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Meditation (Read 215483 times)
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Christ Light

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Re: Meditation
Reply #330 - May 17th, 2014 at 10:37pm

Lord Buddha: Witnessing the Truth - May 14, 2014

Witnessing the Truth by Lord Buddha
Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 14th May 2014-
It is with the blessings of truth I come forth to share with you in this time of great celebration and
significant. Please know I am with you now at this time transmitting so much wisdom, consciousness
and love through my essence into the Earth and your being. Let us unite and embrace in the
vibration of oneness and happiness as we realise the Creator wholeheartedly.
At this time I am bringing forth three new vibrations of light through my being to aid ascension and
awakening once more. The first vibration of light and consciousness is focused upon enhancing your
sensitivity and awareness, the energy is of a golden violet light with the purpose of dissolving many
illusions that block or hinder your inner sight, inner guidance, sensitivity as well as spiritual
awareness and appreciation. The golden violet light flowing through my essence from the Creator
into your being is deeply cleansing and purifying encouraging your sensitivity and senses to your
spiritual divine being to be awakened. As your channels of energy are cleansed encouraging a
growing and enhancing experience of heightened awareness the purpose of this vibration and
download of energy is to encourage you to be a witness, observer and spectator as well as being
able to perceive the truth of the Creator.
‘Beloved Lord Buddha I call upon your energy, consciousness, love and support. I ask my soul to
assist my complete alignment to your current emanation and the down pour of appropriate
vibrations. Let me receive with ease and perfection the golden violet light pouring throughout my
entire being. With this light I ask to be cleansed and purified to encourage and enhance my
sensitivity, senses, inner sight, inner guidance, spiritual awareness and appreciation.  As all
blockages and hindrance are dissolved from my being, mind, emotions and perspectives I allow
myself to be a deeply loving and alert witness to my own spiritual growth, the awakening of others, to
love, ascension, healing and all that is the Creator. I am a witness of truth. It is now so.’
Let yourself breathe in the golden violet light into your entire being, especially imagine the light
pouring into your cells and a deep awakening of awareness from your soul emerging as the
conscious awareness and alertness of your soul steps forth to be experienced.  The awareness of
your soul can be likened to being able to hear, see and sense every aspect of the universe in
pristine detail.
The second energetic vibration I bring forth through my being at this time is of a golden green colour
and is focused upon refreshing the truth of the Creator within and upon the Earth. The luscious green
light of so many diverse shades symbolises a renewal in the truth of the Creator and a new
heightened vibration and consciousness of truth coming forth dawning within the beings of all. The
truth of the Creator has always been present within your being but these golden green vibrations
allow you to see the truth with new eyes, greater recognition and deeper understanding or
knowingness, while bringing forth the vibrations and consciousness of truth appropriate for this
current age of ascension.  With the golden violet purification vibrations your sensitivity and ability to
witness the truth will be enhanced while the golden green energy will allow for the realisation and
processing of truth as well as bringing new truth to the surface, this enables a deepening of divine
consciousness within your being and a witnessing of truth.
‘Beloved Lord Buddha I call upon your energy, consciousness, love and support. I ask my soul to
assist my complete alignment to your current emanation and the down pour of appropriate
vibrations. Let me receive with ease and perfection the golden green light pouring throughout my
entire being. With this light I ask to be supported in recognising, knowing and understanding the truth
of the Creator with greater depth. Support me in absorbing and embodying new vibrations of truth
from the Creator which may flow through my soul, Lord Buddha or any other expression of the
Creator. Let me embody the truth of the Creator as I open myself up to new vibrations of truth
awakening and surfacing now. I am a witness of truth. It is now so.’
As you breathe the golden green light into your being, let the green light gather at your heart space
with the golden light encasing it. Encourage the same to occur within each chakra. Let the attention
of your mind into the green light within your heart space and say in your mind as many times as you
wish, ‘ I am the witness of truth, I acknowledge the new Creator truth vibrations awakening.’  Then sit
and imagine, sense or acknowledge the new truth of the Creator vibrating and pulsating within the
green light. Take time to observe and be with the energy.
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Christ Light

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The Pyramid of LIGHT
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Re: Meditation
Reply #331 - May 17th, 2014 at 10:37pm
The third vibration and focus of light emanating throughout my being and pouring into the Earth is of
a golden red light symbolising the embodiment of the essence of truth from the Creator and the
essence of witnessing from the Creator. While the two previous energies hold the consciousness of
witnessing and truth this third light vibration holds the complete embodiment, symbolising that you
are the loving witness and observer of the Creator as well as the abundant truth of the Creator. Both
the loving witness and abundant truth are akin to lessons and initiations to lead to enlightenment,
inner forgiveness for separation and unity with the love of the Creator. Not only are they aspects of
your soul but they are also teachings for enlightenment and denote a complete and whole
acceptance of the Creator as a perspective but also as an experience within your being.
‘Beloved Lord Buddha I call upon your energy, consciousness, love and support. I ask my soul to
assist my complete alignment to your current emanation and the down pour of appropriate
vibrations. Let me receive with ease and perfection the golden red light pouring throughout my entire
being. I am a witness of truth. It is now so.’
As the light flows through and over your being let yourself repeat as a mantra for a good period of
time such as ten minutes, ‘I am the loving witness and abundant truth of the Creator.’ Let this be your
focus as you feel, sense or acknowledge yourself fully moving into embodiment.
It is advisable to connect with all three vibrations in one sitting of meditation to fully benefit and
experience the energies.
To be a witness of the Creator is to be detached, to observe and to perceive. I am not asking you to
witness that which is outside of you but to take time to focus throughout your day on witnessing that
which is the Creator within you, its essence, presence, wisdom and consciousness, even its
expression and projection. The truth of the Creator is within your being constantly arising and
surfacing to be acknowledged, it is ever changing and ever growing and yet it is an expression of
your soul that your entire being resonates with eternally. When you allow yourself to witness your truth
you are encouraging yourself to glimpse the Creator and then fully lock your gaze upon the Creator
with a loving observation that is free from judgments, opinions or any restricting perceptions. It is to
observe in a state of peace and love; this encourages the greater rising and recognition of the
Creator’s truth within your being.
At this time of deep earth shifting changes I ask you to take time to contemplate yourself as a loving
witness of the abundant truth of the Creator. Let this be your purpose and embodiment as it will
support you in navigating your way to enlightenment and a unity with and as the Creator upon the
I am the loving witness and abundant truth of the Creator and this is why I am present with you now,
because you are the same and we are a mirror and there is only truth to be witnessed.
Lord Buddha
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Opinionated Sod

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Re: Meditation
Reply #332 - May 18th, 2014 at 1:21am
  I don't know if what I do is what you'd call meditation but it started out as that, sort of.

      Back in my teens, 40 odd years ago, I had anger problems, leading to violence. I was no fool, I hope, and sought counseling etc, hypno, anything that seemed like it might help. Nothing did, until I got referred by a friend to a course in Transcendental Meditation.
    I didn't really understand the half of it but I gradually found a way to turn my awareness inwards and onto some other plane, sort of. It helped, and I finally overcame my problems by using it, to the point where my kids say.."You can tell when Dad is angry, he goes like an iceberg, frozen solid and immovable".
    I still do that whenever I'm stressed or down, and it still helps, even when my physical pain becomes excessive, it sort of numbs it somehow, to a degree.
    Bu**ered if I know why or how, but I'm a simple bloke and am satisfied with "works for me", empirical evidence is all I need or want, I don't need to understand it.  Cool
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Any day with a smile in it is a good day
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Christ Light

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Re: Meditation
Reply #333 - May 18th, 2014 at 7:33am
I don't know if what I do is what you'd call meditation but it started out as that, sort of.

      Back in my teens, 40 odd years ago, I had anger problems, leading to violence. I was no fool, I hope, and sought counseling etc, hypno, anything that seemed like it might help. Nothing did, until I got referred by a friend to a course in Transcendental Meditation.

many blessings

one such as I am is excited

to hear of your experience , and as such

this is the ontopic thread to write upon

such things of a healing nature , consequently

you are encouraged to share your

revelations here as you may help others

whom tread the path in where

you once were ... yet

you are healed ,

there is no benefit in hiding your light

under a bushel



- : ) =

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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
it_is_the_light it_is_the_light Christ+Light Christ+Light  
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Christ Light

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The Pyramid of LIGHT
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Re: Meditation
Reply #334 - May 19th, 2014 at 8:24pm

Accessing Your Matrix With Palm Chakra Activation

Published on May 18, 2014
Brad Johnson teaches you how to activate your palm chakras so that you can access your matrix (akashic records/universal mind) through a target line and connection symbol.
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
it_is_the_light it_is_the_light Christ+Light Christ+Light  
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Christ Light

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The Pyramid of LIGHT
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Re: Meditation
Reply #335 - May 20th, 2014 at 7:19pm

Channeling Loopholes to Avoid

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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
it_is_the_light it_is_the_light Christ+Light Christ+Light  
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Christ Light

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The Pyramid of LIGHT
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Re: Meditation
Reply #336 - May 23rd, 2014 at 1:17am
All things are made of the same particles
that in their totality
is rightly called God.

You are individual particles
formed and united for a common purpose.

Men are named
and give names to forms
for discourse.

When you do not name things
when you acknowledge that all things are made of the same particles as you
you will feel the oneness of God.

You are an individual awareness
conscious of God’s many parts
in singularity.

When you think you are separate from God
it is God thinking himself you
which creates individuality.

When God stops thinking it is you
what is there besides God?

Life as we know it
is God individualized
playing all parts.

When God wakes up inside you
it is God recognizing and reclaiming its oneness.

With this understanding
you know
God is all things,
all things are God,
God is all there is.

In the mean time,
enjoy your uniqueness,
as does God.

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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
it_is_the_light it_is_the_light Christ+Light Christ+Light  
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Christ Light

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The Pyramid of LIGHT
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Re: Meditation
Reply #337 - May 27th, 2014 at 6:29am

ॐ Deva Premal & The Gyuto Monks Of Tibet ॐ Tibetan Mantras For Turbulent Times ॐ

start at 21 : 00 mantra mantra mantra *

love and light


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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
it_is_the_light it_is_the_light Christ+Light Christ+Light  
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Christ Light

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The Pyramid of LIGHT
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Re: Meditation
Reply #338 - May 30th, 2014 at 9:53pm

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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Christ Light

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Re: Meditation
Reply #339 - Jul 29th, 2014 at 1:44pm

Guided Meditation, Connecting to Your Self and All of Creation

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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Christ Light

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Re: Meditation
Reply #340 - Jul 30th, 2014 at 1:11pm



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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
it_is_the_light it_is_the_light Christ+Light Christ+Light  
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Christ Light

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The Pyramid of LIGHT
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Re: Meditation
Reply #341 - Sep 22nd, 2014 at 6:17pm
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
it_is_the_light it_is_the_light Christ+Light Christ+Light  
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Christ Light

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The Pyramid of LIGHT
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Re: Meditation
Reply #342 - Oct 3rd, 2014 at 7:30pm

start at 8 mins


- : ) =
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
it_is_the_light it_is_the_light Christ+Light Christ+Light  
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Re: Meditation
Reply #343 - Oct 5th, 2014 at 12:03am
When I first encountered the word 'meditation', the accompanying text said it is common for beginners to see frightening, alarming things, but to ignore these and eventually they'll cease to be a problem

As result, I kept away from meditation.  I did not want to see frightening things and suspected I might, considering I'd had a number of unsolicited paranormal/supernatural experiences

After many years, I read a book about Huna and around the same time began reading a book about negative suggestions which almost everyone harbours within the subconscious - many of which are self-defeating.  A means of ridding oneself of negative emotions was suggested and required establishing contact with one's subconscious (which, correctly or not, I regard more as super-consciousness).  A preliminary to establishing contact with one's sub/super-consciousness was suggested; that of simple breath control gained by equally simple breathing exercises.  Can't remember the sequence, but it was 'breathe in for a count of X - hold breath for count of X - release breath to count of X'

For several days - maybe even a couple of weeks - I did the breathing exercises until they became quite easy.  At around that point, I didn't need to concentrate on counting the breaths as earnestly as initially, leaving my mind free to think.  Rather than waste that state of mind, it seemed a good idea to focus on doing something useful.  Which is when it occurred to me to incorporate a bit of the Huna element

So, with the breathing going nicely and my mind relaxed and calm, I 'beamed out' goodwill pretty much at random.  I had no expectations of anything occurring and was working my way toward establishing communication sometime later with my sub-super-consciousness, as per the books I was dipping into

I was vacuuming.  Some odd things have happened when I've been vacuuming and this was another.  Very possibly the monotonous drone of the motor combined with rhythmic motions induces an altered state.  It seems to have that effect with me, anyway

During the vacuuming, odd black and white shapes appeared on the screen of my mind.  Finished vacuuming, didn't give the shapes another thought

Next day, vacuuming again and again the shapes, although this time there were a little more distinct.  They were angular and black and white - similar to bits or torn newspaper

As the days passed, while vacuuming, the shapes began to morph.  They went from bits of black and white newspaper in appearance to more defined pieces, similar to pieces of a jig-saw puzzle falling down from above

Once I'd finished the vacuuming, I didn't think any more about it - at least not during the first several days

The bits of jig-saw began to join together.  They turned sepia type shades.  They began to form a picture.  The picture became clearer.  Bits of movement within the picture began to occur.  Then snatches of sound.  All this took place while vacuuming daily, over a period of several weeks

While initially I hadn't thought about (or may be it was that I didn't remember) these events after I'd ceased vacuuming for the day, after a while I did remember afterwards what was occurring.  It concerned me and I wondered if I was going crazy

The picture I saw when vacuuming eventually became one of natural colour.  And it seemed I was looking through a window of kinds into people's lives.  By now I was quite worried and confided to a friend about what I was experiencing.  It was the friend's opinion that I was not crazy, nor going crazy

The people in the 'picture' argued, laughed, made love, talked, etc.  It made me very uncomfortable and I felt like a spy or fly on the wall.  It was an invasion of their privacy, despite I did not see their faces or know their identity. Why was it happening?  What was the meaning of it ?  The fact it was brought about by the mundane task of daily vacuuming was the least weird of all.  It didn't occur to me to cease daily vacuuming.  But afterwards, I'd go to work and live a normal day

Then, one morning I awakened to find myself sad with my eyes filled with tears.  I hurried to shower and make a start on the day, but a heaviness filled my mind.  It was shortly after awakening that I had to accept what my mind knew and which had been forced upon me in a dream while I slept

The information forced upon me was the identity of the two people who'd emerged, piece by piece, during the vacuuming sessions.  It was hard to take.  I must have been running from the knowledge for several days prior to the dream

Learning the identity of the two people brought with it a painful sense of betrayal.  They'd betrayed me.  I'd trusted them

Then something else unusual occurred.  While I was struggling with the sense of betrayal, it seemed I was not alone.  It's an odd sensation.  There seemed to be a presence very close to me.  It was an older female and felt comforting, as if I had a very kind and invisible friend who was in a way taking some of the pain away and helping me view the situation with the head rather than the heart

Although it felt as if I were thinking - as if the thoughts were products of my own mind - I had the distinct impression that the older female was giving me advice

The advice suggested I had the choice between reacting emotionally to the sense of betrayal and doing something to prevent the two people from the images from proceeding with their relationship - or stepping aside and letting them make their own decisions
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Australian Politics

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Re: Meditation
Reply #344 - Oct 5th, 2014 at 12:52am
Continued from previous post

Normally, I would have intervened.  I would have simply reacted emotionally

I knew if I did interfere, I would most likely be successful in preventing what I'd seen in the 'vacuum-state visions' from occurring.  And I wanted to prevent it.  I wanted the hurt and sense of betrayal to stop

The older female presence seemed to impart an emotional maturity which was missing from my nature.  It was like experiencing a new taste or new scent and although I was sad, it made me feel a bit proud of myself when I knew I had to step back, back away, and allow the two people in the visions to do what they wanted without any interference from me

The female presence gently left after that and I knew I was going to be hurt and would just have to deal with it

I knew for some reason that what I'd seen in the visions was in the future - was precognitive.  This provided a way of showing people that the future is predetermined

Accordingly, I contacted people connected with the two people I'd seen in the visions and asked them to note the date and what I had to relate. I then said that the two people - X and Y - would live together and engage in an intimate relationship

Those I contacted were dismissive and said I knew as well as they that X and Y loathed each other and would never engage in a relationship.  In any case, I was told, X had gone to the US and would be there for two years and Y had lived for almost two decades outside of Australia.  What I was suggesting would not occur for any number of reasons, I was told.  In response I asked again that they merely note the date and a quick summary of what I'd related.  People weren't very nice to me - were sharp-tempered and dismissive and ended our conversation abruptly

Several months went by and none of those whom I'd contacted with my request got in touch.  I didn't want to bother them by phoning, although it was difficult not to do so under some pretext or other.  But I was resolute - what would happen would happen and I would not interfere or question anyone about what was happening

After several months, one of those I'd contacted phoned to discuss a family matter.  In the ensuing conversation, they inadvertently revealed that X and Y had both returned from overseas to Australia unexpectedly.  Equally unexpectedly, they'd both gone to a certain town, where they had bumped into each other.  And this had led to their sharing a house and commencing a relationship

I could tell by the person's voice that they immediately regretted revealing that information.  They tried to bluster past it and I didn't embarrass them by making a deal of it.  Doubtless they were afraid I'd get emotional upon learning the information.  There was an awkward pause.  Then I asked if they'd done as I requested several months earlier and noted the date upon which I'd told them - in advance - precisely what they'd just revealed re: X and Y ?

That caused the caller to go silent.  They were uncomfortable with this evidence of precognition - I could hear it in their voice.  It emerged as impatience, irritation.  They couldn't dispute I'd told them in advance that X and Y would live together and engage in an intimate relationship, but they were not happy to have been presented with clear evidence of precognition, even though as a rule, the individual in question was very kind and easy-going

The situation was repeated with another of those I'd called and asked to note the date and information about X and Y. People are not at all happy to be shown that the future is decided in advance.  I don't blame them.  But it is as it is

In time, I learned of the unusual events which brought both X and Y back to Australia, culminating in their embarking on an intimate relationship despite they'd always had a very low opinion of each other

Their relationship didn't last long, apparently.  The feelings of hurt and betrayal I'd experienced as result of learning what the future held via the gradual build-up of information supplied while vacuuming - dissipated.  I was left feeling wiser, more mature and privileged at having experienced the presence of the older female advisor

There was a little postscript several years later.  Via a serendipitous series of events, I received from overseas some vintage family photographs.  One was of an uncle who'd been killed in WW2.  I'd never seen it before, but as I held it (and it was mid-afternoon in the middle of the living-room) I suddenly found myself in a darkened church.  Candles were burning and a woman was clutching the photo of my dead uncle and praying fervently for his survival.  I was in that church, could smell it and see those candles splutter.  The woman praying felt like the same older female presence who'd advised me during the vacuum-visions pain

A year or two later, I was shown another photo, this time of my dead-uncle's grave in France, taken in the early 1950s.  Standing at the grave-side were two women.  I was told that one was my grandmother and the other her sister.  The photos I'd been sent previously, including the one of my dead uncle which had caused me to find myself in a church I'd never visited, had belonged to my grandmother's sister, I was informed.  I was told that she had never married or had children and my dead uncle had been like a son to her.  I believe she was praying over him in that church. I felt her pain and sadness

Haven't meditated since. But will one day
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« Last Edit: Oct 5th, 2014 at 1:12am by PZ547 »  

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