Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Jun 17
th, 2012 at 7:28pm:
The reason they are firing rockets is because they are pissed off @ the treatment they are getting.
But contra wise, the Israelis,
those on the receiving end [of the Pal rockets], have no right [of their own] to be pissed off with 'the treatment they are getting' [incessant rocketing of Israeli civilian areas], from the Pal's ???
Of course not.
/sarc off
That is what disgusts me, with moslems.
They are such absolute,
whining hypocrites.
They abduct, and rape, and murder, the children of 'unbelievers'.
But moslems, have absolutely no consideration for the mothers of those children who are being abducted, raped, and murdered,
by moslems !!
Don't moslem mothers have any compassion for the mothers of 'unbelievers', whose children are abducted, raped, and murdered, by moslems ???
Apparently not.
Kuwait: "Female political activist" calls for legalizing sex slavery to protect men from "adultery or corruption"
KUWAIT: A female political activist and former parliamentary candidate has recommended the introduction of legislation to legalize the provision of enslaved female concubines for Muslim men in Kuwait in a bid, she says, to protect those men from committing adultery or corruption.
The activist, Salwa Al-Mutairi, suggested apparently seriously in a video broadcast online that she had been informed by some clerics that affluent Muslim men who fear being seduced or tempted into immoral behavior by the beauty of their female servants, or even of those servants 'casting spells' on them, would be better to purchase women from an 'enslaved maid' agency for sexual purposes.