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Ripping Off A Customer - Fined $3000. (Read 579 times)
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Ripping Off A Customer - Fined $3000.
May 5th, 2012 at 8:48am
Perth mechanic fined for ripping off customer
May 4, 2012

A Midland mechanic has been fined $3000 for attempting to rip off a customer in 2010.

The Perth Magistrates Court heard that Visco Enterprises Pty Ltd, which was operating as Midas Car Care Centre, told a customer they required new brake pads and discs and attempted to charge them $798. 

Suspecting this was not the case, the consumer declined to have the work done and lodged a complaint with Consumer Protection.

Automotive Services Branch officers at the Department of Consumer Protection inspected the vehicle and found that the brake pads and discs did not need to be replaced.   Shocked

Visco Enterprises is now in liquidation and the store has operating as Midas under new management.

Commissioner for Consumer Protection Anne Driscoll said the case highlighted that some practices in the vehicle repair and service industry clearly contravened consumer laws.   Sad

"Taking advantage of a consumer's lack of knowledge of the mechanical needs of their vehicle is not just immoral, it's illegal. Consumer Protection will take a dim view of any operator in the industry who mislead their customers by carrying out unnecessary repairs or over-servicing their vehicle," Ms Driscoll said.   Wink

"Consumer Protection will take immediate action against any repairer or service company found to be misleading their customers in this way and, apart from risking a fine, they could jeopardise their licence to operate if found guilty.

"We strongly recommend that consumers only use licensed vehicle repairers and service companies and to question any extra work that they claim needs to be done. For major work, consumers should always get more than one quote and seek the assessment of another trader.   Wink

If vehicle owners suspect that an operator is over-servicing their vehicle or carrying out unnecessary repairs, they should contact Consumer Protection on 1300 30 40 54 or and have their vehicle independently inspected by the department.

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Re: Ripping Off A Customer - Fined $3000.
Reply #1 - May 5th, 2012 at 2:47pm
I had my car, a Ford Transit, serviced at the garage in Wangi many years back. About a week after I got it back, the battery died. While poking around, I noticed there was a lead off the voltage regulator. I re-fixed it and didn't think more of it, just got a new battery.

The next time I had a service done there, I looked under the hood. The wire was off the regulator again.

The car had been running on battery power alone, I guess, until it died. They wanted to sell me ANOTHER battery.

The connection, a spade terminal, was NOT a loose fit. It didn't just fall off. I never went back there, and the wire never "fell off" again.
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Sir Spot of Borg
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Re: Ripping Off A Customer - Fined $3000.
Reply #2 - May 5th, 2012 at 3:00pm
Yeah. My sister had same thing with brake pads. Was a bit suss and got someone else to look who said no they were fine. Thing is the first place had smashed one of her front lights as well and she had to replace it. Shonky.

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Ultratune = Ultracrooks
Reply #3 - May 13th, 2012 at 10:08am
Out of  ULTRATUNE workshop - 547 Kessels Rd , MacGregor , Qld 4109 - operates gang of crooks and misfits masquerading as CAR MECHANICS .

On 05.05.2012 my car developed a problem having damaged water pump and I had to organize repair .
The manager of Ultratune outlet , Steve Rennie , was contacted before the car was towed , he was told what the problem was and he quoted the price of A$500 . On the basis of that quote I agreed to have the car repaired in their outlet .
On Tuesday , 08.05.2012 , the woman from their office called me to tell that they found “ additional problems “ and the repair will cost me about A$1100 . She could not specify the nature of problems , because “ she is not a mechanic “ and “ she does not understand technical issues “ .
On Wednesday , 09.05.2012 – I had a call from their “ mechanic “ who told me that they found
“ cross threaded thread “ and they have to repair it .
When I came to collect the car on 10.05.2012 I found that apart from the water pump and the timing belt ( which are on the same mechanical arrangements ) nothing else was replaced or repaired .
The bill was A$ 1250 ! .

Turns out that they do not know how to redrill a hole for a screw and tap it for a heli coil – can you imagine that australian qualified A grade mechanics !  would be such imbeciles of having to call an outside “ expert “  to FIX A THREAD with additional charge for me of A$ 132 !!!
Chief among them , Steve Rennie , claims to be “ A Grade mechanic “ but he admitted that redrilling a hole in an engine block is beyond his trade “ expertise “ !
The skills of the rest of the gang appear to be to know how  to use a spanner in clockwise direction – for work requiring using a spanner in anticlockwise direction they obviously need “ outside experts “ .

They are incapable to do anything else apart from swapping parts and exorbitantly overcharging initially quoted price ( more than twice as in my case ).
A simple job of replacing a water pump in a car ( with changing timing belt as add on at the same time ) took them 5.5 chargeable hours at A$99 an hour .
And that charge is for doing a job requiring skills of half a notch of that above a monkey – that is the limit of “ australian qualified “ “ A grade mechanics “ employed by ULTRATUNE !

WHO made them “ A grade mechanics “ ?!
WHO gave them licence to operate the workshop and dupe people into believe that they are
“ mechanics “ ?!

Their conduct and dishonesty has to be publicised in the community as much as possible so they can be shown for what they really are and other people have to be protected from falling victims to their thievery !
Please stay away from them like from bad air ( as what they are ) . The sooner they will disappear from our neighbourhood – the better !

If you have your own story about your bad experiences with car mechanics
please send the email with information to -
They will be publically exposed on web page -
Smiley Smiley Smiley
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