there is no master slave system you accuse here
only love forgiveness compassion that you refuse
to absorb or gift unto another being through your ego
master sha teaches this yes one among many
yet one such as you are refuses to heed through ego
and your self importance through fear in which you
continue to hold close as you project inferiority complex
and attempt to decipher your predicament ....
so you remain confused of your own freewill
this is ok and cool yet further
master sha and many other masters have reached
a profound understanding of a certain discipline
regarding philosophy science wisdom quantum fact ...
grand master of t'ai chi - qi gong and I ching
however you believe you know more with ego
in which you remain confused by your own freewill
in thinking there must be slaves if there is masters about
such fear is clouding your judgement and holding
you back in lament of self importance
with a foundation of inadequacy and reluctance
to forgive for you think this is exterior to yourself
this is observed and forgiven by one such as I am
for your salvation and forgiveness resides within
and not with an external god or deity
many blessings unto thee beloved chimp
forgive yourself that you have gone through it
yogi bhajan
- : ) =