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Islam: a pedophile's dream? (Read 33522 times)
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Re: Islam: a pedophile's dream?
Reply #15 - Apr 22nd, 2012 at 12:15pm
Baronvonrort wrote on Apr 22nd, 2012 at 12:12pm:
Frances wrote on Apr 22nd, 2012 at 10:48am:
So, by the time a girl is somewhere between 9 and 13 (or maybe even earlier for some) she can be married off and live with a man as his wife? (which presumably means they will be having sex regularly)

Aisha was 6 when she was married to Mohammad and the marriage was consummated when she was 9.
The Quran tells you 91 times to follow the example Mohammad set.

There is a practice called "thighing" where a man rubs his penis between the closed legs of a child to get off which is considered acceptable in Islam if she is too young for intercourse.
Mohammad did this with Aisha before he comsummated their marriage.

So does it bother you when the bible says basically the same stuff?
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Re: Islam: a pedophile's dream?
Reply #16 - Apr 22nd, 2012 at 1:01pm
Girls are able to become pregnant before their bodies are ready for childbirth.  Anyone who suggests that girls can marry and bear children once they attain puberty is heartlessly condemning many of them to complications and deaths during childbirth - and with frequent pregnancies from a very young age, a complete breakdown in health by the time they enter adulthood
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Sure God created man before woman. But then you always make a rough draft before the final masterpiece.
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Re: Islam: a pedophile's dream?
Reply #17 - Apr 22nd, 2012 at 1:10pm
Baronvonrort wrote on Apr 22nd, 2012 at 12:12pm:
Aisha was 6 when she was married to Mohammad and the marriage was consummated when she was 9.
The Quran tells you 91 times to follow the example Mohammad set.

More than 90% of his wives were either widows or divorcees.

His favourite wife, Khadeejah, was 15 years older than he was. They married when he was 25, and she 40.

Aa'ishah, herself, said:

"I did not feel jealous of any of the wives of Prophet as much as I did of Khadeejah though I did not see her, but the Prophet used to mention her very often, and when ever he slaughtered a sheep, he would cut its parts and send them to the women friends of Khadeejah. When I sometimes said to him, "(You treat Khadija in such a way) as if there is no woman on earth except Khadeejah" he would say, "Khadeejah was such-and-such, and from her I had children."

The rest of what you write is lies, and does not merit an answer.
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Re: Islam: a pedophile's dream?
Reply #18 - Apr 22nd, 2012 at 1:28pm
Frances wrote on Apr 22nd, 2012 at 10:48am:
So, by the time a girl is somewhere between 9 and 13 (or maybe even earlier for some) she can be married off and live with a man as his wife? (which presumably means they will be having sex regularly)

This has been the case for most of human history. Women were married upon reching puberty.

Islam gave women the protection of being able to refuse a marriage.

This was not the case in Christian Europe until fairly recently. For most of Christian history, European marriages were arranged, and women had no say in her they married.

John McLaughlin, PhD, writes in his article MEDIEVAL CHILD MARRIAGE: ABUSE OF WARDSHIP:

in 1396, Richard II of England was joined in marriage to young Isabel of France, who had been 7 years old when their engagement was announced the previous year in Paris...
A social practice which entered the written record in the 12th century, but which seems to have had roots in the barbaric past, that extended from the royal abattoirs down to the lives of neighboring fishmongers and shop-keepers in medieval London, yet that seems to have received little more than passing notice in canon law beyond exhortation to limit it to age seven...

In Chaucer's English classic, Canterbury Tales, the wife of Bath claims to have been married five times since the age of 12.

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Avram Horowitz
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Re: Islam: a pedophile's dream?
Reply #19 - Apr 22nd, 2012 at 1:34pm
Islam allows things to happen which in the developed world we would see as child abuse.

That is a fact.
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Re: Islam: a pedophile's dream?
Reply #20 - Apr 22nd, 2012 at 1:38pm
Avram Horowitz wrote on Apr 22nd, 2012 at 1:34pm:
Islam allows things to happen which in the developed world we would see as child abuse.

That is a fact.

So does Judaism.
Now what?
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Re: Islam: a pedophile's dream?
Reply #21 - Apr 22nd, 2012 at 1:41pm
Frances wrote on Apr 22nd, 2012 at 1:01pm:
Girls are able to become pregnant before their bodies are ready for childbirth.  Anyone who suggests that girls can marry and bear children once they attain puberty is heartlessly condemning many of them to complications and deaths during childbirth - and with frequent pregnancies from a very young age, a complete breakdown in health by the time they enter adulthood

Mom in Spain happy that her 10-year-old gave birth

A Romanian Gypsy woman whose 10-year-old daughter just gave birth in Spain says she's delighted to have a new granddaughter and doesn't understand why the birth has shocked anyone - let alone become an international sensation...

...There were no complications during the birth, and the 10-year-old and her baby are doing fine, her mother said.

"She's doing well and is very happy with her daughter," the woman said.

People who deny young women the right to marriage are denying human biology:

The latest statistics show that 177 girls under the age of 15 gave birth in Spain in 2008.

Marrying upon reaching puberty is still common in Europe amongst the millions of Christian Roma people
The legal age for marriage in Romania is 18, but the law allows Romanians to marry at 16 with parental consent. The country generally tolerates arranged child weddings among Gypsies, also called Roma, whose ancient traditions call for the marriage of children once they reach puberty.

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Re: Islam: a pedophile's dream?
Reply #22 - Apr 22nd, 2012 at 1:43pm
Avram Horowitz wrote on Apr 22nd, 2012 at 1:34pm:
Islam allows things to happen which in the developed world we would see as child abuse.

That is a fact.

Rabbi charged with raping 12-year-old gi

Netanya rabbi tells minor she's fated to be 'messiah's mother,' must have sex with him to atone for sins

A Netanya rabbi was charged on Monday with raping a 12-year-old girl. David Hafuta, 64, who prayed at the same synagogue as the minor, allegedly assaulted her on several occasions between July 2010 and May of this year.

According to the indictment, the girl asked Hafuta questions about religious matters. In response, he told her that he wants to "reveal her purpose in the world," and for that she has to meet him.,7340,L-4081490,00.html
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Re: Islam: a pedophile's dream?
Reply #23 - Apr 22nd, 2012 at 1:46pm
U.S. rabbi arrested for raping girl

Rabbi Bryan Bramley, 45, was arrested outside Temple Beth Shalom Synagogue Tuesday morning by the Child Predator Apprehension Team of the U.S. Marshals and detectives with the New York Police Department.

Bramley is accused of raping a 7-year-old girl in March 2000 in New York City.
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Re: Islam: a pedophile's dream?
Reply #24 - Apr 22nd, 2012 at 1:50pm
IDF colonel-rabbi implies: Rape is permitted in war

Answering a question from a concerned reader regarding the Torah’s position on rape during war, Colonel Eyal Qarim of the Military Rabbinate wrote nine years ago – out of uniform – that ‘prohibitions against immorality’ are removed during war.

Is it permitted for a Jewish soldier to rape a gentile woman during wartime? This question – based on the biblical mitzvah of Eshet Yefat Toar (“a comely woman”) – was referred to nine years ago (Hebrew) by Rabbi Eyal Qarim. The questioning party seemed anxious and worried, and wanted to know whether the iron-age mitzvah (religious deed) is applicable to IDF soldiers today.

UPDATE: Following comments doubting whether rape was the issue of the Rabbi’s answer, I post here the question that he was asked:

    Is it allowed in our days [sic] for an IDF soldier, for example, to rape girls during a fight, or is such a thing forbidden?

Rabbi Qarim answered thus:

    “The wars of Israel […] are mitzvah wars, in which they differ from the rest of the wars the nations wage among themselves. Since, essentially, a war is not an individual matter, but rather nations wage war as a whole, there are cases in which the personality of the individual is “erased” for the benefit of the whole. And vice versa: sometimes you risk a large unit for the saving of an individual, when it is essential for purposes of morale. One of the important and critical values during war is maintaining the army’s fighting ability […]

    As in war the prohibition against risking your life is broken for the benefit of others, so are the prohibitions against immorality and of kashrut. Wine touched by gentiles, consumption of which is prohibited in peacetime, is allowed at war, to maintain the good spirit of the warriors. Consumption of prohibited foods is permitted at war (and some say, even when kosher food is available), to maintain the fitness of the warriors, even though they are prohibited during peacetime. Just so, war removes some of the prohibitions on sexual relations (gilui arayot in the original – YZG), and even though fraternizing with a gentile woman is a very serious matter, it was permitted during wartime (under the specific terms) out of understanding for the hardship endured by the warriors. And since the success of the whole at war is our goal, the Torah permitted the individual to satisfy the evil urge (yetzer ha’ra in the original  -YZG), under the conditions mentioned, for the purpose of the success of the whole.”

Wow. Herein lies a hornet’s nest. The first is that according to Qarim, the rape of female prisoners is not just permitted, it is also essential to war; the success of the whole at war relies on it. Even Genghis Khan, who (according to tradition) said that the best thing in the world is “to crush your enemies, to see them fall at your feet — to take their horses and goods and hear the lamentation of their women. That is best” – even he, who excelled at rape, did not see it as essential to warfare, just a satisfactory outcome. Stalin, likewise, dismissed complaints about rapes carried out massively by the Red Army by saying “a soldier has urges,” but he did not see it as an essential element of military life.

Qarim came up with a new military doctrine, which replaces Napoleon’s: an army marches on its phallus. According to this logic, perhaps the IDF should appoint to each unit not just a supply officer, but also a Comely Woman Officer (CWO), to make certain no soldier is left unsatisfied.

Another problem is that Qarim invokes here the usual apologetics of those who speak of “Jewish morality”: he claims war is a conflict between nations, not individuals, and that the individual has no importance at war. The raped woman is not a woman, is not a person, has no feelings and if she feels pain it is unimportant: she is not a woman or a person, just an individual of an enemy tribe whose misfortune was to be captured. Furthermore, Qarim says that rape during wartime is immoral if carried out by a rival tribe – but all Jewish wars are, by definition, mitzvah wars. If the rape of the defenseless is part and parcel of “Jewish morality,” it’s not hard to reach the conclusion it is inferior to all modern morality systems. It is also worth noting (Hebrew) that “Jewish morality” is a by-product of German blood and iron romanticism.

Yet a third problem is that, essentially, Qarim says there is nothing which may be prohibited in war, if it is done “for the success of the whole.” We know that the killing of armed combatants is permitted (this is, after all, the essence of war), and we now learn that, for His Blessed Name, the rape of women is also permitted. Then we must ask ourselves whether it is also permitted, for the sake of victory, to also kill unarmed people. Children, for instance, who we have good reason to think may seek one day vengeance for the death of their fathers and brothers and the torturing of their mothers and sisters. The notorious book “Torat Ha’Melekh” answered in the affirmative; it would be interesting to know what Qarim thinks, and whether there is anything he thinks a Jewish soldier ought not to do for victory.

But the real problem here is that Eyal Qarim is an IDF colonel (Aluf Mishneh), and is a senior officer in the Military Rabbinate, i.e. is in a senior position in the IDF religious edicts apparatus.

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Sir Spot of Borg
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Re: Islam: a pedophile's dream?
Reply #25 - Apr 22nd, 2012 at 1:58pm
Baronvonrort wrote on Apr 22nd, 2012 at 12:12pm:
Frances wrote on Apr 22nd, 2012 at 10:48am:
So, by the time a girl is somewhere between 9 and 13 (or maybe even earlier for some) she can be married off and live with a man as his wife? (which presumably means they will be having sex regularly)

Aisha was 6 when she was married to Mohammad and the marriage was consummated when she was 9.
The Quran tells you 91 times to follow the example Mohammad set.

There is a practice called "thighing" where a man rubs his penis between the closed legs of a child to get off which is considered acceptable in Islam if she is too young for intercourse.
Mohammad did this with Aisha before he comsummated their marriage.

Of course we see that as wrong being human beings. Remember though that this is religion we are dealing with here. This could seen to be "metaphorical" somehow. Who knows. Religion should be done away with everywhere. Xtianity and islam alike are being used as excuse for atrocities. However if we did away with the relgiion they would find another way.

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Re: Islam: a pedophile's dream?
Reply #26 - Apr 22nd, 2012 at 2:37pm
bobbythefap1 wrote on Apr 22nd, 2012 at 12:15pm:
Baronvonrort wrote on Apr 22nd, 2012 at 12:12pm:
Frances wrote on Apr 22nd, 2012 at 10:48am:
So, by the time a girl is somewhere between 9 and 13 (or maybe even earlier for some) she can be married off and live with a man as his wife? (which presumably means they will be having sex regularly)

Aisha was 6 when she was married to Mohammad and the marriage was consummated when she was 9.
The Quran tells you 91 times to follow the example Mohammad set.

There is a practice called "thighing" where a man rubs his penis between the closed legs of a child to get off which is considered acceptable in Islam if she is too young for intercourse.
Mohammad did this with Aisha before he comsummated their marriage.

So does it bother you when the bible says basically the same stuff?

It doesn't bother me. We don't live in a theocracy and we are not agitating for one. We have a clear separation of state and church. Regardless of what the Bible says, you will be punished if you frig yourself with a child.

Mohammedans, on the other hand, want to live in a theocracy and want to live like Mohammed and wank off on small kiddies as a matter of being rightly guided by Mohammed and his god.

Can you see the difference?

Probably not.

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Re: Islam: a pedophile's dream?
Reply #27 - Apr 22nd, 2012 at 2:43pm
Soren wrote on Apr 22nd, 2012 at 2:37pm:
bobbythefap1 wrote on Apr 22nd, 2012 at 12:15pm:
Baronvonrort wrote on Apr 22nd, 2012 at 12:12pm:
Frances wrote on Apr 22nd, 2012 at 10:48am:
So, by the time a girl is somewhere between 9 and 13 (or maybe even earlier for some) she can be married off and live with a man as his wife? (which presumably means they will be having sex regularly)

Aisha was 6 when she was married to Mohammad and the marriage was consummated when she was 9.
The Quran tells you 91 times to follow the example Mohammad set.

There is a practice called "thighing" where a man rubs his penis between the closed legs of a child to get off which is considered acceptable in Islam if she is too young for intercourse.
Mohammad did this with Aisha before he comsummated their marriage.

So does it bother you when the bible says basically the same stuff?

It doesn't bother me. We don't live in a theocracy and we are not agitating for one. We have a clear separation of state and church. Regardless of what the Bible says, you will be punished if you frig yourself with a child.

Mohammedans, on the other hand, want to live in a theocracy and want to live like Mohammed and wank off on small kiddies as a matter of being rightly guided by Mohammed and his god.

Can you see the difference?

Probably not.
So it is ok to rape kids as long as their is seperation of religion and state?
How come the majority of priests are never punished then?

If the church had its way society would be exactly like that as well.
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Re: Islam: a pedophile's dream?
Reply #28 - Apr 22nd, 2012 at 3:22pm
bobbythefap1 wrote on Apr 22nd, 2012 at 2:43pm:
So it is ok to rape kids as long as their is separation of religion and state?
How come the majority of priests are never punished then?

If the church had its way society would be exactly like that as well.

It's not OK, you cretin. That's why they are tried and sentenced to prison. No cleric is above the law in our society.

The majority of priests are not acting against the laws of the land.

The church and the state are separate, moron. Have been for generations. Do you understand what that means? It means that the church has no parliamentary representation. Canon law is irrelevant when parliament makes the laws for everyone, including priests. The executive is separate from the church, too. So is the judiciary. Secular law trumps canon law.

Gawd you are an insufferable dudge.

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Re: Islam: a pedophile's dream?
Reply #29 - Apr 22nd, 2012 at 4:36pm
Why is it that Soren's posts seem so similar to Avram's and Baronvonrort's?

Soren do you think we cannot tell that you are pretending to be many people?
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