... wrote on May 1
st, 2012 at 12:24pm:
Andrei.Hicks wrote on May 1
st, 2012 at 12:01pm:
Aussies from my honest opinion are a little more Socialist than I would like.
Higher taxes, more unionised, more welfare driven, higher cost of living....
Just doesn't sit that well with me.
City-dwellers for sure. At least rural australians generally are a bit more 'real'. Hipsters will say it's because they're backward hicks, I say it's because they're more insulated from the brainwashing/propaganda that's led to this country becoming a joke on the world stage. Not that we ever were major players politically, but the tough, intrepid pioneer spirit that was once associated with australians has been replaced by pissweak, androgynous, tofu-munching softcocks.
That's right! People will respect us so much more if we carry on following the brainwashing propaganda that led a generation to Gallipoli. You think?
Australia has the strongest economy in the Western World. Everybody larfs at us? Actually everybody is jealous of us, not only because we're lucky, but also because we have a very efficient welfare system. America pays more per head on welfare and yet Americans have none of the benefits of Medicare.
You shouldn't be knocking Australia, you should be proud of its achievements. The brain drain is in reverse, Americans want to become Australians.
Tofu is an abomination - real people with a respect for food don't eat that shyte.