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Islam: serial rape liberates women (Read 9669 times)
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Islam: serial rape liberates women
Apr 27th, 2012 at 8:34am
I was challenged in this thread by Falah to quote Abu directly saying that Muslims may rape women captured in battle:

He has also challenged me many times to quote where the Koran says directly that rape is permitted in various circumstance. Obviously neither Abu nor the Koran will describe it as rape if it is legal. Rather, they redefine rape.

I did however find the section in the common misconceptions thread where Abu 'explains' it. It is easy to miss, because he does such a good job of putting a positive spin on it. If you read the common misconceptions thread with an open mind, you will see that it is not the legality of rape that people are confused about. Rather, non-Muslims mistakenly believe that Islamic rape is a bad thing. Instead, it 'liberates' women and is a 'right' of the rapist. This is how Abu puts it:

As for the right given by Islam to the owner of a slave-girl to enjoy sexual relations with her, this raises the status of the slave and results in her freedom. This is because the enjoyment of the owner with his slave-girl is like the enjoyment of the husband with his wife, lifting the status of the slave girl to the status of the free wife and gives her a status before her master. In addition, if the slave-girl falls pregnant and bears a child she is freed compulsorily after the death of her master.

Consider the plight of a young girl to whom this might typically apply: you have just seen your parents slaughtered by a Muslim soldier. The soldier sees you. You have just reached puberty and you can see the lust in his eyes as he wipes your parents blood from his monobrow and beard. You fear will will rape you right there in front of your parent's corpses. Praise Allah, Islam forbids such barbaric acts. It also forbids the soldier from having sex with the dead corpse of your parents (unless of course he was permitted to have sex with them when they were alive, which could technically apply to your mother if your father was killed first).

Instead, the soldier takes you home and cares for you and treats you with dignity. And of course he rapes you, over and over again. You may not realise it at the time (as you lack Abu's wisdom) but this is a good thing, as it raises your status almost as high as that of your serial rapist's wife (who he may also rape). If you give birth to a son, you are even granted freedom, but you obviously have to wait until your serial rapist dies, as he needs you to have sex with while he is alive. If you die first, he may continue to have sex with you (but obviously not if you were menstruating at the time of death, as that would be gross).

You get to help your serial rapist raise your children and turn the into good Muslims. You can help him beat them for not praying. This does not last long as your daughters can me married off to an old man before they reach puberty. You get to watch your sons learn to rape and pillage, just like their father.

One sure fire way to avoid being regularly raped is to get a fistula while giving birth. This is still common in many Muslim societies, because the age of consent is puberty and the purpose of sex is breeding more Muslims. If a girl gives birth at a young age, her birth canal can tear through to the bladder and colon. This results in continual seepage of urine and faeces from the vagina. These days it can be treated. Even so, it often goes untreated in Muslim societies for cultural reasons, as it is considered part of the general humiliation of being a woman.

This is not a long forgotten dark past. This is life for many women, even today. It is the future, if Muslims like Abu and Falah get their way.
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« Last Edit: Apr 27th, 2012 at 8:44am by freediver »  

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Annie Anthrax
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Re: Islam: serial rape liberates women
Reply #1 - Apr 27th, 2012 at 9:01am
It's still rape if it's legal. It's still rape if it's actively encouraged.

I've spoken with my husband about this. He believes that slavery was eventually prohibited in Islam and that it was never permitted for people to have sex outside of marriage, slaves or not.

I'd go as far as to say that his moderate views are more representative of educated Muslims and authentic Islam than anything that condones or even encourages rape.

In your link, Abu says:

Islam has abolished slavery and there are no situations where slavery would return in a future Khilafah.

Also, in your post you say:

You can help him beat them [children] for not praying.

Where does this come from?

This is life for many women, even today. It is the future, if Muslims like Abu and Falah get their way. 

It is life for many women all over the world. Muslims hardly have a monopoly on abusive practices toward women.

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Re: Islam: serial rape liberates women
Reply #2 - Apr 27th, 2012 at 9:51am
Annie Anthrax wrote on Apr 27th, 2012 at 9:01am:
It is life for many women all over the world. Muslims hardly have a monopoly on abusive practices toward women.

True. They have a monopoly only on abusive practices sanctioned and upheld by Islam.
Other barbarians are condemned as barbarians and they a shamed into change.
WHen you condemn Islamists for their barbarism, they go apesh!t and burn down your embassies and declare jihad.

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Annie Anthrax
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Re: Islam: serial rape liberates women
Reply #3 - Apr 27th, 2012 at 10:08am
Soren wrote on Apr 27th, 2012 at 9:51am:
Annie Anthrax wrote on Apr 27th, 2012 at 9:01am:
It is life for many women all over the world. Muslims hardly have a monopoly on abusive practices toward women.

True. They have a monopoly only on abusive practices sanctioned and upheld by Islam.
Other barbarians are condemned as barbarians and they a shamed into change.

That's a bit idealistic. Look at the DRC - not much significant change there as a result of shame. It's the victims who are ostracised and condemned and shamed. They suffer the social opprobrium while rapists are lauded as heroes among their own little groups. And official condemnation is lip service at best - rape is rarely prosecuted successfully in many cultures.

It is always the women that suffer in any kind of societal breakdown - in any culture. Look at the war in the Balkans for a case in point. Vietnam. Nanking.

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Re: Islam: serial rape liberates women
Reply #4 - Apr 27th, 2012 at 10:14am
Annie Anthrax wrote on Apr 27th, 2012 at 10:08am:
Soren wrote on Apr 27th, 2012 at 9:51am:
Annie Anthrax wrote on Apr 27th, 2012 at 9:01am:
It is life for many women all over the world. Muslims hardly have a monopoly on abusive practices toward women.

True. They have a monopoly only on abusive practices sanctioned and upheld by Islam.
Other barbarians are condemned as barbarians and they a shamed into change.

That's a bit idealistic. Look at the DRC - not much significant change there as a result of shame. It's the victims who are ostracised and condemned and shamed. They suffer the social opprobrium while rapists are lauded as heroes among their own little groups. And official condemnation is lip service at best - rape is rarely prosecuted successfully in many cultures.

It is always the women that suffer in any kind of societal breakdown - in any culture. Look at the war in the Balkans for a case in point. Vietnam. Nanking.

Of course. The men must enjoy being shot, decapitated, dismembered, disembowelled and thrown in mass graves.

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Annie Anthrax
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Re: Islam: serial rape liberates women
Reply #5 - Apr 27th, 2012 at 10:27am
Read what I said, Wesley. The things you mention don't happen in every kind of societal breakdown, do they?
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Re: Islam: serial rape liberates women
Reply #6 - Apr 27th, 2012 at 10:33am
Annie Anthrax wrote on Apr 27th, 2012 at 10:27am:
Read what I said, Wesley. The things you mention don't happen in every kind of societal breakdown, do they?

Why you think one half of society suffers while the other half presumably laps it up in a societal breakdown is anyones guess.
You'd I'd think all members of that society would suffer, seeing as how they're all in it together.
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Annie Anthrax
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Re: Islam: serial rape liberates women
Reply #7 - Apr 27th, 2012 at 10:48am
I don't see the men that are raping women and systematically impregnating them in a drawn out, insidious form of genocide as victims. Do you?

There are times when men suffer because of what happens to them directly and there are times when men suffer on behalf of their women. But I can't think of any conflict or breakdown where the actual or threatened sexual violation of women and children hasn't been a problem. Women suffer what men suffer, with the added bonus of violent sexual abuse.

Think about Katrina and the Asian tsunami for examples unrelated to war.
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Re: Islam: serial rape liberates women
Reply #8 - Apr 27th, 2012 at 10:55am
Annie Anthrax wrote on Apr 27th, 2012 at 10:48am:
I don't see the men that are raping women and systematically impregnating them in a drawn out, insidious form of genocide as victims. Do you?

There are times when men suffer because of what happens to them directly and there are times when men suffer on behalf of their women. But I can't think of any conflict or breakdown where the actual or threatened sexual violation of women and children hasn't been a problem. Women suffer what men suffer, with the added bonus of violent sexual abuse.

Think about Katrina and the Asian tsunami for examples unrelated to war.

Well I dunno what you mean about the tsunami, but Katrina - Roving bands of (race deleted on legal advice) thugs preying on the weak and isolated. 

Sounds like the sort of situation where a strong protector would come in handy.  Oh - what a shame they're being phased out, in favour of androgynous limp wristed manginas.  Still, the instinct to protect is strong, even if they don't recognise it often.  How many men got smoked trying to play the role which they should have been equipped for, but weren't as it didn't fit the social enginnering plans?  I know it's not as bad, but do you think these wusses would feel good about being unable to protect their loved ones, like great men of yesteryear could?  Pretty bloody awful, I'd suspect.
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Annie Anthrax
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Re: Islam: serial rape liberates women
Reply #9 - Apr 27th, 2012 at 11:18am
... wrote on Apr 27th, 2012 at 10:55am:
Katrina - Roving bands of (race deleted on legal advice) thugs preying on the weak and isolated.

After a series of sexual assaults were reported by white women volunteers in Common Ground in 2006, participant discourse criminalized the surrounding black community, although almost every accused perpetrator was a nonlocal white man

What could a single strong black male protector do against a 'band' of white volunteers intent on raping his wife in a situation where black men were already seen as violent animals?

What could you do in the same situation?
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Re: Islam: serial rape liberates women
Reply #10 - Apr 27th, 2012 at 11:24am
Annie Anthrax wrote on Apr 27th, 2012 at 11:18am:
... wrote on Apr 27th, 2012 at 10:55am:
Katrina - Roving bands of (race deleted on legal advice) thugs preying on the weak and isolated.

After a series of sexual assaults were reported by white women volunteers in Common Ground in 2006, participant discourse criminalized the surrounding black community, although almost every accused perpetrator was a nonlocal white man

What could a single strong black male protector do against a 'band' of white volunteers intent on raping his wife in a situation where black men were already seen as violent animals?

What could you do in the same situation?

One could ask what a lioness could do to protect her cubs against a pair of brother lions intent on killing her cubs?

Answer: Whatever they need to do.  You'd be surprised the strength that can be summoned in times of great need. Of course, it helps to have a "baseline" above zero.

Lets look at the costa concordia - lamenting that men didn't give up their places in the lifeboats for women and children, as they automatically did on the titanic 100 years before.  When times are good, masculinity is evil, to be stamped out wherever it may lurk, yet when things turn ugly - who ya gonna call?
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Annie Anthrax
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Re: Islam: serial rape liberates women
Reply #11 - Apr 27th, 2012 at 11:31am
Everyone should have given up their places for the children. Then the elderly and the poor swimmers etc.

I am a strong swimmer - I would give a spot up for a man who was less capable.

Does that make me a feminazi? Being a strong swimmer, I mean (sorry - crossover from our other discussion).

I certainly don't think a man who is a poor swimmer should risk his life for a woman who is a strong swimmer just because of sex.
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Re: Islam: serial rape liberates women
Reply #12 - Apr 27th, 2012 at 11:37am
Annie Anthrax wrote on Apr 27th, 2012 at 11:31am:
Everyone should have given up their places for the children. Then the elderly and the poor swimmers etc.

I am a strong swimmer - I would give a spot up for a man who was less capable.

Does that make me a feminazi? Being a strong swimmer, I mean (sorry - crossover from our other discussion).

I certainly don't think a man who is a poor swimmer should risk his life for a woman who is a strong swimmer just because of sex.

You don't need to - the man will do it willingly, happily, instinctually. So, when male instincts are systematically repressed, you lose the good as well as the bad. 

Anyways, this was supposed to be about islamic women or something.  I've been sidetracked again.
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Re: Islam: serial rape liberates women
Reply #13 - Apr 27th, 2012 at 12:27pm
Annie Anthrax wrote on Apr 27th, 2012 at 9:01am:
In your link, Abu says:

Islam has abolished slavery and there are no situations where slavery would return in a future Khilafah.

Have you seen his justification for this conclusion? His argument is that women are never on or near the battlefield these days. Never mind that Islam's enemies have female soldiers and that modern warfare often occurs in urban environments and it tend to be Muslims themselves lobbing rockets from residential buildings.

Also, the historically recent abolition of slavery in the Caliphate just prior to it's demise was in response to external pressure from countries like Great Britain - interference that Abu otherwise complains about.

What really slowed down Islamic slavery was when Muslims stopped winning wars. Rape and pillage go hand in hand in Islam. Of course it didn't actually stop it and it is still rife in the middle east. If Muslims start winning wars again, I am sure they will quickly rediscover the 'need' to take all the females as sex slaves and breed the infidelity out of the infidels.

Also, in your post you say:

You can help him beat them [children] for not praying.

Where does this come from?

I think there are links in the wiki. I am pretty sure Abu will confirm this if you ask, though he would obviously spin it differently.

It is life for many women all over the world. Muslims hardly have a monopoly on abusive practices toward women.

No, but Islam has a monopoly on turning it into religious law and requiring it to be imposed on everyone.
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Re: Islam: serial rape liberates women
Reply #14 - Apr 27th, 2012 at 10:51pm
Narrated Jabir ibn Abdullah: Musaykah, a slave-girl of some Ansari, came (to the prophet) and said: My master forces me to have sex. Thereupon the following verse was revealed: "But force not your maids to sexual service (when they desire chastity)."
[Sunan Abu Dawood]

...And force not your maid servants to sexual service, if they desire chastity...
[The noble Quran, An-Nur v.33]
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« Last Edit: Apr 28th, 2012 at 11:00am by falah »  

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