Whether the HAMAS org. is a result of 'blowback' or came into being as an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood is a moot question since it certainly came into existence as a result of Israeli actions that pushed the radicalisation of the Palestinian people.
Despite Soren's efforts top stop and start history where it is convenient to support his spurious arguments; it is clear from the earliest Zionist writings that the intent was to drive Palestinians from their land and create a Jewish theocratic state in the ME.
Quote:A.V. - 'I do not agree'
Whether yo7u agree or not the evidence is there that Apache helicopters can easily destroy utes and that Israeli actions are disproportionate. In fact in the months before 2008's 'cast lead' offensive against Gaza City HAMAS had been acting to stop radical militants associated with FATAH from firing rockets.
Quote:In 2008, Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal, offered that Hamas would attack only military targets if the IDF would stop causing the deaths of Palestinian civilians.[309] Following a June 19, 2008 ceasefire, the al-Qassam Brigades ended its rocket attacks and arrested Fatah militants in Gaza who had continued sporadic rocket and mortar attacks against Israel. The al-Qassam Brigades resumed the attacks after the November 4 Israeli incursion into Gaza.
And so it can clearly be seen that the attack on Gaza was not to stop rocket attacks, but to stop them stopping.
Every Israeli action has been disproportionate. Let's take Lebanon for example. In 1982 Abu Nidal's 'Black September' org. tried to assassinate Israel's UK ambassador. And so Israel launched a war against all of Lebanon.
As a result of Israel's policy of not allowing war refugees to return to their homes Lebanon was already effectively two states North and South. What was the aim of this mad reprisal that plunged Lebanon into chaos and civil war? To warn that Israel wouldn't tolerate its diplomats being threatened? It's like the United States launching a blitzkreig against Poland after the assassination of McKinley.
And when Lebanon finally started to rebuild after decades of instability. To the extent that the media were reporting Lebanons economic miracle, and reporting the return of Beiruit to its position as the Paris of the Middle East. Blow me down with a feather Israel does the same thing all over again. What exactly it hoped to achieve defys logic.
It claimed it was to force the Beiruit government to attack Hezbullah. Well it was pretty obvious that Lebanon would've been delighted to be in a position of regaining its control over all of its territory. It's obvious that a government with a strong economy can do that sort of thing. It was equally obvious that after years of being a basket case Lebanon had other priorities and a war against Hezbullah would only cripple it again.
So what was Israels aim? Why did it straffe columns of refugees heading North? Why did it bomb Beiruit itself? You'd think Israel would want a strong and secure neghbour that could afford to deal with its problems like the disposessed former occupants of Palestine. Why would Israel possibly think that a failed state is a better neighbour?
The only answer is to be found in America. The Capitalists of the USA are utterly paranoid about a successful socialist altrernative. They've run a programme of destabalisation against South America from year dot. Result - 'blowback'.