Sometimes there is too much 'Freedom'.
Lest we forget the discipline of 'Conviction' that our Penal history gave to us.
GUNS: they are a MILITARY device more than any other industry - even LAW or FARMING.
Only the MILITARY should be direct responsibility for GUNS - not the Police or Law.
If a Gangsta has a gun, the Police should call the Military so the Gangsta can be shot dead as an act of war rather than be given 2 years for shooting innocents.
The Legal / Police system SHOOT THEMSELVES IN THE FOOT by allowing 'anyone' to own a gun with all this bullcrap legislation.
Only the Military should own a gun. If you are a Hunter or a Farmer, then you must be strictly monitored by the Military or hire Military personel.
Sure beats them marching in circles at Holsworthy and waiting for the USA & UK to get em some action laying in the boot from a safe distance during a bar fight.
Military should be doing more for 'THIS' country.
What 'Freedom' people need a gun for is beyond me? Especially people who have no real legitamite excuse to have a gun except to yell out "Freedom"

for want of having a gun for free and not paying the Military way.
In Bolivia - only the Military have guns. If you carry a gun and are not part of the Military. Chances are that you will be dead. You could still be a Drug Dealer, but you just can't enforce your dealing with Guns. The Military leave the 'drug' issue up to the Medics. Which I think is a fair call.
Australia has legally based itself on the USA dictatorship of Politics. Where even Police are so heavily armed, that they might as well be Military.

You can't say that Police is just a 'domestic' issue when the USA makes itself well known as the International 'Sheriff'.
Cops with guns is like watching a heart transplant operation on a playing field in regards to knowing the differences of Health & Fitness Industries/Cultures/etc.
...many time I've been threatened to be shot at. Its amazing the reaction when I say "I hope you are a better shot than my Military mates?" rather than revert to the 'Cop' answer.