NorthOfNorth wrote on May 21
st, 2012 at 8:31am:
First world affirmations are usually those imbued with the notion that the affirmer has absolute control over destiny... Its genesis is an amalgam of existentialism, self-serving mysticism and a sense of entitlement to cosmic good luck.
The idea that we are thrown into the world and largely at its mercy has little or no place among the materially affluent who cannot imagine a cosmos that does not bend to their will.
Yet there are two sources of suffering that can not be ignored, and I wish I could find the quote from Buddha. The first lies with concerning yourself with matters that are outside your control*. The second lies with failing to address those matters that are within your control.
Some things that are not directly within your control are within your sphere of influence.
Modern cognitive psychologists refer to this as having an internal locus of control. We can recognise those who have an external locus of control They continually complain about how everybody else is to blame for their personal woes. They have nothing to do with it.
Quote:It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell.
* To take an example, if you are in a uncontrollable burning building, the fact that the building is burning may be outside your control, but planning an escape from that building may very well be within your control.