Annie Anthrax wrote on May 14
th, 2012 at 10:15am:
Did you show the same concern for Chechnya's women when they were being raped and slaughtered by Russian soldiers?
Did you? Or were you still a wee 9/11/15/25/36/49/98 year old?
You are very keen to beat others over the head with the responsibility stick and then run away and claim that the same questions cannot be put to you because you were too young, too Muslim/not Muslim, a woman, not a woman - in short, not responsible.
You have a knack for pulling people up on things that you could not possibly be asked to show responsibility for. Very ... er..., Muslim, that, no responsibility. Or emasculated. Or whatever your latest 'I'm not responsible' theory says.
Where were
you when the Russians were in Chechenya? Where were you when anything serious happened to people you seem to be so worried about -Chechens, Palestinians, the downtrodden, etc, etc?
Please. You're the biggest hypocrite of all. The concern you show for Muslim women when they're beaten or raped or otherwise mistreated is truly touching - then you go and advocate carpet bombing of entire populations of them or try to justify their mistreatment when it is at the hands of anyone other than Muslim men.
I assume you're whining about my Rushdie comment? I'm 37 - it's no secret. I didn't understand anything about Islam when I was 14 or 15 and I was honest about it. Must you file every piece of information away for recycling in your bitchy little vendetta?