freediver wrote on May 22
nd, 2012 at 6:21pm:
Quote:You mean surrender. Muslims don't surrender.
Exactly. Thanks for proving my point Falah. Everyone else surrenders when they lose. Why are Muslims so keen to die?
Do they? Did the Australian Army surrender to the Japanese when the japanese were conquering Papua new Guinea?
You are full of lies Freeliar. You present only a distorted view of reality.
freediver wrote on May 22
nd, 2012 at 6:21pm:
Quote:Do you consider surrender a praiseworthy act?
It is better than refusing to acknowledge you lost a war.
If you don't surrender, you haven't lost.
freediver wrote on May 22
nd, 2012 at 6:21pm:
Going to the toilet is not a praiseworthy act...
Really? I would hate to be your parent. Have you tried toilet-training a kid? Do you have a lot of fines for public urination and the such?
freediver wrote on May 22
nd, 2012 at 6:21pm:
Quote:More lies Freeliar? Jews lived peacefully under Islamic states for centuries.
See, the Jews can do it, even as second class citizens. But Muslims would rather die, apparently.
Freeliar it typical of your dishonesty to pretend that these jews surrendered to Muslims. They were minorities in the lands under muslim rule, therefore it was the Christians who surrendered. The to this would be Yemen where most of the Jews converted to Islam after their rabbis lost a debating tournament with the 4th Roshidoon Calpih Ali in the 7th century CE.
Quote:People can see through your lies Freeliar.
Falah, what is the difference between refusing to surrender when you have lost so miserably, and not wanting the bloodshed to continue? Do you actually think the Palestinians are on the verge of some kind of victory? [/quote]
It is one thing to sign a peace treaty, another thing to surrender. We have seen what happens to those who made the mistake of surrender eg. Catholics genocided Muslims and Jews in Spain.
Take the Aboriginal example in Australia. The Aborigines who surrenderd to the British Christians were virtually wiped out and dispossessed. Those who put up the fiercest resistance, like the Yolngu Arnhem Landers, today remain on their land.
History shows us that many wars have looked lost before they swung the other way. The USSR looked lost in 1941 when the Nazis were on the outskirts of Moscow. Just over three years later Soviet troops had captured Berlin.
It looked like the merciless Crusaders were firmly entrenched in the Palestine when Saladin became leader of Egypt in 1167. 20 years later Saladin had managed to unify the muslims in the region and expel the Christian invaders from Jerusalem. The Crusader occuaption of jerusalem last for 99 years. The Balfour Zionist occupation of Jerusalem has lasted 94 years.
In recent years Muslim have freed Sinai, Gaza and southern Lebanon from the Zionist occupation.
Since 2000 muslims have managed to force Israel to withdraw from Gaza and southern Lebanon. Full victory is just around the corner by the Grace of God Almighty.