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1000 Prosecutions Launched Against Directors. (Read 467 times)
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1000 Prosecutions Launched Against Directors.
May 10th, 2012 at 6:46am
Directors charged over speeding truck drivers
Matthew Moore
May 10, 2012

POLICE and the NSW government have launched more than 1000 prosecutions against the directors and owners of four trucking companies, alleging they are responsible for speeding offences committed by their drivers as far back as January last year.   Huh

In an unprecedented blitz, NSW Police and Roads and Maritime Services laid the charges in Parramatta Local Court late yesterday and will try to prove that under ''chain of responsibility'' provisions in the law, the owners and directors of trucking firms and the companies that use them to transport goods are all responsible for speeding offences.

While the prosecutions begun yesterday are all against small and medium sized trucking firms, police and government sources said they were also planning to prosecute a range of companies which have shipped or received goods on trucks that have been speeding. 

Using the same chain of responsibility provisions used against the trucking firms, police and officers from Roads and Maritime Services plan to prosecute companies that receive and send freight for failing to take reasonable steps to ensure trucks are not speeding.   Smiley

While many of the charges laid yesterday involve offences where drivers have already been caught and fined, many others involved offences that have never been proved and where no speeding ticket had been issued.

Police and RMS sources said they would produce evidence, including pictures from point-to-point cameras, to show the courts that trucks had been speeding and that the directors failed in their duty to ensure their drivers complied with the law. 

Since 1988 all trucks in Australia have fitted speed limiters to restrict their top speed to 100km/h, but the limiters can be tampered with and police have caught drivers travelling at speeds above 140km/h.

The prosecutions are the latest move in a government crackdown on speeding trucks after the deaths of three people on the Hume Highway at Menangle in January after a truck veered out of control and into their vehicle. The day before the truck had been recorded at 133km/h.   Sad

Two hundred and forty six court attendance notices were lodged against NSW company Lennons Transport, and its owner Anthony Lennon, for speeding and speed limiter offences.   Shocked

The other charges were laid against Scotts, based in Mount Gambier, and two Victorian companies, Damorange and Freds Interstate Transport.

Scotts could not be contacted, but owners and directors of all other companies denied they condoned speeding or tampering with speed limiters.

Mr Lennon said if drivers were speeding it was their fault.

''The drivers are the ones on the road, it's their issue … My trucks are getting checked and they never find anything,'' he said.

Daniel Borg, from Freds, said he would plead not guilty and accused NSW authorities of running a public relations stunt.

''This is the way these guys work, this is a 'shock and awe' campaign. You can't create the sort of fanfare they have created without charging someone,'' he said. ''It really is a very unfortunate situation. It does a massive amount of damage to your reputation … If there's one or two that have been tampered with it's not been done by an owner or director,'' he said.

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Posts: 345
Re: 1000 Prosecutions Launched Against Directors.
Reply #1 - May 10th, 2012 at 11:27am
the directors are responsible for the condition and roadworthyness of the vehicles if they can be proved to have been negligent in ensuring the neccessary maintenance isn't kept up to industry standard and legal complience to the road transport laws. The vehicles by Law shouldn't be able to exceed the speed limit. If the driver is dependent on the mechanical ability of the brakes to stop him/her, turn the vehicle when the steering is applied, indicators and horn works when applied, tyres are in good nick and so will do the job required - if the driver can depend upon all these things to be legal and working and able to be depended upon in his/her duty to carry out the work asked of him/her, then why shouldn't there be an equal reliance on the driver to rely upon the truck not being able to exceed the speed of 100  Kmh?

It is the owners of the trucks who squeeze the drivers to exceed the speed limit and the hours driven. They are simply looking to gain an ILLEGAL advantage of other respectable and ethical operators such as owner/drivers who do not use someone simply for their driving licence to do something illegal.

I hope tey win in the courts so the other state law enforcement agencies can stop the madness on our roads. Anybody who has taken a drive on the highway north of Gympie in QLD knows exactly what I'm talking about.
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Re: 1000 Prosecutions Launched Against Directors.
Reply #2 - May 10th, 2012 at 6:32pm
Hang em and hang em high.

Good post Crook.
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Re: 1000 Prosecutions Launched Against Directors.
Reply #3 - May 10th, 2012 at 7:48pm
When you hang a man, you better look at him.   Huh
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Australian Politics

Posts: 107272
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Re: 1000 Prosecutions Launched Against Directors.
Reply #4 - May 13th, 2012 at 9:20am
When you hang a man, you better look at him.   Huh

Hi Crook - you must have seen that movie too.  Grin

Go to 1.54 in this clip.

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