Quote:Just tell me this. Are you a Marxist? I hate to harbour misconceptions, but you certainly walk and quack like one.
I don't think I really have a label but I take parts from many different social philosophies. Marxism has some great ideas and in principle they would create a much better world then we see today, but that is principle.
Quote:You are very selective in your hatred of religion. You seem to support Islam while hating Christianity.
I don't support any religion at all I just hate hypocrites.
Its just like terrorists, I don't support terrorists I just get pissed off when people applaud one terrorist and criticize another for doing exactly the same thing.
Quote:I don't mind either one, but I probably prefer Hindu for the food, and that's as good a reason as any. I have friends of all backgrounds and religions whom I value very much. My position is that of tolerance. Generally, tolerance within religions is a function of education level. I have a very good friend who works at the University of Bamako in Mali with whom I'd often discuss the common factors within religions. He happens to be Muslim, and he was one of the least prejudiced and most intelligent people I have known. Another good friend is a Catholic theologian based in Austria. He is almost as tolerant and intelligent.
I agree many of the eastern religions are what I would call legitimate religions where as western ones are more of just clever manipulation.
We live in an intolerant society, once again the hypocrite thing comes in. No one has the balls to speak out about religion even tho it is 100x worse then the things they often complain about.
The more someone becomes properly educated the less they believe in religion, so it would go to show that religion itself breeds intolerance which I think is fairly obvious.
Quote:You are the one who picks flaws with religious people. They are just people like anybody else, and everybody has flaws. If you pause for an introspective look at yourself, you might even see some flaws too. Self-love? Vanity?
Religion is a system and like all systems it needs to be scrutinized. For the most case religion avoids this and its followers are non compliant to reason so who is left to do that important stuff?
I have nothing against the people themselves, I understand that it is a social problem removed from the individual level.
Of course I have flaws but I do not declare myself to be all knowing or whatever do I.
I do not love myself and the vanity you are seeing is probably just frustration.
Do you really think I would act the way I do if other people were actually able to accept reality and discuss things openly etc..