MOTR wrote on Mar 28
th, 2012 at 5:39am:
I'm not sure how anyone can argue that Israel is not engaging in terrorist activities. Politicalpuppet has made a pertinent point. How can Avram claim Israel is not committing terrorists acts when their actions clearly fall within his own definition of terrorism. There is nothing simplistic or naive about politicalpuppet's position. It might appear simple compared to the sophistry coming from the other side.
Here is part of an account from the Italian politician Fernando Rossi, formerly a senator of the Italian republic, now a counselor for the governor of Ferrara. When this was written in 2010 he had visited Gaza twice.
Quote:“Israel wanted to scare people by bombardments and to make them abandon Hamas. But they got the opposite – Hamas appeared to be the winner, and its supporters became even stronger. One could see pictures of crossed arms all around the place as a reconciliation sign of Fatah and Hamas.”
“There were hedged ruins everywhere hiding unexploded phosphorus and cluster bombs. There was an outbreak of cancer among children and women. But the Child Oncology Hospital in Khan Yunis had been blown up. The hospital was located 300 kilometers away from the border – it’s been watched 24 hours a day. And they know that there was nothing dangerous inside the hospital. But they destroyed it! They bombed out the newest hospital in Khan Yunis! They killed all the doctors and nurses,” Rossi said.
“I’ve been to a house, where orphans lived – they killed them all. There were 32 people living in this house. Israelis surrounded the houses, ordered everyone to get out and shot everyone down in the backyard. Then they finished off everyone left inside the house. Four children were wounded but survived covered by the dead bodies of their parents. And those children were smiling to us,” he recalled. They were 4, 5, 6 and 11 years old.
“The doctors could not figure out what kind of substance the bombs contained – they burned through the flesh and burned a child from the inside. It was impossible to figure out what to do with such wounds,” Rossi said.
Rossi reminded us of the fact that international conventions ban using the weapons without providing the information as to what’s their effect and how civilians can be protected.
Yet Avram feels aggrieved that as part of an occupying force he is shot at and young kids throw rocks at him.
The Italian writes crap.
Israeli's do not return fire to scare people.
They return fire to kill people.
Every mortar and missile crew that sent their weapons off in the direction of Sderot during Operation Cast Lead scarpered like the cowards they are leaving the women and children standing where they were gathered.
Why, because the mortar and missiles received return fire back to the point of origin.
As for hospitals, perhaps if the grounds weren't being used as firing points, or as weapons storage sites they wouldn't have been targeted.
Gazan residents were calling IDF headquarters in Israel during Operation Cast Lead to give them the precise location of terrorist missile and mortar crew for the IDF to eliminate.
Yes, Hamas is so popular.
During their last election, Fatah supporters were being kneecapped in the streets or thrown off the rooftop of buildings.
They rule their own via terror.
And they deserve what they get in return.