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Meditation (Read 215453 times)
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Christ Light

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Re: Meditation
Reply #750 - Apr 12th, 2016 at 7:15am
Bobby. wrote on Apr 12th, 2016 at 7:11am:
it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 12th, 2016 at 7:07am:
and so tell me sir bobby ,

have ye found the grail yet ?

do you even know what it is ?

im interested with your sanity


dear beloved master Light,

I know that the Gail is lost & may never be found.

Tell me - do you seeketh the Grail?


many blessings sir bobby

ye have eyes yet do not see

let your eye be single

or continue in your ways of the flesh

and the consumption thereof

freewill you see ?

yet you shall not pass in your current state of consciousness and conscious awareness

which gives rise to the acumen of any and all your posts across these pages and board

ye are lost in your pretend game of fools

and so be it

may the lord have mercy upon thee

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Christ Light

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Re: Meditation
Reply #751 - Apr 12th, 2016 at 7:17am
further your interpretation and understanding of " cosmic consciousness "

is severely retarded from the message intended


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Christ Light

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Re: Meditation
Reply #752 - Apr 12th, 2016 at 7:22am
Bobby. wrote on Apr 11th, 2016 at 8:18pm:
it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 11th, 2016 at 8:16pm:
Bobby. wrote on Apr 5th, 2016 at 5:51pm:
it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 5th, 2016 at 5:43pm:
many blessings former noble knight / sir bobby

self banishment from this thread is in requirement as ye still haven't found , the definition of that which and what you are looking for ..

you are forgiven


Dear master Light,
as a former student of meditation I am more than qualified to be here on this thread.

you are forgiven


and so shall we hear some tools and insights from you sir bobby ?

I would be interested in forgiveness


No - I am not a qualified TM teacher.

I have given you the link should you wish to learn other techniques.

many blessings sir bobby

through your experience in TM it would appear

you have been possessed and are controlled by another entity

that controls your consciousness

it does not appear that you are expanding your consciousness , it is like some being is preventing you from absorbing divine teachings

you know not and care as much as that

and so be it

compassion is sent unto your heart

so be at peace

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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
it_is_the_light it_is_the_light Christ+Light Christ+Light  
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Re: Meditation
Reply #753 - Apr 12th, 2016 at 7:26am
Dear master Light,

doth thee possess cosmic consciousness?

I'm curious


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Christ Light

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Re: Meditation
Reply #754 - Apr 12th, 2016 at 7:41am
it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 12th, 2016 at 7:22am:
Bobby. wrote on Apr 11th, 2016 at 8:18pm:
it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 11th, 2016 at 8:16pm:
Bobby. wrote on Apr 5th, 2016 at 5:51pm:
it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 5th, 2016 at 5:43pm:
many blessings former noble knight / sir bobby

self banishment from this thread is in requirement as ye still haven't found , the definition of that which and what you are looking for ..

you are forgiven


Dear master Light,
as a former student of meditation I am more than qualified to be here on this thread.

you are forgiven


and so shall we hear some tools and insights from you sir bobby ?

I would be interested in forgiveness


No - I am not a qualified TM teacher.

I have given you the link should you wish to learn other techniques.

many blessings sir bobby

through your experience in TM it would appear

you have been possessed and are controlled by another entity

that controls your consciousness

it does not appear that you are expanding your consciousness , it is like some being is preventing you from absorbing divine teachings

you know not and care as much as that

and so be it

compassion is sent unto your heart

so be at peace


further still and yet it is through your consumption of meat and how you have with freewill defiled your blood

with that of the dead fleshes

you shall not pass as yet mayhaps ye will one day however ,

today is not that day

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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
it_is_the_light it_is_the_light Christ+Light Christ+Light  
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Re: Meditation
Reply #755 - Apr 12th, 2016 at 7:48am
it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 12th, 2016 at 7:41am:
further still and yet it is through your consumption of meat and how you have with freewill defiled your blood

with that of the dead fleshes

you shall not pass as yet may haps ye will one day however ,

today is not that day


dear beloved master Light,

ye giveth advice yet

yet ye no nothing of Arthurian legend:

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Christ Light

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Re: Meditation
Reply #756 - Apr 12th, 2016 at 7:50am
Bobby. wrote on Apr 12th, 2016 at 7:48am:
it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 12th, 2016 at 7:41am:
further still and yet it is through your consumption of meat and how you have with freewill defiled your blood

with that of the dead fleshes

you shall not pass as yet may haps ye will one day however ,

today is not that day


dear beloved master Light,

ye giveth advice yet

yet ye no nothing of Arthurian legend:

more holly wood programming yes

this is another attribute of your mesmerism and mis placed fealty

ye may arise from your round table of confusion when ye are ready

yet today is not that day

your actions and consciousness is not embodied by one such as I am

in the divine and sacred christed light

yet ye are loved fear not

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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
it_is_the_light it_is_the_light Christ+Light Christ+Light  
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Christ Light

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Re: Meditation
Reply #757 - Apr 12th, 2016 at 7:52am
and so ,

let us explore your affliction further

pls post your oath here and so all may observe to whom you have sworn fealty to

as all knights pretend or otherwise must obligate

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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
it_is_the_light it_is_the_light Christ+Light Christ+Light  
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Christ Light

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The Pyramid of LIGHT
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Re: Meditation
Reply #758 - Apr 12th, 2016 at 7:58am
let us meditate on this interpretation of his or her story

History Before Time–Suzanne Lie and Ancient Galactic Family April 11, 2016
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
it_is_the_light it_is_the_light Christ+Light Christ+Light  
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Christ Light

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Re: Meditation
Reply #759 - Apr 12th, 2016 at 12:04pm

Ascension Path: Tube Torus Fields and the Ascension Column


Say Hello to Your Energy Field…


Yes. This is what you really look like, that is, if you could see the energy field that surrounds your body. The shape this innate energy field forms is called a TORUS, and it’s the preferred shape that the Universe uses to create matter from energy. Take a look at the picture below and observe the similarities of structure in a tree, an orange, a tomato, dividing cells, the Earth’s magnetic belts, and the shape of the galaxies themselves.

pls note and disregard globe earth imagery theory which has been debunked : unrebutted here )


This toroidal structure of the human energy field has been mapped out by the Institute of HeartMath.
They’ve used sensitive electrocardiographs (EKGs) to measure the electromagnetic pulses that emanate from the center of our torus, the heart. The field generated was measured to extend up to 12 feet around the human body. And, they discovered that humans (and other animals) can sense this energy field when in close proximity to each other.
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« Last Edit: Apr 12th, 2016 at 12:17pm by it_is_the_light »  

ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
it_is_the_light it_is_the_light Christ+Light Christ+Light  
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Australian Politics

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Re: Meditation
Reply #760 - Apr 12th, 2016 at 8:56pm
it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 12th, 2016 at 7:50am:
Bobby. wrote on Apr 12th, 2016 at 7:48am:
it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 12th, 2016 at 7:41am:
further still and yet it is through your consumption of meat and how you have with freewill defiled your blood

with that of the dead fleshes

you shall not pass as yet may haps ye will one day however ,

today is not that day


dear beloved master Light,

ye giveth advice yet

yet ye no nothing of Arthurian legend:

more holly wood programming yes

this is another attribute of your mesmerism and mis placed fealty

ye may arise from your round table of confusion when ye are ready

yet today is not that day

your actions and consciousness is not embodied by one such as I am

in the divine and sacred christed light

yet ye are loved fear not


holly wood programming

Dear master Light,
The movie above was not made in Hollywood.
It covers all the stories relating to Arthurian legend.
Some events are undoubtedly true.


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Australian Politics

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Re: Meditation
Reply #761 - Apr 12th, 2016 at 10:30pm
it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 12th, 2016 at 7:58am:
let us meditate on this interpretation of his or her story

History Before Time–Suzanne Lie and Ancient Galactic Family April 11, 2016

Dear master Light,
why do these videos use computer voices?
Can't people talk into a microphone?
I won't watch it because of that.

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Christ Light

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Re: Meditation
Reply #762 - Apr 13th, 2016 at 7:18am

417 Hz | Wipes out all the Negative Energy | 9 Hours
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Christ Light

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Re: Meditation
Reply #763 - Apr 13th, 2016 at 7:58am

Suzanne Lie: History Beyond Time by Your Ancient and Galactic Family

ear Ones,

To best explain, allow us to take a diversion and tell you of Earth’s ancient, Multidimensional history.

Before Earth fell into the present-day, third dimensional vibration, in fact, even before Earth fell into the fourth dimension, there were NO polarities. Male and female, proton and electron, receiving and projecting were the same.

The polarization of masculine and feminine started with the atom, which is why the first polarized human was named Adam. Long before the fall of Atlantis, when Gaia was still fifth dimensional, there was a continent, which filled much of your Pacific Ocean, named Lemuria.

In the Lemurian Era there was ONLY Unity Consciousness. Hence, there were no polarities and all beings were androgynous. Interestingly enough, it was the Lemurians who first started to experiment with creating beings who were polarized into a gender of male or female.


The Lemurians experimented with creating a lower dimensional being, as they knew that Gaia had volunteered to find the lowest dimension in which sentient life could survive. The Lemurians began their polarization experiments by spitting the atom into the polarities of positive/proton/male charge and feminine/electron/female charge.

They decided to make their lower dimensional human male, as they thought that the dynamic action of the masculine charge would be vital for a society split off from the Oneness of the fifth dimension. For some reason, they did not consider having both male and female beings. Perhaps this was because they were having such trouble finding any being at all that could survive in such a low resonance.

The Lemurians, who changed forms as easily as you change your clothes, viewed having “only” one form as a foreign concept. However, their telepathic group mind told them that the destiny of the planet was that the energy was going to drop drastically. They had worked out every possible solution for this impending cataclysm, but it was WRITTEN in the planetary hologram, and they could not change it.

Therefore, they knew that they would have to assist in creating an Earth form that could survive within a low dimension, possibly as low as the third dimension. Eventually, believing that their experiments had failed, they passed their research on to the Atlanteans. They did this largely because the Holographic WRITINGS said it was the Atlanteans who would be responsible for causing the great catastrophe.


The Lemurians came to peace with the fact that some of them would go underground until they could adjust their vibration to the resonant frequency at which the planet finally stabilized. This frequency ended up being the third dimension.

It took millennia before their gracious bodies could create an angular, third dimensional body with “edges” of flesh and “foundations” of bones. The Lemurian scientists did discover, though, that bones could hold their history, as bones seemed to be more durable than any other third dimensional, biological form.

They believed, or hoped, that they could embed the history of their Lemurian Civilization in the DNA of the bone marrow of the form they would ultimately take. In that manner, their history would endure in the buried bones long past the limited lifespan of a lower dimensional being. The Lemurians found that they could actually hide this information in the 97% of DNA that western scientists have labeled as “junk.”

This Junk DNA works on the same tenet as language. Therefore, it was excellent for information storage. The Lemurians knew that no one would think to even look in the buried bones of their ancestors until the civilization had become quite advanced.

They hoped that that civilization would be advanced enough to use the great Lemurian secrets ONLY for creation and not destruction. However, if their secrets were to be stored in bones, some of them would have to hold physical forms until the next entrance of Higher Light.

When that “wave of Higher Light” coerced Gaia into a higher frequency, the Lemurians would return to their Multidimensional SELF and their Oversoul to share all their wonderful adventures. Some Lemurians volunteered to oversee Earth and guide those who could raise their consciousness enough to communicate with them.

These Lemurians who offered to stay with Gaia as Her planetary frequency fell, would keep their resonance an octave or two higher than that of the polarized humans. This resonance ended up being the middle and upper fourth dimension.

A third group of Lemurians would go deep into the caves and caverns of Earth to slowly lower their vibration to match Gaia’s.

These are the Lemurians who would eventually take on a third dimensional form. Only the most evolved Lemurians were chosen for this task, as the Seers knew that the challenges of falling into the dark polarity would be immense.
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
it_is_the_light it_is_the_light Christ+Light Christ+Light  
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Christ Light

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The Pyramid of LIGHT
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Re: Meditation
Reply #764 - Apr 13th, 2016 at 7:59am

When, indeed, the vibratory rate of the planet dropped into the lower fourth, and finally into the third dimension, the polarization of the beings, later known as humanity, was complete. The Atlanteans had, indeed, been very instrumental in creating the experience of polarized individuality. They experimented with many lower vibrational beings by creating a combination of Spirit/Androgynous “human” and animal that had been polarized into a gender.

In the end, it was the selfishness and cruelty of these experiments that proved to actually lower their vibration. In the Oneness of the upper fourth and fifth dimension, everyone shares feelings, thoughts, and experiences with everyone else. Because of this, no one would harm another or they would harm themselves as well.

However, certain Atlantean “scientists” discovered a form of Dark Magic that allowed them to shield themselves from the pain of others. They did this by finding ways to temporarily extinguish their Light by “turning off” their ATMA, the three-fold-flame of LIFE in their heart.

This was dangerous, indeed, for their Soul could leave their body while their ATMA was turned off. Nonetheless, if they turned it on again in time, they could return their Soul to their body. Unfortunately, they didn’t learn until much later that their vibration became lower and lower each time they performed this “magic.” Finally, their Soul left their body, as the vibration was too low, and they became Soulless Earth Vessels.

Without their Souls integrated into their bodies, they could do anything to anyone without feeling the other person’s pain. This is how cruelty began. When they ended up at a vibration within the 3D resonance, they found that they had different bodies. Some of them had a male polarized body with a more projective/aggressive/intellectual essence, while others had a female polarized form with a more receptive/creative/emotional essence.


When the entire planet became third dimensional, everyone who chose to stay with Gaia through Her “experiment” had a third dimensional form. Also, everyone had a form that was either male or female. Unfortunately, those who had arrived in the 3D first, which were those who had practiced the Dark Magic and learned about cruelty, had been there much longer and knew the rules of survival in 3D reality.

Hence, the Dark Ones became the leaders. With these ruthless Dark Ones in power, there was such cruelty and pain that the human species was in danger of extinction. There were Priests and Priestesses from Atlantis who had decided to live in the third dimension, but they kept to themselves and cared little about the “common” people.

Therefore, a call went out into the higher dimensions to find Light Beings who would be willing to take form with the “common people” to balance the Darkness. Fortunately, many Light Beings answered the call; unfortunately, many of them became lost to the Darkness. However, a few of them were strong enough to stay in their Light. Hence, the polarization between Light and Dark began.

This polarity expanded as the Light Beings did “good” things and the Dark Beings did “bad” things. The Light Beings could only survive by constantly pulling in power from the higher-vibrational Light force. This force was later to be known as Grace, Prana, and/or LOVE.

On the other hand, the Dark Ones pulled power from the essence of other 3D humans. The Dark Ones were so extremely merciless that the terrified common people would allow their essence to leave their tormented bodies in the presence of these ruthless leaders.

The Dark Ones would then steal that essence for themselves. This experience of being tormented later became known as “Fear.” In this manner Love and Fear became polarities.

As the planet became more and more polarized, the vibratory rate became lower and lower. The Dark Ones knew that if they could make the planet’s vibration low enough, all the Light Beings would have to leave, or risk falling into the darkness. Therefore, they remained as cruel as they possibly could. They found that they liked to have power over other people, animals, and even over the planet which housed them.
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
it_is_the_light it_is_the_light Christ+Light Christ+Light  
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