Senate set to vote on mining tax bills
March 18, 2012
The federal government is confident its $11 billion mining tax will be passed by the Senate this week.
Federal parliament resumes on Monday for its final setting week ahead of the 2012/13 budget being handed down on May 8.
The Labor government is expected to see an early victory, when debate on its mining bills concludes and Senators gather to vote on the legislation on Monday.
Treasurer Wayne Swan said on Sunday the 30 per cent tax on coal and iron ore profits will help spread the benefits of the mining boom across the economy, deliver tax breaks and tax cuts for business and increase the nation's superannuation savings.
"This critical economic reform will help our nation lock on the benefits of the mining boom," he said in his weekly economic note.
Mr Swan, together with financial services and superannuation minister Bill Shorten, on Sunday launched a new government website that allows Australians to see how their super will increase once minerals resource rent tax (MRRT) comes into force.
Under the plan, the superannuation guarantee will from July 1 next year rise in increments to 12 per cent over the next eight years to 2019/20, from a current nine per cent.
Mr Swan said the change will increase the nation's savings pool by $500 billion by 2035.
"A large proportion of this will get channelled back into our economy through investments," he said.
During debate in the Senate last week, Liberal MPs, particularly those from the mining boom state of Western Australia argued fiercely against the tax, which Opposition Leader Tony Abbott plans to ditch if the coalition wins government.
WA Liberal senator Michaelia Cash said the MRRT would risk prosperity.
"This tax is economic vandalism and it is economic lunacy," she said.
Mr Swan on Sunday denied the tax would put a brake on mining activity.
"Mining companies are continuing to ramp up production in the full knowledge that the MRRT will apply," he said.
The MRRT bills are expected to pass with the support of the Greens, allowing the tax to come into force on July 1 this year.
While the Senate will be tied up with the mining tax when parliament resumes on Monday, the lower house will deal with road safety legislation to stop dangerous work practices in the trucking industry and corporate law amendments dealing with financial advice.
Ms Gillard is also expected to lead a condolence motion for Margaret Whitlam - wife of former Labor prime minister Gough Whitlam - who died in Sydney on Saturday, aged 92.
© 2012 AAP