I have no problem with religion in itself. Religious people tend to be very nice, very law-abiding people by and large. What I have a problem with is church interfering with state and trying to pretend that it isn't - it's protecting its own institution - and prejudiced people trying to back up their argument with religion. Well, the bible also tells people to not suffer a woman to teach etc, I'm not sure why the situation is different here. That's of course not a good argument, because it's a comparison, not a direct link, so how about…
Marriage existed before Christianity. Same-sex marriages have also existed in past history. Modern Australia isn't a Christian nation, just the same way that it isn't an Islamic nation, or a Buddhist nation etc. I do hope no one brings up the fact that the 'founders' of Australia were Christian, because then we'd have to go into the fact that its citizens are not all Christian, nor are we 'one nation under god', nor are we 'a god fearing nation'. Marriage is not a Christian invention, and the word certainly doesn't mean 'Christian marriage'. Priests should be allowed to refuse marrying gay couples, they are the head of a religion against gay marriage, it'd be almost perverse to see them forced to do so. However, priests should not be allowed to refuse other people the right to marry gay couples, or to prevent gay couples from 'marriage'.
Barring someone a human right to love and form a lasting partnership that is recognised as such is simple discrimination. Yes, you're a bigot, yes you're allowed to be, but don't hide behind 'but my church says…' If you're homophobic, you're homophobic, if you're threatened by two men or two girls getting married (as if it somehow makes your marriage invalid or something), that's your problem, not theirs, or your religion's. Admit to it and get off that high horse of 'my religion said so, therefore it must be pure'. It just gives Christianity a bad name.
On a lighter note:
Quote:Well for one claiming that fairy tales are real,
doesnt sit well with people who have a brain
While I agree the above is not a sound argument, below is more hilarious.
PZ547 wrote on Apr 1
st, 2012 at 11:44am:
You appear to repeat that comment at every opportunty
And sure, I appreciate that people do accept payment for pushing athiesm online. What's the going rate -- still .14 cents per post ?
Actually, atheists aren't paid to preach to atheists about atheism, priests are paid by the church which is in turn paid by the faithful as well as rent from property they buy/own, as well as investments made (and not taxed). Given that we're arguing about 'paid for pushing', I'd say if the church can use money to lobby for political action, then it should be paying taxes as any resulting 'action' would have cost taxpayer money (including reviews and changes).
Quote:As to 'having a brain' --- I'm not real impressed with yours, have to say
"I know what you are, but what am I", after an reacting to an obviously unsound/over-simplified argument you respond with more of the same?
Quote:You believe sentient beings sprang from nothing ? You believe rocks from 'out there' fell into the primordal soup, generated life, including the primitive brain, then slowly crawled up onto land, up trees, down from trees on their rear legs and evolved into Hawkings and Einsteins ?
You're attacking a straw man, the poster never said they believed in what you describe - something of a mix between Lemarkian evolution and UFO conspiracy theory mixed with a good dose of Scientology. My guess is that the poster believes in evolution. The idea that some animal came into existence than swam, then slowly crawled out of the mud and into a tree is a primary school cartoon representation of evolution. Time to move on.
Evolution is an ongoing science, while the bible's version is unproven, untested, accepted at face value because there is no other finished explanation (except that the Norse had one earlier, and primitive tribes had their own before that, with equal evidence as the bible's version). Of course there is still debate about it, but it offers a better explanation with better proof than the bible would give us.
Quote:And you don't care about the source of the 'rocks from out there' which created the seed of what we now term 'humankind' ?
Cherry picking the most outlandish of the ideas proposed is like someone asking you "so you believe some human-shaped spirit created the world in 6 days, then took a nap on the 7th?" The page I linked to has a fairly easy to read explanation of most of the current theories and research, including the one you picked (which has little research basis expressed while the rest has many).
Quote:For you, there is NO source ? Instead, you believe the 'rocks from out there' (carrying the seeds/triggers for what is now humankind, etc.) themselves had no source OR, if they did, then the origin of the 'rocks from out there' involved no higher intelligence ? As far as you're concerned, there exists NO source/origin of anything which exists or ever existed ?
And you have the hide to talk about 'fairy tales' ? lol
Straw man, poster never said there was no source, poster is probably a believer in evolution (see above). As far as I'm concerned (not sure about the original poster), you need to read up some more about physics and biology before making these wild accusations. It's not even a matter of 'believing', it's a matter of thinking about it and making a judgement. It's somewhat different from blind faith.
I also loved the quote about how on the Census a majority of Australians said they were religious. So are we talking Wiccan, Christian (Protestant, Catholic, Methodist, etc etc), Asatru, Buddhism, Islamic, Spiritualist, or what? Saying Australians are mostly religious is waiting for the reader to think "therefore we should respect the wishes of the loudest Christians on gay marriage" without any reason to do so.