The night sky on May 5 was animated by the once-a-year cosmic event of the perigee moon. Popularly known as the "Supermoon", the moon appears much larger above us when the elliptical orbit brings it within 221,802 miles to Earth, the closest point. The effect is magnified during a full moon, when we see our nearest celestial neighbour appear roughly 20 percent brighter and 15 percent larger.
The moon shines behind the Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro on May 6, 2012.
Lanterns released by Buddhist worshippers fly as the full moon shines in the background during a procession commemorating Waisak, which marks the birth, death and enlightenment of Buddha at the 9th century Borobudur temple in Magelang, Indonesia
A full moon shines behind the minaret of Mohamed Ali Mosque in Cairo on May 5, 2012
The full moon rises behind a mosque in Amman on May 5, 2012.
Tourists look at the moon rising over the ancient temple of Poseidon at Cape Sounion, Greece on May 5, 2012
The moon appears behind the Mare shanty town complex in Rio de Janeiro on May 6, 2012.