None of the cases you mentioned involve proper sharia courts. Rather vigilante courts that run by village idiots.
Saudi Arabia has sharia courts. Let's see how Saudi Arabia deals with rapists:
Saudi beheads three men for rape
Two Chadians and one Saudi man were publicly beheaded in Saudi Arabia on Monday, following a guilty verdict in a particularly gruesome rape.
Australia has no sharia courts, Adrian Bayley was free to rape and kill Jill Meagher despite previously having already raped 8 women. Already jailed twice for rape - only 2 years the first time. Australia's rape laws are no deterrents for these diseased animals.
Adrian Bayley to be sentenced over rape and murder of Jill Meagher
In a pre-sentencing hearing last week, the prosecution revealed Bayley's long history of violent attacks on women, spanning more than 20 years.
Quote:Key points
*Adrian Bayley has pleaded guilty to killing Jill Meagher last year.
*He will be sentenced today in the Victorian Supreme Court.
*The prosecution has called for him to be jailed for life.
*The defence says he should be given a non-parole term so he has hope of release.
*In a pre-sentencing hearing last week, Bayley's violent past was revealed.
*He has served a total of 11 years in prison for the rape and attempted rape of eight women
Bayley was on parole when he raped and murdered Ms Meagher in 2012.The case has highlighted failings by the Victorian Parole Board.
It also revealed he has previously bluffed his way through prison rehabilitation courses.
Bayley was also on parole when he snatched Ms Meagher off Sydney Road in Brunswick as she tried to make a five-minute walk home after a night out with friends.
The fact his parole was not revoked after Bayley admitted to bashing a man unconscious, leaving him free to walk the streets of Melbourne, has highlighted failings by the Victorian Parole Board to monitor sex offenders on parole...
Bayley told police 'they should never have let me out'
During a 10-hour police interview, Bayley gave a candid assessment of the high risk he posed to women after admitting he strangled Ms Meagher and then dumped her body in Gisborne South, 50 kilometres north of Victoria.
"I'm going to jail for a long time... I hope they bring back the death penalty before I get sentenced. I have no life left," Bayley told detectives.
"They should have the death penalty for people like me.
"How many chances does a person need? They should never have let me out."Earlier this year, the Victorian Government admitted existing parole laws had failed and tougher measures were needed.
Yes Australia needs sharia.