Avram Horowitz wrote on May 15
th, 2012 at 9:39am:
Some people deny that many millions of Jews were in concentration camps and killed murdered y Nazis.
This is even though so much evidence shows this happened.
My grandparents from Czeska Republic were in Nazi camps and they are not liars.
This is why it is a criminal offence in European countries to deny this holocaust happened.
What is actually a denial of the Holocaust?
I lived in Germany during the war, we had no Radio, no Newspapers at that time.
I never saw anyone being transported to a concentration camp.
I only read about it much later after the war when I had access to the media.
Now if I say, I do not believe that there was such a thing as the Holocaust, would that be classed as a denial?
I consider that countries who introduce laws that can punish someone not believing everything he/she is fed to by the media, are not really democratic.
It would be another thing if someone wants to harm someone of another race, religion, etc...