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Islam: a pedophile's dream? (Read 33512 times)
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Re: Islam: a pedophile's dream?
Reply #180 - Nov 26th, 2014 at 1:09pm
Jews are successful wherever they are regardless of ursury laws.

Not entirely. They have been nearly completely eradicated in many Muslim countries, as well as Germany.
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People who can't distinguish between etymology and entomology bug me in ways I cannot put into words.
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Re: Islam: a pedophile's dream?
Reply #181 - Nov 26th, 2014 at 3:54pm
Karnal wrote: Quote:
Now you’re changing the subject, but I can see why. I did this too.

My question is an opportunity for you to explore your position, Moses. If you continue to avoid it, you’ll just stay locked into the same old argument, and you’ll just keep repeating yourself for more years.

Feel free to consider what I’ve asked. The purpose of discussion boards like this is a thrashing around of ideas and points of view. They’re a form of peer review. If you take up the offer, your argument can become more persuasive and have more depth and scope. to explore my question, Moses. I agree that it’s curious. We should be curious.

This is true freedom, not the caricatured, Orwellian conceit we know and love as Freeedom.

My position is exactly the same as it always has been:

islamic doctrine which glorifies: jihad, hijrah, taqiyya and kitman, self alienation from normal society, hate speech, torture and murder of hypocrites/disbelievers / corrupters, a prophet of islam has to be a mass murderer etc. etc. is the root cause of muslims being terrorists and committing atrocities against their fellow man. Any muslim who says the above doctrine is infallible, perfect and unchangeable supports islamic terrorist atrocities.

Islamic doctrine and the example of muhammad which gives credence to children being married, extols islamic sanctioned pedophilia. Any muslim who says the doctrine and example is infallible, perfect and unchangeable supports islamic pedophilia.

I'm not interested in the tired old **oh but they don't all do it**, if you want to stop islamic terrorism and child marriage / rape, you have to address the doctrine which condones and urges it.

Why do you think the muslims in the **Combating Islamic Radicalism** thread, are wanting government spy cameras set up in mosques, censorship of preaching?

What sort of a cult is islam to need such draconian big brother ascendancy in order to be relevant to the 21st century?

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Re: Islam: a pedophile's dream?
Reply #182 - Nov 26th, 2014 at 4:29pm
Brian Ross

Soren wrote: Quote:
Which Christian doctrine says that women are worth half a man in law or that Jews must be killed off as are those who leave Christianity, non-Christians to be killed or taxed extra and humiliated?

Brian Ross wrote: Quote:
~2,000 years of Christianity's history, Soren, where Christianity was used to oppress women, non-believers, Jews.  You have St.Paul's misogyny, you have the Churches' anti-Semitism, you have the churches advocating and promulgating it's doctrine of "holy war" against the inhabitants of the New World.  Soren, Christianity has a long, long, long, history of doing exactly the things you claim it doesn't and it did it often with the contrivance and cooperation of the Church.

Why are you unable to give Christian doctrine which urges anti-Semitism, "holy war" against the inhabitants of the New World etc.?

That's right it doesn't exist.

As for Christians who commit atrocities I can give the Christian doctrine which disowns such people Matthew 15:9 Mark 7:7 Matthew 7:21 Matthew 7:22  Matthew 7:23 

Why are you afraid to answer a question about actual doctrine, why do you go off on a tangent about people disobeying doctrine?

Soren wrote: Quote:
Which Christian doctrine teaches deception?

Brian Ross wrote: Quote:
Christianity accepts that deception is sometimes required for survival, Soren.

Deception is acceptable, if the circumstance calls for it, to protect oneself or others.  Taqiyya is  akin to the dissimulation practised by Abram (later Abraham) regarding the identity of his wife (Genesis 12:11-13), the deliberate deception by the Egyptian midwives to protect Hebrew infants targeted for government-mandated slaughter (Exodus 1:15-20), and Rahab’s use of the old “They went that-a-way” routine to conceal the Hebrew spies in Jericho (Joshua 2:1-7).

You were asked Which Christian doctrine teaches deception? Where does it say that Christians are to use deception?

What's wrong can't answer the question?
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Re: Islam: a pedophile's dream?
Reply #183 - Nov 26th, 2014 at 5:10pm
moses wrote on Nov 26th, 2014 at 3:54pm:
My position is exactly the same as it always has been:

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Re: Islam: a pedophile's dream?
Reply #184 - Nov 26th, 2014 at 6:47pm
Brian Ross wrote on Nov 25th, 2014 at 11:53pm:
Soren wrote on Nov 24th, 2014 at 11:03pm:
Brian Ross wrote on Nov 24th, 2014 at 7:01pm:
[quote author=soren2 link=1334984853/135#135 date=1416819451]

Objective truths:

Islamic doctrines are disgusting and despicable on women, Jews, nonMuslims; stupid on most other things. It is a stupid AND dangerous ideology. You are free to choose it or reject it in the West.

True but there is effectively no difference between Islam and Christianity as far as the things you've just claimed.  Christianity has oppressed women, Jews and non-Christians, doing them onto death just as happily, Soren.  If you were truly objective you'd know and understand that.  That you keep turning a blind-eye to it, in order to persecute Muslims alone suggests what about your motivations?   It certainly isn't objectivity.   Roll Eyes

Which Christian doctrine says that women are worth half a man in law or that Jews must be killed off as are those who leave Christianity, non-Christians to be killed or taxed extra and humiliated?

~2,000 years of Christianity's history, Soren, where Christianity was used to oppress women, non-believers, Jews.  You have St.Paul's misogyny, you have the Churches' anti-Semitism, you have the churches advocating and promulgating it's doctrine of "holy war" against the inhabitants of the New World.  Soren, Christianity has a long, long, long, history of doing exactly the things you claim it doesn't and it did it often with the contrivance and cooperation of the Church.  Roll Eyes

Which Christian doctrine teaches deception?

Christianity accepts that deception is sometimes required for survival, Soren.

Deception is acceptable, if the circumstance calls for it, to protect oneself or others.  Taqiyya is  akin to the dissimulation practised by Abram (later Abraham) regarding the identity of his wife (Genesis 12:11-13), the deliberate deception by the Egyptian midwives to protect Hebrew infants targeted for government-mandated slaughter (Exodus 1:15-20), and Rahab’s use of the old “They went that-a-way” routine to conceal the Hebrew spies in Jericho (Joshua 2:1-7).

I am not aware of such Christian doctrines.  Nor are you. They do not exist. 

Why then am I am to quite chapter and verse from The Bible, Soren?

As the emperor said to the Muslim: ""Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached."

Ah, the comment from the Regensburg lecture of Pope Benedict XVI.  What a shame you, like the Muslims who took what was said out of context didn't read the rest or both to understand the context of that statement and of course, how ironical it was, considering Christianity's bloody history of spreading it's faith by the sword.   However, I'm not surprised because such subtleties are beyond you, Soren.  Your Islamophobia blinds you to them.   Roll Eyes

Differences between the Western and Muslims world are genuine and obvious, in law, family relations, politics, outlook, regard to reason, art, science. These differences stem from huge differences between Christianity and Islam.

The differences are, as I keep pointing out, smaller than you actually understand, Soren.   Why don't you ever notice the similarities?  Does your bigotry blind you to them?   Roll Eyes

Islam has zero effect on the lives, attitudes and values of Muslim countries. Whatever is not right in such countries has nuffin' to do wiv Islam. Of course.
Not only that, but countries with a Christian inheritance - which has a very significant impact on societies where it has been significant for centuries -  are obviously way behind Muslim countries in every single life-affirming indicator: Europe, North America, AUS & NZ are consistently behind Muslim countries in education, life expectancy, freedom of all sorts, the opportunities and encouragement given to girls and women, minorities.

Countries with Christian inheritance, morals and values are obviously lagging behind Muslim countries in every indicator. Islam has nuffin' to do wiv where Islamic countries are but Christianity is fully responsible for where all the backward Christian countries are.

Take Denmark and England, two officially Christian countries, and Saudi Arabia and Iran, two officially Islamic countries. Why are not all the Danes and the English queueing for visas to Saudi and Iran is the great mystery of the third millennium. If you were to be believed. They are rednecks, bigots, race-haters. Any enlightened Westerner would be moving to an Islamic country.

But you are not. You are full of - drum roll - shite, bluster, idiocy, bad faith. You lack sense: common sense, sense of proportion, sense of what matters.

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« Last Edit: Nov 26th, 2014 at 6:53pm by Soren »  
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Australian Politics

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Re: Islam: a pedophile's dream?
Reply #185 - Nov 26th, 2014 at 6:56pm
That’s right, old boy. Why are Catholic Philippinos queuing up to move to Saudi Arabia?

Questions questions.
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Re: Islam: a pedophile's dream?
Reply #186 - Nov 26th, 2014 at 7:16pm
Soren wrote on Nov 26th, 2014 at 6:47pm:
But you are not. You are full of - drum roll - shite, bluster, idiocy, bad faith. You lack sense: common sense, sense of proportion, sense of what matters.

Good point, old boy. Any chance you could put this in the form of a question?
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Re: Islam: a pedophile's dream?
Reply #187 - Nov 26th, 2014 at 7:18pm
Karnal wrote on Nov 26th, 2014 at 7:16pm:
Soren wrote on Nov 26th, 2014 at 6:47pm:
But you are not. You are full of - drum roll - shite, bluster, idiocy, bad faith. You lack sense: common sense, sense of proportion, sense of what matters.

Good point, old boy. Any chance you could put this in the form of a question?

Why don't you f Vck orf?

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Australian Politics

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Re: Islam: a pedophile's dream?
Reply #188 - Nov 26th, 2014 at 7:28pm
Soren wrote on Nov 26th, 2014 at 7:18pm:
Karnal wrote on Nov 26th, 2014 at 7:16pm:
Soren wrote on Nov 26th, 2014 at 6:47pm:
But you are not. You are full of - drum roll - shite, bluster, idiocy, bad faith. You lack sense: common sense, sense of proportion, sense of what matters.

Good point, old boy. Any chance you could put this in the form of a question?

Why don't you f Vck orf?

Excellent question. You’d like to silence decent white people, wouldn’t you?

I can tell from your question.

No one has the right not to be offended, but we do understand how hard it is for you to remain so offended.

You’re the old boy.

There there.
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« Last Edit: Nov 26th, 2014 at 7:35pm by Karnal »  
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Re: Islam: a pedophile's dream?
Reply #189 - Nov 26th, 2014 at 7:46pm
Karnal wrote on Nov 26th, 2014 at 7:28pm:
Soren wrote on Nov 26th, 2014 at 7:18pm:
Karnal wrote on Nov 26th, 2014 at 7:16pm:
Soren wrote on Nov 26th, 2014 at 6:47pm:
But you are not. You are full of - drum roll - shite, bluster, idiocy, bad faith. You lack sense: common sense, sense of proportion, sense of what matters.

Good point, old boy. Any chance you could put this in the form of a question?

Why don't you f Vck orf?

Excellent question. You’d like to silence decent white people, wouldn’t you?

I can tell from your question.

No one has the right not to be offended, but we do understand how hard it is for you to remain so offended.

You’re the old boy.

There there.

I don't want to silence you, PB. I just want you to f Vck orf.  Keep posting AND f Vck orf.


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Australian Politics

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Re: Islam: a pedophile's dream?
Reply #190 - Nov 26th, 2014 at 7:58pm
Soren wrote on Nov 26th, 2014 at 7:46pm:
Karnal wrote on Nov 26th, 2014 at 7:28pm:
Soren wrote on Nov 26th, 2014 at 7:18pm:
Karnal wrote on Nov 26th, 2014 at 7:16pm:
Soren wrote on Nov 26th, 2014 at 6:47pm:
But you are not. You are full of - drum roll - shite, bluster, idiocy, bad faith. You lack sense: common sense, sense of proportion, sense of what matters.

Good point, old boy. Any chance you could put this in the form of a question?

Why don't you f Vck orf?

Excellent question. You’d like to silence decent white people, wouldn’t you?

I can tell from your question.

No one has the right not to be offended, but we do understand how hard it is for you to remain so offended.

You’re the old boy.

There there.

I don't want to silence you, PB. I just want you to f Vck orf.  Keep posting AND f Vck orf.

I know, dear boy. It’s hard for you to stay ever so offended. I get that.

You have every right for me to f.VCk off.

And I, for one, would fight to the death for your right to f.Vck me off.

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Re: Islam: a pedophile's dream?
Reply #191 - Nov 26th, 2014 at 8:19pm
Karnal wrote on Nov 26th, 2014 at 7:58pm:
Soren wrote on Nov 26th, 2014 at 7:46pm:
Karnal wrote on Nov 26th, 2014 at 7:28pm:
Soren wrote on Nov 26th, 2014 at 7:18pm:
Karnal wrote on Nov 26th, 2014 at 7:16pm:
Soren wrote on Nov 26th, 2014 at 6:47pm:
But you are not. You are full of - drum roll - shite, bluster, idiocy, bad faith. You lack sense: common sense, sense of proportion, sense of what matters.

Good point, old boy. Any chance you could put this in the form of a question?

Why don't you f Vck orf?

Excellent question. You’d like to silence decent white people, wouldn’t you?

I can tell from your question.

No one has the right not to be offended, but we do understand how hard it is for you to remain so offended.

You’re the old boy.

There there.

I don't want to silence you, PB. I just want you to f Vck orf.  Keep posting AND f Vck orf.

I know, dear boy. It’s hard for you to stay ever so offended. I get that.

You have every right for me to f.VCk off.

And I, for one, would fight to the death for your right to f.Vck me off.

Sooo... er.... why dontcha f Vck orf, then?

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Australian Politics

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Re: Islam: a pedophile's dream?
Reply #192 - Nov 26th, 2014 at 8:37pm
Good point, old boy. All you have to do is say you blame Islam and Tinkerbell will come back to life.

Do you blame Islam?
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Re: Islam: a pedophile's dream?
Reply #193 - Nov 27th, 2014 at 5:07pm
Soren wrote on Nov 26th, 2014 at 6:47pm:
Brian Ross wrote on Nov 25th, 2014 at 11:53pm:
Soren wrote on Nov 24th, 2014 at 11:03pm:
Brian Ross wrote on Nov 24th, 2014 at 7:01pm:
[quote author=soren2 link=1334984853/135#135 date=1416819451]

Objective truths:

Islamic doctrines are disgusting and despicable on women, Jews, nonMuslims; stupid on most other things. It is a stupid AND dangerous ideology. You are free to choose it or reject it in the West.

True but there is effectively no difference between Islam and Christianity as far as the things you've just claimed.  Christianity has oppressed women, Jews and non-Christians, doing them onto death just as happily, Soren.  If you were truly objective you'd know and understand that.  That you keep turning a blind-eye to it, in order to persecute Muslims alone suggests what about your motivations?   It certainly isn't objectivity.   Roll Eyes

Which Christian doctrine says that women are worth half a man in law or that Jews must be killed off as are those who leave Christianity, non-Christians to be killed or taxed extra and humiliated?

~2,000 years of Christianity's history, Soren, where Christianity was used to oppress women, non-believers, Jews.  You have St.Paul's misogyny, you have the Churches' anti-Semitism, you have the churches advocating and promulgating it's doctrine of "holy war" against the inhabitants of the New World.  Soren, Christianity has a long, long, long, history of doing exactly the things you claim it doesn't and it did it often with the contrivance and cooperation of the Church.  Roll Eyes

Which Christian doctrine teaches deception?

Christianity accepts that deception is sometimes required for survival, Soren.

Deception is acceptable, if the circumstance calls for it, to protect oneself or others.  Taqiyya is  akin to the dissimulation practised by Abram (later Abraham) regarding the identity of his wife (Genesis 12:11-13), the deliberate deception by the Egyptian midwives to protect Hebrew infants targeted for government-mandated slaughter (Exodus 1:15-20), and Rahab’s use of the old “They went that-a-way” routine to conceal the Hebrew spies in Jericho (Joshua 2:1-7).

I am not aware of such Christian doctrines.  Nor are you. They do not exist. 

Why then am I am to quite chapter and verse from The Bible, Soren?

As the emperor said to the Muslim: ""Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached."

Ah, the comment from the Regensburg lecture of Pope Benedict XVI.  What a shame you, like the Muslims who took what was said out of context didn't read the rest or both to understand the context of that statement and of course, how ironical it was, considering Christianity's bloody history of spreading it's faith by the sword.   However, I'm not surprised because such subtleties are beyond you, Soren.  Your Islamophobia blinds you to them.   Roll Eyes

Differences between the Western and Muslims world are genuine and obvious, in law, family relations, politics, outlook, regard to reason, art, science. These differences stem from huge differences between Christianity and Islam.

The differences are, as I keep pointing out, smaller than you actually understand, Soren.   Why don't you ever notice the similarities?  Does your bigotry blind you to them?   Roll Eyes

Islam has zero effect on the lives, attitudes and values of Muslim countries. Whatever is not right in such countries has nuffin' to do wiv Islam. Of course.
Not only that, but countries with a Christian inheritance - which has a very significant impact on societies where it has been significant for centuries -  are obviously way behind Muslim countries in every single life-affirming indicator: Europe, North America, AUS & NZ are consistently behind Muslim countries in education, life expectancy, freedom of all sorts, the opportunities and encouragement given to girls and women, minorities.

Countries with Christian inheritance, morals and values are obviously lagging behind Muslim countries in every indicator. Islam has nuffin' to do wiv where Islamic countries are but Christianity is fully responsible for where all the backward Christian countries are.

Take Denmark and England, two officially Christian countries, and Saudi Arabia and Iran, two officially Islamic countries. Why are not all the Danes and the English queueing for visas to Saudi and Iran is the great mystery of the third millennium. If you were to be believed. They are rednecks, bigots, race-haters. Any enlightened Westerner would be moving to an Islamic country.

But you are not. You are full of - drum roll - shite, bluster, idiocy, bad faith. You lack sense: common sense, sense of proportion, sense of what matters.

Brain, please explain.

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Australian Politics

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Re: Islam: a pedophile's dream?
Reply #194 - Nov 27th, 2014 at 5:23pm
Karnal wrote on Nov 26th, 2014 at 6:56pm:
That’s right, old boy. Why are Catholic Philippinos queuing up to move to Saudi Arabia?

Questions questions.

Old boy, please explain.

Oh, I forgot. You did.

Brain, tell the old boy to orf.

That should keep the debate going for a bit.
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