population, and the growth of the four Asian 'Tigers' (Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan) was in economies with only 1.4 per cent of the world's population.

Only India's sustained economic growth after the late 1980s, in a country with 16 per cent of the world's population, even begins to approach China's achievement in scale, but the percentage of the world population affected is still lower than China's, as is India's growth rate. ...

(6) China tightens grip on hot money

By Luo Lan (People's Daily Overseas Edition)

12:39, November 23, 2011

Edited and translated by People's Daily Online

Since the beginning of 2011, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange has used heavy-handed measures to crack down on hot money. Recently, Deng Xinhong, vice director-general of the administration, was interviewed regarding the issue of coping with and cracking down on illegal capital flows, including hot money.

The administration confiscated 260 million yuan of hot money in the first half of 2011.

Question: What achievements has the administration made in 2011 in cracking down on illegal capital flows, including hot money?

Deng: Since the beginning of 2011, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange has been using heavy-handed measures to crack down on hot money and has made remarkable achievements.

In the first half of 2011, the administration investigated and treated nearly 1,900 illegal foreign exchange cases and the money involved totaled more than 16 billion U.S. dollar, up 26 percent and 27 percent, respectively, compared to figures for the same period of 2010.

The administration confiscated 260 million yuan in total administrative penalties in the first half of 2011, and the number for the full year of 2010 was 243 million yuan.

Maximum award to informants: 100,000 yuan

Question: The total amount of illegal capital confiscated by the administration has increased dramatically. What is the main reason for that?

Continued next ......
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Re: Zionists tells China to Privatize/Deregulate
Reply #2 - Mar 12th, 2012 at 2:07am
......Deng: Given complicated domestic and foreign economic situation, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange will continue to combat illegal cross-border capital flows, particularly imposing strong pressure on the inflows of hot money. It will also improve investigation means and step up the crackdown on major cases.


(7) China to continue crackdown on hot money

(8) Japan's Trade Figures: Some Perspective - Eamonn Fingleton

(7) China to continue crackdown on hot money

China to continue crackdown on hot money: SAFE


10:09, November 22, 2011

BEIJING - China's top foreign exchange regulator said on Monday that China will continue to crack down on the influx of hot money as a result of complicated economic conditions at home and abroad.

"Outstanding achievements have been made in the country's campaign against hot money inflows," Deng Xianhong, deputy director of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE), said in a statement on SAFE's website.

SAFE investigated 1,865 cases of foreign exchange irregularities in the first half of this year, involving more than $16 billion in illegal funds, up 26.2 percent and 26.9 percent year-on-year, respectively.

Deng attributed the "outstanding achievements" to the country's investigations into illegal foreign fund inflows, as well as an investigation and supervision system that covers all foreign exchange transactions under both current account and capital account.

He noted that SAFE will continue improving the system while enhancing its monitoring of abnormal foreign capital outflows, adding that SAFE has the ability, means and confidence to win in the battle against illegal foreign fund inflows.

(8) Japan's Trade Figures: Some Perspective - Eamonn Fingleton

Japan's Trade Figures: Some Perspective

Posted on January 26, 2012 by Eamonn Fingleton

As usual the American press missed the real story.

The American press has made much of news that Japan last year recorded a deficit of $32 billion on its visible trade. Supposedly this is the beginning of the end for the Japanese trade engine. Some of us have been around a while and have seen that same story written dozens of times over the years — yet always said trade engine has not only recovered but has gone on to ever greater achievements.

The first thing to note is that the figures are incomplete in a way that crucially distorts the real news — of an extraordinarily strong performance in the face of unprecedented challenges.

The proper way to measure a nation's performance is not by the visible trade balance alone but by the current account, which is the widest and most meaningful measure of a nation's trade. The current account includes financial flows such as interest payments, dividends, insurance premiums, and patent royalties. The balance in such items has been positive for Japan since the 1960s and the net invisible surplus has grown astoundingly in the last two decades. This reflects not only the fact that the underlying economic performance in true invisibles has been strong but because of so-called transfer pricing, which is now rampant in Japanese industry and results in massive understatement of
exports. (In a typical maneuver, goods might be shipped to China via Hong Kong. The goods are exported from Japan at heavily discounted prices and a Hong Kong subsidiary takes a huge profit in selling to China. Such profits constitute hidden export revenues that are not caught in the visible trade numbers. The maneuver makes sense because Japan's corporate tax rate is one of the world's highest.)

As for the numbers as officially presented, the effect of temporary factors is hard to exaggerate: the earthquake, tsunami, power shutdowns, and then late in the year the Thai floods all contributed to severe supply chain disruption that curtailed exports. Meanwhile oil imports have temporarily soared as almost the entire nuclear power industry has been closed for maintenance.

Then there is the “minor” matter of a 1930s-style recession across much of the world, which has drastically cut demand for Japanese exports, particularly capital goods.

For me the Wall Street Journal's coverage was particularly notable as an exercise in spin and double-think. Not only did the Journal not make any mention of transfer pricing but it did not refer to the fact that the current account figures, due in a few days, will show a strong surplus — a truly remarkable performance given the circumstances of 2011.

The Journal only covers Japanese trade figures when they are bad. (The $196 billion current account surplus of 2010, announced this time last year, did not merit a single sentence in the Journal.) By the same token when it comes to reporting America's trade performance, the Journal thinks the numbers count only when they are good.

Another inconsistency is that while huge U.S. trade deficits are dismissed as not important or are even presented as evidence of the “strength of the American economy,” bad Japanese numbers — however obviously fleeting — are given big play as a “historic” turn towards economic decline.

I have a modest request for the Journal: when the current account figures come out, please give them at least as much attention as you have given the visible figures.

Peter Myers
381 Goodwood Rd
Childers Qld 4660
ph. in Australia: 07 41262296
from overseas: +61 7 41262296
Skype Name: petermyersaus . Or search for Peter Gerard Myers

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The Victors write the History But echoes of truth remain. Those who muffle echoes fear the truth
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Ex Dame Pansi
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Re: Zionists tells China to Privatize/Deregulate
Reply #3 - Mar 12th, 2012 at 6:38am
China has always done what China wants to do. I hope they laugh in their face. It's China's turn to be the world power-force. The evil Zionists and the west have had their turn, it's over for them.

The rise of the east. Bring it on!
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"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace." Hendrix
andrei said: Great isn't it? Seeing boatloads of what is nothing more than human garbage turn up.....
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Re: Zionists tells China to Privatize/Deregulate
Reply #4 - Mar 14th, 2012 at 8:36pm
Ex Dame Pansi wrote on Mar 12th, 2012 at 6:38am:
China has always done what China wants to do. I hope they laugh in their face. It's China's turn to be the world power-force. The evil Zionists and the west have had their turn, it's over for them.

The rise of the east. Bring it on!

Strong state owned corporations good. State controlled sale of body parts harvested from executed prisoners...not very good at all. Our racists bad, their racists bloody awful. I'd sooner we reform our social structure than adopt (or have imposed) China's.

But very good thread Jan.
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Re: Zionists tells China to Privatize/Deregulate
Reply #5 - Mar 19th, 2012 at 6:17pm
Doesn't China own everyones business districts!??!

  Shocked Shocked  Roll Eyes
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*Sure....they're anti competitive as any subsidised job is.  It wouldn't be there without the tax payer.  Very damned difficult for a brainwashed collectivist to understand that I know....  (swaggy) *
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Re: Zionists tells China to Privatize/Deregulate
Reply #6 - Mar 19th, 2012 at 10:06pm
Jan wrote on Mar 12th, 2012 at 2:07am:
Peter Myers
381 Goodwood Rd
Childers Qld 4660
ph. in Australia: 07 41262296
from overseas: +61 7 41262296
Skype Name: petermyersaus . Or search for Peter Gerard Myers

Are YOU Peter ("Jan") Myers??


Neither Aryan Nor Jew This site is for serious researchers of the "higher tribalism" (Aryanism, Zionism, Nihonism etc), Globalization and World Government. I cannot support those who deny the common humanity of the different peoples, or who oppose intermarriage between them. Freedom for the Rich is Slavery for the Poor. World Government affects everyone - everyone therefore needs to know about it.

Peter Myers. This website was created in Canberra, Australia. Ring me at +61 7 41262296 but not in the middle of the night - I am 10 hours ahead of London (GMT). This index page revised September 11, 2010. Webpages on the website are individually dated. Bold emphasis added to all files unless stated otherwise. Write to me at contact.html.

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Nutty AND cheap as squirrel sh!t, no?

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Re: Zionists tells China to Privatize/Deregulate
Reply #7 - Mar 20th, 2012 at 7:27am
Ex Dame Pansi wrote on Mar 12th, 2012 at 6:38am:
China has always done what China wants to do. I hope they laugh in their face. It's China's turn to be the world power-force. The evil Zionists and the west have had their turn, it's over for them.

The rise of the east. Bring it on!

As if we were ever going to get a better deal from the Communists.
Your dreaming.
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"Another boat, another policy failure from the Howard government"

Julia Gillard
Shadow Health Minister
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