Karnal wrote:
Quote:Good point. So why - if all those Muselmen are child marriers/rapists based on the advice of their sinister prophet - do the Israelis have a minimum age for marriage despite what their prophets said and did?
In 2013, the minimum marriage age in Israel was raised to 18, from a previous age of 17, for females and males.Previously, the marriage age was 18 for males and 17 for females,before they were equalised at 17 years.
The Jews seem perfectly capable of living according to modern day standards.
muslims who still practice child marriage / rape and their supporters who claim the doctrine which urges this child abuse is perfect and final, are unable to modernize. So their children suffer
Quote:I'm confused. Is there any way you could set me straight on this?
Remember, your entire argument about the dastardly deeds of the Muselman is based on the example of his sinister prophet, which you say the Muselman needs to condemn.
Do you have any other way they can realize that the example they are following today is wrong?
Quote:Why are the Jews exempt from the same orders?
Because they have instituted laws which are modern and relevant, not based on ancient text.
Quote:Remember, the Jewish Mother of God consumated her virgin marriage at age 12. Was Joseph a paedophile based on the teachings of his prophets, peace be upon them?
I'm keen to know what you think.
Give me some doctrinal proof of her age.