freediver wrote on Nov 23
rd, 2014 at 3:42pm:
Quote:As I keep pointing out, FD you cannot judged events from Arabia, 1400 years ago through a prism of Western modern, 21st Century moral beliefs. Its stupid to do so.
Yet that is exactly what you are doing, insisting Muhammed did not "commit the crime of pedophilia". I was merely asking what you meant by this. I hope you were not trying to claim he didn't have sex with children (not that there's anything wrong with that).
I have no idea if he had sex with children or not, FD. Your entire reasoning is framed in your own moral milieu. You have to first determine what Arabian society 1400 years ago considered a "child". Then you have to determine if that same society believed having sex with them was immoral. Finally you have to determine if it was forbidden by their laws, FD. You've done none of that, all you've done is decided 'cause it's now forbidden and considered immoral and that people under the age of consent today, are to be considered "children", what Mohammed did then was wrong.
Quote: Quote:We have no idea what Mohammed's motivations were and the crime of "Paedophilia" depends not only on the act but understanding the motivations behind it as well, as Gandalf keeps pointing out.
So it is legal to have sex with children for the right reason?
No, today it isn't in Australia to have sex with someone below the age of consent. Your question however, if directed to what Mohammed did 1400 years ago, is pointless, FD. It wasn't illegal, it wasn't even, as far as I can tell, considered immoral - THEN.
If Muslims TODAY, in Australia, attempt to justify doing this through reference to what Mohammed did then, they are acting immorally and illegally according to the laws and milieu of TODAY. They are not exempt from those laws and should be judged accordingly. My concern is with trying to judge some who lived 1400 years ago, in a completely different society by our views TODAY.
Quote: Quote:Further, we have no idea as to how accurate the stories about these events are. You're asking Mohammed to be judged on what are essentially second or more handed accounts.
That's what history is all about Brian.
History is about many things. Occasionally it's about the truth as well, FD.
Quote: Quote:Finally, the question comes up, why the endless pursuit of a man who's been dead for 1400 years?
Because so many children are suffering today because of him, and so many bend over backwards to apologise for it and deny the link.
Yet you remain silent about the child brides of India, FD.
Moreover, how can children today, suffer because of a man who died 1400 years ago?
As I keep pointing out, by all means condemn the Muslims of today for their crimes but stop this silly crusade against Mohammed over his marriage to Aisha.