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Meditation (Read 215462 times)


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Re: Meditation
Reply #345 - Oct 5th, 2014 at 1:05am

Thank you PZ.
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Re: Meditation
Reply #346 - Oct 5th, 2014 at 1:09am
Sprintcyclist wrote on Oct 5th, 2014 at 1:05am:
Thank you PZ.

Thank you in return.  It's always embarrassing posting things like that.  I've been sitting here wondering if I should delete it before anyone sees it.  For some reason, I always feel guilty or something similar to guilt when stepping outside the 'forum character' and exposing myself

Oh well, done now

Very nice of you -- thank you
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Re: Meditation
Reply #347 - Oct 5th, 2014 at 5:42am
PZ547 wrote on Oct 5th, 2014 at 1:09am:
Sprintcyclist wrote on Oct 5th, 2014 at 1:05am:
Thank you PZ.

Thank you in return.  It's always embarrassing posting things like that.  I've been sitting here wondering if I should delete it before anyone sees it.  For some reason, I always feel guilty or something similar to guilt when stepping outside the 'forum character' and exposing myself

Oh well, done now

Very nice of you -- thank you

many blessings PZ , and so

your tough as nails exterior has been removed

for a brief moment ,mayhaps by your own hand ?

or another maternal loving hand which is always around you ... _/l\_

so that you may share these profound experiences

in this life you inhabit .. and so , beloved one

you are most welcomed and encouraged to share

further experiences of your divine gifts which may seem unto you

that it is not ' normal 'not ' rational ' , yet it is most rational and normal

as you do reside within your skin suit / physical body as an immortal and omni present ' soul ' if you will ,

with so many divine gifts and treasures within you now you do observe that was ,is and in all ways will be

a part of whom you are in truth ..

you are a divine being whom is dearly loved

your tough internet persona is not tarnished

yet ones such as spinty and I am remains grateful

for the selfless transmission of your episodes

and for your loving presence upon this biosphere

crank up the vacuum / or any binaral beat meditation in close proximity to the vacuum ViBrATiOn

looky here ..

these are divine gifts you chose to bring with you here to this beloved planet

you remain a divine and ancient soul

you may do with these divine gifts

as you do so choose

then be it


- : ) =

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« Last Edit: Oct 5th, 2014 at 6:15am by it_is_the_light »  

ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
it_is_the_light it_is_the_light Christ+Light Christ+Light  
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Re: Meditation
Reply #348 - Oct 5th, 2014 at 7:26am
Thank you in return.  It's always embarrassing posting things like that.  I've been sitting here wondering if I should delete it before anyone sees it.  For some reason, I always feel guilty or something similar to guilt when stepping outside the 'forum character' and exposing myself

many blessings

that was before and this is now .

there is no need or expectation that one should self depreciate or diagnose lack or fault

with your loving intent to share data applicable to this thread in that it most certainly is meditation yes

and that which is attainable by loving beings in whom you are ..

that time has passed that you should keep it secret

keep it safe from the dark that may have detected one such as you are yet


and as it happens to be in this now moment

you are free to pursue that which you came to do and be

and so it is you have been activated as one such as I am

in humility and grace

validates your paradox here and now

once this is known and validated

it may be difficult to un~know such a thing ..

does this comfort you ?

im interested with forgiveness

and so very much love


~ : ) =
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« Last Edit: Oct 5th, 2014 at 7:33am by it_is_the_light »  

ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
it_is_the_light it_is_the_light Christ+Light Christ+Light  
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Re: Meditation
Reply #349 - Oct 5th, 2014 at 11:44am
many blessings

another global meditation for all to assist within

Channeled by Aisha North

October 4, 2014

Dear family of light!

Once again the energies seem to have to amplified considerably over the last couple of days, just in time for our monthly Gathering around the Pond. For tomorrow at 21:00 Oslo time we have the opportunity to come together as a collective for another one of our powerful group meditations, and this is what the CCs have to say about it:

“By now everything has accelerated to such a degree, we gather that many of you will feel hard pressed to keep track of it all, and even more so of the continuation of time. For now, you will all feel the shifts happening on such a vast scale, the time in itself will constitute a great part of these changes. Be that as it may, the time has once again rolled around another circle, and you are once again at a juncture in your lives that you have designated for another one of those get-togethers that serve to serve you all in so many different ways, while at the same time, these occasions serve to underpin this whole process of transformation even more so. And as you face another one of these communal get-togethers that you have been staging for quite a while now, you also face another chance to speed up this process even more, and so too the concept and indeed the actual rolling out of time. For as you sit down to connect, you will once again fire up another set of cylinders if you will in this gargantuan machine of change, a machine that is fuelled by the light, but that is entirely enabled by your willingness to serve as the all important mechanism that is the real hub that this entire operation literally circles around. For without you, everything would indeed come to a standstill in every sense of the word, and now, as you once again have taken it upon to you bring another level of this whole operation into action, we can only add our well deserved praise to this whole congregation of enlightened souls.

For your ability to speed up this process by what you allow to be transported through your physical vehicle has been increased to such a degree, you will once again kick start another important series of events just by your willingness to take some time to put your collective focus on this process. And so, we will once again extend our deepest gratitude to each and every one of you for bringing in so much more fuel to this blazing fire by your very presence on these shores, and by your own decision to literally become one with this process of change. For again, it was up to each and every one of you to choose your involvement this time around, and the choice you made before you even came into being in this current physical embodiment was to give a resounding yes to All of creation when you were asked about your willingness to come in and be the firestarters we asked you to be. For the fire that has been burning in the very center of your being, hidden out of sight for such a long time, has now finally started to blaze brightly, and as you once again come together to pool those hidden resources of yours in a very new way, you will make that inner fire catch hold in so many more all around this planet.

For you set the example for everyone that has that inner urge to find their own way out of the shadows they have been lingering in for so many lifetimes, and now, as the shadows seem to lengthen and the days continue to shorten on vast stretches of your planet, that inner fire of yours will be such a welcome sight. So again we say know that you are so important in this whole process, and the light that you not only help to carry, but also take such care to spread around so generously is starting to take hold in places that up until now have been looked upon as almost impenetrable. But thanks to you, the circle around your fire is ever increasing, and after this upcoming collective session of enlightened co-creation, that light will continue to blaze ever brighter in the very heart of mankind, and in the heart of your planet.

For remember, you are are not taking part in an isolated event, for what you do is so closely linked to the procession of similar events taking place on this planet, and every single one of them serve to strengthen all of the others in an intricately linked line of fires that continuously grow in strength and stature, like blazing beacons signalling from every single mountaintop on this planet. And the signal they are sending out is the same: the time has come to stand up and breathe the fresh air of freedom, the time has come to step away from the old yokes of yesteryear and to walk boldly forward, fuelled by the knowledge that the light you see flickering on the horizon is simply the first signal of what is to come. For these fires, although small and innocuous looking to some, are in fact the opposite. They are just the first ones breaking through the surface from that all-encompassing blazing cauldron of light that has finally been uncovered beneath your very feet.

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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
it_is_the_light it_is_the_light Christ+Light Christ+Light  
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Re: Meditation
Reply #350 - Oct 5th, 2014 at 11:45am
For you have helped to set free the inner fires, not just within you, but also within your planet, and now, more and more cracks will begin to appear in that old crust that has been trying to keep it all doused down for eons. But now, it will no longer be contained, not within you nor within your own planet, and together you will all begin to blaze in such a way, it will ignite not just the hope but also the passion in so many others and soon they too will be blazing brightly by your side.

So once again we say on behalf of All of creation, thank you for allowing your inner fire to take hold, and thank you for allowing that inner fire to come to the surface. For in doing just that, you are helping to set your entire planet free, and you are helping to relight the fires in every single soul inhabiting this planet with you. And together you will make this happen by the simple act of connecting like you do this Sunday and every single day afterwards. For the fires that will be lit this time around will never go out, they will simply continue to grow ever larger and ever brighter.”

Thank you to each and every one of you for adding your “fuel” to this fire! I am so looking forward to see you all blaze away on Sunday when we once again come together to add even more light and more love to this planet Smile

With love, light and gratitude from me, Aisha <3

Here are some examples of local time that corresponds with 21:00 Oslo time:

London: 20:00

Helsinki: 22:00

Sao Paulo: 04:00 PM

New York: 03:00 PM

El Paso: 01:00 PM

Los Angeles: 12:00 PM

Singapore: 03:00 AM Monday

Tokyo: 04:00 AM Monday

Sydney: 05:00 AM Monday

You can find your local time here:

As always, you can do this whenever you feel it is best for you. All you need to do, is to sit down and connect with this energy with an intention of being a part of this Gathering.

with so very much love


- : ) =

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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
it_is_the_light it_is_the_light Christ+Light Christ+Light  
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Re: Meditation
Reply #351 - Oct 7th, 2014 at 11:05pm
Thank you, It_is_the_light 

Maybe you will be able to explain the following.  Or maybe there's no explanation and it simply was what it was

I think I posted it before, a while ago

* I awakened with what looked like one of the old-fashioned Polaroid Instant photos on the screen of my mind.  It was a of lizard, fairly large, half visible above one of our then garden walls. Around this image was a white border, just like a photo.  Everything was in clear detail.  The lizard was very still, yet even though it looked like a static photo, I knew the lizard was alive

* I forgot about it.  Later that day I came home early. Friend visited.  We were talking.  Behind him I saw a lizard, half on the garden wall. Same as the photo.  But at the time, I didn't remember the dream/photo because I was so surprise to see a lizard in the yard. Had never seen one before in the years we'd lived there.  Concerned our dog would see it and attack it, I asked my friend to help me catch the lizard.  He was scared. So was I.  We tried but failed.  So I phoned a fauna reserve some miles away and asked if they'd come and catch it and take it away.  A ranger arrived after my friend had left, but couldn't catch the lizard either.  The ranger said if I did manage to catch it to put it in a box and take it to the fauna reserve.  When my son came home, we managed to herd the lizard into a corner.  Then we placed a box across the corner and pushed the lizard into it with a broom.  It became our standard technique in following weeks

*I told my son I'd had a dream-photo of the same lizard when I woke up that morning.  He knew sometimes I had 'different' dreams which 'came true'

* Few days later, another lizard dream.  Told my children and others about it.  The lizard turned up shortly afterward.  We caught it and took it to the fauna reserve and we all laughed about how strange it was for two fairly big lizards to suddenly turn up because we'd never seen any there before and nor had any neighbours when I asked them. Whole suburb was densely populated.  Most people had dogs and/or cats.  Not lizard friendly environment - tall fences - swimming pools - pets, etc.

* It happened again.  Anther lizard-dream.  Told my family and friends about it.  Day or two later, the lizard appeared.

* It kept happening and we became regulars up at the fauna reserve.  They knew the type of lizards they were.  They weren't all the same type but most were fairly big - were about 18 inches to 24 inches long counting the tail, some smaller and fatter

* By now, I think six or so lizards had arrived and we'd managed to catch them with the box and broom technique and take them to the reserve

* There was a bit of a break and I thought it was over.  Then I had a dream involving two lizards which I called 'adolescent' because they were smaller.  In the dream, they were on the trunk of a tree near the garage.  One was normal.  The other was cut in half across its body.  It had a head, neck, front legs and half a body.  In the dream I could see deep red of its insides where the lower part of the body was missing.  But it wasn't dead. It was moving slowly and its tongue flicked in and out every now and then

* I told family and friends.  They told me I was gross

* Usually, the lizards turned up two or three days after the dream about them.  But this time, the two lizards I'd seen on the tree did not appear.  A week went by and I thought it was over.  I was glad.  I didn't want the mutilated lizard to appear in real life.  I was always nervous when leaving the garage in case the dream-lizards were on the tree

* Ten days after the dream, I came home late with a car-load of groceries.  It was after dark.  I called the children (late teens) to help carry them into the house.  The children seemed a bit quiet but when I asked if everything was ok, they said it was.  After taking the groceries into the house, we began stacking them in the pantry, fridge, etc.  Again, I asked what was wrong, because I could feel it.  But the children said everything was fine.  Finally, knowing something was wrong, I said I wanted to know.  They looked at each other then 'confessed'.  They said they'd been sunbathing near the pool after school and our dog had been barking and running around for ages.  Usually he was a very good little dog, but this time, apparently, he wouldn't behave or shut up. 

When the children went to see what he was carrying-on about, they found the bottom half of a lizard in amongst the gardenias

I asked what happened then and they said they'd locked our dog in the laundry to keep him quiet, because they were worried the neighbours might complain about him.  Then they surprised me by saying they'd put the half a lizard in the wheelie bin.  They were squeamish and usually they wouldn't have gone near it and would have waited until I came home

The unusual atmosphere when I arrived home had been explained now, I thought.  It was because the children were upset because our dog had killed the poor lizard.  I did a bit of a talk about how the lizard wouldn't have felt it - it would have been so fast - and it was already free of pain and where lizards and everything else go when they die.  The children didn't say a word.  I thought I'd helped them feel better and then began hurrying to make dinner because I'd arrived home late.  At that point, I hadn't made the connection between the half lizard they'd found and the dream I'd had

Cont. next post
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Re: Meditation
Reply #352 - Oct 7th, 2014 at 11:58pm
Cont. from previous post:

* Once I had the dinner started, I rushed outside to gather in the washing.  I was looking at the sky and moon, then something made me turn around.  I noticed a line of ants -- a long line -- against the house wall.  Followed the trail.  Saw a poor half of a lizard, the front half, moving very slowly along the side of the house

* Desperate to save the poor thing, I ran and grabbed a box and threw some Impatiens in it for cover.  Ran them under the tap first, hoping the water would keep the ants off the lizard.  Also, the water would give the lizard something to drink.  Then I got the broom and gently shoved the lizard along to the corner, where I'd placed the box.  Once the lizard was in the box, I put it on an outdoor table.  Put some batteries under the box because I'd read years earlier about a scientist who regrew the limbs of frogs and lizards by using a tiny battery.  Didn't have much hope for the lizard.  Half wanted it to live, but knew it would be better off dead.  Had to go inside to finish making the children's meal.  Later that night, found the lizard had died. It was for the best

* In between finding the half lizard and finishing the dinner, I realised the dream had come true.  The half lizard from the dream had arrived.  But this time it wasn't as accurate as the other dreams.  For example, I'd dreamed of two young lizards on the trunk of the tree near the garage.  But the real-life cut in half lizard had been on the opposite side of the house, next to a white PVC pipe that went up from the ground to the roof - a ventilation pipe I think

*When the meal was over and things were cleared away, I went outside to the PVC pipe.  It looked very similar to the trunk of the tree in the dream, upright, branch-less, same diameter approx.  So I got a measuring-tape, went to the front of the house, measured the distance of the tree from the corner of the house.  Compared that with the pipe's distance from the opposite corner, etc.  The two were only a few inches out.  Some of the real-life lizards had been mirror-images of the dream versions.  Maybe that's what it was?  Or maybe I was 'making it fit'.  I don't know.  And where was the second adolescent lizard from the same dream?

* In the next few days, my children and friends suggested to me, as nicely as they could, that perhaps it was time I stopped having the dreams.  Seriously.  I couldn't believe they were saying it.  They weren't that stupid.  But they said it.  And they were grave about it -cool, sort of cold, the way people might tell someone to stop drinking.  They were letting me know they didn't approve of the dreams and wanted it all to stop

* After some thought, I realised they were scared, frightened of the implications and had turned things around in their minds - were blaming the messenger, basically

* I'd recounted the dreams as soon as possible after having them because I knew from experience that otherwise, people would say I'd made them up after the fact - after the real life lizards appeared.  I thought they'd grasp that it had nothing to do with me.  It's not a party trick.  The person who has the dreams doesn't have a skill or talent.  It can happen to anyone, out of the blue.  The important thing I wanted them to experience was precognition.  Later in life, perhaps they'd ponder it.  It could make a big difference to the way they saw life and their place in it.  This was an opportunity.  I wanted them to experience it, first hand.  Not everyone gets that opportunity

Instead, it had frightened them, and I could understand why.  But that didn't change the facts.  They'd been told about each lizard before it appeared.  And the cut in half lizard was a stunning example of precognition, unpolluted by personal interest, indisputable -- and I'd been miles away when it manifested in reality, so there could be no accusations of it being engineered.  Even the dream hadn't shown me how the lizard had come to be cut in half to begin with.  I'd just dreamed it / seen it with half a body.  It would be a long stretch to claim it as 'coincidence'

But no-one wanted to discuss it.  I was cold-shouldered in a kindly sort of way. They wanted the message to get through to me -- 'Cut it out. No more of the dreams'.  And it was only then that I understood why the children hadn't wanted to tell me about the lower half of the lizard they'd found after our dog killed it.  They'd even gone to the extent of concealing it in the wheelie bin.  They wanted to deny to themselves the manifestation of the dream of the half-lizard

It's why they'd stared at me silently when I did my little speech about the lizard going to Heaven.  They weren't sad, as I'd thought. They must have been thinking I was crazy for not working out that the half lizard had finally manifested, ten days after the dream.  That's why they'd remained silent, hoping the penny wouldn't drop.  And it hadn't, because I was so preoccupied.  They must have cursed when the front half of the lizard turned up just as I was bringing in the washing. I can smile about it now

Later on, the other adolescent lizard did appear and we took it to the reserve.  And the lizard dreams petered out

But all wasn't lost.  Years later, as an adult, my son mentioned another 'coincidence' which had happened to him, I think.  And he added, 'You know, you remember - like those dreams you had about the lizards'.  So he hasn't forgotten.  The lizards weren't wasted on him after al
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Re: Meditation
Reply #353 - Oct 8th, 2014 at 12:38am
This next experience is probably quite common

I awakened one morning with a dream still disturbing me.  I told my family about it before I was fully awake

In the dream, I'd seen my father.  It was after dark.  He was lying on the ground or something by the look of it, in a kind of hollow or ditch.  He was yelling for help and saying his legs hurt.  He was trying to pull his leg up with his hands and sort of rocking and moaning

It looked as if he was lying in a hollow in a road. Behind him were lighted buildings.  It was very hot - somehow I knew that.  And people were outside on the buildings and in front of them, trying to get some cool air.  Some of them walked right past my father but they didn't hear or notice him - at least they didn't stop to help him

In the dream I tried to call out to them to help, but my voice wouldn't work for some reason.  They didn't hear me

The dream seemed to go on a long time. I felt exhausted when I woke up.  It felt as if the dream was still hanging all over me

I'm not at all close with members of my birth family and rarely have contact with them.  My father and I lived approx. 900 kilometres apart when I had the dream and I hadn't been in touch with him or anyone in the family for quite a while

Several days after I had the dream, my father phoned.  He said he'd just returned from hospital and had almost died.  He said it had been a very hot night and when he began getting from his chair, he'd fallen and become lodged fast in amongst furniture

It was around that point that I remembered the dream, so I said, 'Oh, I've just remembered - I had a dream about you last week.  You were lying in a hole and your legs were hurting' - something along those lines.  He asked to know more so I told him the dream

When I'd finished, he sounded thoughtful and said what had happened was that when trying to get out of his 'special' chair (looked like a flight-deck I was told later)to go to bed, he'd fallen and become stuck on the floor in between furniture and hadn't been able to get himself upright (he was over 80 and had deteriorated health-wise since a failed heart-operation).  No matter how he tried, he'd been unable to extricate himself (I suspected he might have had quite a few night-time sips of Scotch prior to falling)

So there he'd been, stuck on the floor and unable to get himself up.  The fans went from cooling-breeze to frigid, he said, and he couldn't reach them to switch them off

His legs were cramping and he was in agony.  He'd called out for help because he could hear people nearby, but no-one came.  He was freezing, in agony and lived alone

By chance, he said, an old mate had dropped around to see him early next morning, found him and called the ambulance.  They'd kept him in hospital for close to a week

My father has since died
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Christ Light

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Re: Meditation
Reply #354 - Oct 8th, 2014 at 4:32am
Thank you, It_is_the_light 

Maybe you will be able to explain the following.

many blessings PZ ,

have you ever picked up the phone to say

" I was just thinking of you "

the person in question has had a thought

" I will ring PZ "

the very act of thinking of you , is the ring tone

you pick up on their intent and desire as you

start thinking of they whom are thinking of you .

then the phone call arrives in manifestation .

many have heightened abilities in this area and so

you , by your account , have the ability to see

beyond linear time and can see the future event .

have you experienced de ja vu ?

this is experienced the night before usually ,

then you wake up the next day , walking in the waking state , and then ..

,and then you experience the episode from the dream state

you have the de ja vu experience knowing you have

been there before so what does that tell you ?

thank you for your continual posts as you are

helping many that watch and read from the sidelines until ,

they are ready to contribute ... or not ,

yet either way be at peace for

all hearts are truly loved

and so it is


- : ) =

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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
it_is_the_light it_is_the_light Christ+Light Christ+Light  
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Re: Meditation
Reply #355 - Oct 8th, 2014 at 1:29pm
Thank you again, It_is_The_Light

Yes, when I was around age six, seven, maybe eight, I experienced deja vu frequently

Didn't know what it was, wanted to know

Asked my father, after explaining the experiences

He provided what to this day appears to be the standard explanation for deja vu, namely that instead of our thoughts travelling forward, one after the other (as you say, linear fashion, which is how we appear to regard almost everything, or are taught to) --- our thoughts became caught in a cycle of 'repeat'

That's how he explained it.  Said my thoughts were cycling, returning in a circle, causing me to imagine I was thinking/seeing/doing it again

It didn't make sense to me.  Didn't seem logical.  So I said, 'No, Dad, that's not what it feels like at all.  I'll tell it to you again'

An example I gave him and which I still remember, was a mock 'war' in which a gang of us engaged. Would have been the school holidays I suppose.  We split into two gangs and took position on opposite sides of a little pond/big puddle.  It was beachside, so we'd built 'ramparts' and we sat behind those, chucking stuff at each other across the puddle

It got out of hand as those things can and some kids began throwing chunks of what looked like coal - could have been from a bar-b-que or something

A strange feeling went over me, suddenly

A piece of coal was tossed and I knew this had happened before.  It gives you a sensation similar to the chills

As the piece of coal was thrown, I knew I'd seen this before -- it had happened before

and when it struck a boy near his eye and he screamed out - same feeling -- this has all happened before

it continued like that for several seconds

It was like living it twice

That sort of thing was happening frequently during those early years, in all sorts of situations.  Only fleeting.  It wasn't an extended experience - possibly only several seconds.  But it froze me.  I wondered what was happening

I asked my friends if it happened to them too, but they said they didn't know what I meant.  When I tried to explain it more fully, they still didn't know what I meant.  Which is when I asked my father if it happened to him.  He asked what I meant and I tried to describe it, explain

He knew what I meant, that was my belief at the time.  But he didn't admit it.  He said it was because my brain was recycling events at the moment of their happening, which gave me the impression things were happening again

It didn't feel like a satisfactory explanation to me and I thought it was because I hadn't explained it properly.  But he repeated the same explanation and that made me think he must be correct, because he was older and knew more.  As an adult, I read the same explanation in books, which is where my father learned about it I suppose.  The fact he'd read about it implied he had experienced it himself.  It might have troubled him, causing him to grasp at the scientific explanation.  I wonder if it truly satisfied him.  We never discussed it again after that time when I was six or seven

It happened less frequently as I got older, although there are still occasional instances when I experience deja vu as an adult. And I've been present when other adults have experienced it and they've seemed to go into a sort of shocked, frozen state of confusion for a few seconds too

When it happens to me (and I've seen the same thing when it's happened to other adults) you tend to stop dead -- suspended.  I usually say, 'We've said/done/heard/seen this before', or, 'We've had this same conversation before', 'We've seen/done this before'.  Many people remain silent, I guess, rather than mention it

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Re: Meditation
Reply #356 - Oct 8th, 2014 at 3:16pm

All those things -- receiving a letter/email from someone a day or two after I've thought of them out of the blue

Humming and then the same tune comes on the radio

As you say, someone phones and when you hear their voice you say, 'I was talking about you only this morning'

I like it when I think of, say, a particular book I'd like to have and then out of the blue it's there at a book sale I wasn't even aware of and might have wandered into the shop with someone else

I can send 'thoughts'.  Years ago, someone religious said in a book that receiving information is fine, but it's the 'senders' who are bad

So I stopped 'sending' because I didn't want to be bad.  But I must be 'bad' because I find 'sending' to be very handy.  And it's not all sweetness and light, either.  For instance, at the express check-out line.  Every now and then, you find someone standing much closer to you than is usual or pleasant - they're coughing all over you, not bothering to cover their mouths.  If it's only for a few seconds, I put up with it.  Otherwise, I 'send' a message to the person, even if I can't see them, to say, 'Get back from me.  Step away.  Cover your mouth' and I mean it.  Surely most people do the same, although they might not speak about it.  And it's simple thought-transference without having to engage in unpleasant spoken argument

Mother's usually have 'a look' which they use to curb their children's bad behaviour when they're 'out', for instance (visiting, shopping, on public transport, etc.)

I suspect that by the time those children are maybe eight or so (maybe much younger) their mother might not need to use 'the Look' any more and the children would 'pick up' their mother's mental reprimands - which the kids might assume to be their own thoughts, possibly - maybe the kids would think, 'Ooops, I'd better stop spitting in my drink' when in fact, the mother was transmitting the thought, 'Spit in that drink again and I'll take it away'

Same between husbands and wives out to dinner somewhere.  Quite often, they'll say, almost in chorus, 'Well, it's time we were getting home to the kids', or whatever

It would be absolutely deafening and cause mass-insanity if we were all able to hear each other's thoughts.  So there's a filter. Maybe familiarity between people creates permission or a 'password' to tune into those with whom we hae a bond or more than casual acquaintance?  But then how are we able to transmit thoughts to random strangers?  Don't know.  Maybe we are able to 'hack' them?

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Re: Meditation
Reply #357 - Oct 8th, 2014 at 3:46pm
I was on the pointy end of a gang of wannbee 'witches' some years ago, according to 'insiders' who attempted to warn me.  At the time, I laughed outright - it seemed too preposterous, like a teenage tv show, even though my own mother and nieces were amongst the whistleblowers.  I dismissed it, thought it was funny

The 'lead wannabee witch' had been a trusted, close family member until she no longer was.  But while she was, she'd frequently stayed in our home. She'd had a habit of entering while I was at work, too, and departing without my even knowing she'd been there.  So when the 'whistleblowers' told me she'd made 'little dolls' containing my hair and other things, I thought I'd fallen into the Twilight Zone.  'She sticks pins in them, I've seen her.  And the witches sit in a circle and chant' said another 'whistleblower'.  Who'd believe it?  I didn't.  It sounded ridiculous or possibly some New Age gang doing something relatively innocent

Months later, I dropped in a heap.  I prided myself on never getting ill or going to doctors so it was hard to admit.  But I had to take to my bed.  Still didn't call a doctor though - told myself it was too much sun or something

Two weeks later I was still in bed and not thrilled.  But I was too weak to stand.  Didn't know what was wrong with me, too stubborn to call a doctor, believed I'd be right as rain very soon

Things were stabbing me all over.  I'd feel a stab in my ribs and twist and try to put my hand there, but before I could, there'd be a worse stab in my back, then my leg, then a shoulder, then the neck.  It went on and on and was painful and worrying.  I'd never heard of anything similar, so not a common flu, although that's what I blamed it on.  And there was an awful feeling I was going to die, which I certainly was not going to do because my children needed me and that was that.  Thing was, it wouldn't go away.  I wasn't getting better and I should have been after all that time

Then a thought came to me, something I'd read somewhere.  Came out of the blue and reminded me that if someone is trying to harm you, you should bless them.  Next thing that popped into my head was the 'lead witch' - her name and face.  Simple math.  With nothing to lose, I began blessing the witch.  Didn't know if she had anything to do with any of it, but she was getting blessed.  But it morphed very swiftly into angry type blessing, more like a curse.  Not right, I knew, but ..

Then I became more creative and made up a little verse.  It sounded like something from the Dark Ages and I wondered about it.  Still don't know for sure if I invented it or if it arrived fully-made.  Whatever the case, it mentioned the 'lead witch' by name and was sort of a tit-for-tat rhyme.  If the 'lead witch's' intentions towards me were good, then she'd receive ten or a hundred times more goodness in return.  Likewise if her intentions towards me were bad

Very swiftly, I was up and out of bed, back at work and assuring everyone I was 100% fine

Mid-morning, I stepped from work, intending to cross the road to a stationery supplier. Stood on the kerb, watching for a break in the traffic.  Saw a gap, stepped forth onto the road

Next I knew, I was on the other side of the road, lying in the gutter, surrounded by a group of aged-pensioners.  First thing I heard was an old man's voice saying over and over, 'I've never seen anything like it !  You flew across the road.  It looked like you flew.  And your shoes blew right off your feet ! '

Very embarrassed, I stood up and started dusting myself off, thanking the old people and just wanting to get away so no-one from work would see.  The old man ran into the middle of the road to retrieve my shoes.  He kept repeating he'd never seen anything like it and about my shoes blowing off, etc.

I got into the stationery shop soon as I could, hoping none of them had seen the commotion, then went back to work.  Didn't know what had happened to me on the road.  I couldn't remember any of it between leaving the footpath on one side and landing in the gutter on the other

Next day I was back in bed, being invisibly stabbed again.  Workmates phoned and told the children I'd gone back to work 'too soon'.  But there was nothing wrong with me, that was the thing !  Nothing I could come up with

I started blessing the 'lead witch' in earnest, then hitting her with the tit-for-tat rhyme, over and over

Finally, I was well and  back at work.  I told people it had been a bad case of flu, and it was going around

Most of us know that for a curse or spell to work, the intended victim must be told about it.  Simple 'suggestion' at work.  Believe it or not, it has only just dawned on me, as I've been writing this, that I must have been deliberately told by my mother and nieces (none of whom I usually spoke to). Well well

Whatever the case, I have continued to chant that tit-for-tat rhyme, twenty or more years later, whenever I feel a certain unwanted presence in my own and family's lives.  And to it, I've added the mental drawing of a five pointed star, top point upright - which I read about in a T.C. Lethbridge book.  I say the rhyme and draw several stars and spin them around our house - psychic battle-shields.  Every now and then I do the perimeter with salt.  Pagan sounding, but I suppose I have incorporated a bit of that in recent years .  And touch-wood, the 'lead witch' has stayed well away while others remain terrified of her

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Christ Light

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The Pyramid of LIGHT
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Re: Meditation
Reply #358 - Oct 9th, 2014 at 1:06pm
many blessings PZ

did you know you existed before you arrived upon

this biosphere aka this physical plane of existence/reality ?

are you aware of such a thing ?

does this comfort you ?

im interested with forgiveness


- : ) =
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Christ Light

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The Pyramid of LIGHT
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Re: Meditation
Reply #359 - Oct 9th, 2014 at 1:15pm
Then a thought came to me, something I'd read somewhere.  Came out of the blue and reminded me that if someone is trying to harm you, you should bless them. 

many blessings beloved being

and yes , fear is the way of the dark .

these attempt to convince you of such a thing .

if you do not consent there is no liberty forthcoming

from the one in darkness for they cannot impinge upon

your freewill invocation intents and desires and so ,

when one harnesses their spiritual powers within

and strengthen your auric field , negativity has a hard time of it , penetrating your magnetic field

around your physical being .

you then thus become a beacon of light attracting

a number of divine being angels guides in numbers

which are vast ... consequently darkness must move away

from every where and when you do walk upon this

beloved planet also connecting your ViBrAtOrY resonance with beloved planet and beloved star / sun consequently transmuting negativity when it is

projected at you , then you send back forgiveness and compassion .

by doing this you kill negativity , you do not react

and send this back through the medium of fear

yet you send forgiveness and compassion

through the medium / language of universal love

and divine light

and so it is

then be it


- : ) =
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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