Sir Spot of Borg wrote on May 27
th, 2012 at 3:57pm:
bobbythefap1 wrote on May 27
th, 2012 at 3:47pm:
Sir Spot of Borg wrote on May 27
th, 2012 at 3:44pm:
Quote:Iran is different.
I support Israel attacking Iran alone if necessary, but with USA support.
Yeah. Like I said I forgot about that stuff. Oops.
Anyway I wonder what would happen in a yank president withdrew support form israel. Said you could go it alone. That would be interesting. I really thought Obama might do it but alas the yanks like their religion dont they.
Hey! Maybe when China becomes the next superpower THEY will do something about you and the yanks! They arent suppressed by a fairy in the sky and lighting bolts from paradise if they do it.
Not gunna happen, new bill about to be passed that commits US to fight for Israel going to congress now.
Why would you think Obama would do that, and what makes you think he has/had a choice?
China is the sleeping dragon and will react when provoked. Tensions are rising in Africa where the West and China are fighting for land and subsequent control of the continents invaluable resources.
And you know who actually controls most of Africa's resources right? Yeah, Israel. They just get the US to act as muscle.
It was a few years ago when I thought it. When they elected a black man because he was black and I thought he might adhere to the sterotype and be an actual "liberal" and not too religious. I was wrong and discovered it quite quickly. He is just another yank puppet president. He does what he is told. He furthers the overall corporate agenda.
Geez I sound like CW! Maggot!
Really he only cares about furthering america. When he came to oz he was just making sure the new aussie govt would follow the rules. Stuck a few troops in darwin to seal it. A symbol of our compliance. Well so he should care about his own country but why the heck dont OUR pollies care about OUR country?
The next yank president will do the same things. On the surface he will be all different but behind the scenes same old agendas. Same as our "parties".
Sorry started to rant there.
You do know this whole israel/america thing is about religion right? Yeah I have seen you mention it.
The liberal/republican/whatever else labels in politics are an illusion. The ideological stances may appear different but in the practical application via government the differences are minute to the thousandth degree.
Ron Paul would be a good example of how the candidates who claim to be repub or libreal or whatever else are actually nothing of the sort anyway.
But then the best example is how all the elected ones are just the same anyway.
CW is clearly just a righty in disguise or he is doing a parody act.
If you mean America as in the people then 'he' certainly does not care about that.
Well it appears to be about religion, certainly for the public. But then the people actually at the top coordinating everything may have a different agenda.