Metatron Fire Meditation
Greetings, welcome, I am Archangel Metatron, the Angelic presence that encompasses the Universe.
Sit quietly and relax as we move forward with this powerful Fire Meditation. As we connect with you
today we shall help you raise your chakras to a point of Great Power and bliss.
As we connect into your base chakra feel the Red fire rise at the base of your spine. Feel this energy
anchoring you into Mother Earth. Picture the red energy all around you, the fire opening up within you.
This is the burning stove of the whole chakra system. Allow this fire to totally engulf you and all that
are with you. The whole atmosphere is burning red with this power and you are alive with it. It is
spreading out to the whole of your City and all that are in it. Further out to the whole of the Country
and finally engulfing the whole World. This pure fire is illuminating and transforming all and in your
base chakra you feel the change within you. Everything is coming to balance. Your confidence is lifting
and your excitement is building. You are the World and the world is a reflection of your peace.
We move up to your Sacral Chakra. Picture this Orange fire engulfing you completely. With the red fire
at the base you are being encircled and your emotional body is coming into balance. The Orange fire
burns all that is not of service to you. Your sexual energy is balanced and pure and your healing light is
magnified as the fire transforms you.
Moving up to your solar plexus and the yellow fire. The yellow flame is flickering and becoming full.
Engulfed in red, orange and now yellow your power is assertive and kind in your command of your
autonomy as a respectful divine master. Allow this yellow fire to burn all that has been blocking your peace.
This powerful yellow flame brings you the momentum to fulfill your mission that is being revealed to you
through the synchronicities of the Universe.
As the Green flame of your hearts transform in this beautiful moment, your hearts connect to all that are
in the room. All that are in the City and out to all that are on the Planet. This most powerful central fire of
green transforms into the brightest Golden Fire that engulfs your whole being, all that are nearby and finally
the whole World. Feel this transformational flame burning all that is not love from your system and the truth
being born through the Star Fires Flame. Bathe in this love and the power that is awakening all sentient beings
through your powerful embodiment of Divine Golden Fire.
Breathe in this purity. For this love will engulf mankind.
As the flame rises to your throat chakra, the blue fire burns away all that is not true in your expression.
Leaving only the truthful, gentle, sweet, peaceful and kind words of a Master. Joyful, loving, forgiving and
encouraging - this blue flame will speak the truth of your divine intention and those that have ears will hear
the sweet nectar of your divine mastery.
As the flame rises to your third eye, the Indigo flame opens the divine vision within you to its fullest potential
and your manifestation abilities are being given the purification that will allow you to see clearly all that is worth
your effort and energy as a Master. Through the illusion of everything you will feel your personal power to create
more fully within your experience.
As the Violet flame of your crown chakra opens fully and all the colours are merged into pure white. The now
transformed fire of purity goes all the way down into Mother Earth who bestows the gifts of grounding and power.
It goes all the way up to the all that is to the central Sun and you become a beam of divine light. Merging in
oneness with the divine, exploding in pure love.
This is your divine state of oneness.
Welcome home.