Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Apr 29
th, 2012 at 12:23pm:
The reason I am not accepting your "plasticity" is because you claimed to be an atheist and yet you are using the jargon of a religious nut. you are not accepting my definitions but expect me to accept yours and yours all have religious connotations.
Yes, I'm reclaiming terms from religiosity as the most forefront atheist thinkers, such as Hitchens, Dawkins and Dennett, have done.
I can easily accept your definitions, where you make them. However, the one in this thread you have made, is that for 'opinion', which you then define exactly as 'belief'. How am I to differentiate what you mean by 'opinion' with what I define as 'belief'?
All you say is that belief "has connotations", by that I'm guessing you mean religious connotations. I can accept that 'belief' (as you would define it) does not mean 'religious belief'. So far, though, all you've done is give me a synonym for belief.