Lord Buddha: Witnessing the Truth - May 14, 2014
http://www.omna.org/Latest_Free_Weekly_Message.htmlWitnessing the Truth by Lord Buddha
Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 14th May 2014- www.omna.org
It is with the blessings of truth I come forth to share with you in this time of great celebration and
significant. Please know I am with you now at this time transmitting so much wisdom, consciousness
and love through my essence into the Earth and your being. Let us unite and embrace in the
vibration of oneness and happiness as we realise the Creator wholeheartedly.
At this time I am bringing forth three new vibrations of light through my being to aid ascension and
awakening once more. The first vibration of light and consciousness is focused upon enhancing your
sensitivity and awareness, the energy is of a golden violet light with the purpose of dissolving many
illusions that block or hinder your inner sight, inner guidance, sensitivity as well as spiritual
awareness and appreciation. The golden violet light flowing through my essence from the Creator
into your being is deeply cleansing and purifying encouraging your sensitivity and senses to your
spiritual divine being to be awakened. As your channels of energy are cleansed encouraging a
growing and enhancing experience of heightened awareness the purpose of this vibration and
download of energy is to encourage you to be a witness, observer and spectator as well as being
able to perceive the truth of the Creator.
‘Beloved Lord Buddha I call upon your energy, consciousness, love and support. I ask my soul to
assist my complete alignment to your current emanation and the down pour of appropriate
vibrations. Let me receive with ease and perfection the golden violet light pouring throughout my
entire being. With this light I ask to be cleansed and purified to encourage and enhance my
sensitivity, senses, inner sight, inner guidance, spiritual awareness and appreciation. As all
blockages and hindrance are dissolved from my being, mind, emotions and perspectives I allow
myself to be a deeply loving and alert witness to my own spiritual growth, the awakening of others, to
love, ascension, healing and all that is the Creator. I am a witness of truth. It is now so.’
Let yourself breathe in the golden violet light into your entire being, especially imagine the light
pouring into your cells and a deep awakening of awareness from your soul emerging as the
conscious awareness and alertness of your soul steps forth to be experienced. The awareness of
your soul can be likened to being able to hear, see and sense every aspect of the universe in
pristine detail.
The second energetic vibration I bring forth through my being at this time is of a golden green colour
and is focused upon refreshing the truth of the Creator within and upon the Earth. The luscious green
light of so many diverse shades symbolises a renewal in the truth of the Creator and a new
heightened vibration and consciousness of truth coming forth dawning within the beings of all. The
truth of the Creator has always been present within your being but these golden green vibrations
allow you to see the truth with new eyes, greater recognition and deeper understanding or
knowingness, while bringing forth the vibrations and consciousness of truth appropriate for this
current age of ascension. With the golden violet purification vibrations your sensitivity and ability to
witness the truth will be enhanced while the golden green energy will allow for the realisation and
processing of truth as well as bringing new truth to the surface, this enables a deepening of divine
consciousness within your being and a witnessing of truth.
‘Beloved Lord Buddha I call upon your energy, consciousness, love and support. I ask my soul to
assist my complete alignment to your current emanation and the down pour of appropriate
vibrations. Let me receive with ease and perfection the golden green light pouring throughout my
entire being. With this light I ask to be supported in recognising, knowing and understanding the truth
of the Creator with greater depth. Support me in absorbing and embodying new vibrations of truth
from the Creator which may flow through my soul, Lord Buddha or any other expression of the
Creator. Let me embody the truth of the Creator as I open myself up to new vibrations of truth
awakening and surfacing now. I am a witness of truth. It is now so.’
As you breathe the golden green light into your being, let the green light gather at your heart space
with the golden light encasing it. Encourage the same to occur within each chakra. Let the attention
of your mind into the green light within your heart space and say in your mind as many times as you
wish, ‘ I am the witness of truth, I acknowledge the new Creator truth vibrations awakening.’ Then sit
and imagine, sense or acknowledge the new truth of the Creator vibrating and pulsating within the
green light. Take time to observe and be with the energy.