Avram Horowitz wrote on May 23
rd, 2012 at 1:27pm:
Let me tell you of personal experience spot of borg, you know why because since I have been in Australia since January I can realise how far away this is so what happens is you read stories from Israel and so you believe everything.
March, 2008 when I am in national service post to Hebron region.
Me and my 2 comrades is called to disturbance.
I arrive and Immediate surrounded from Palestinian women screaming to me that their children is down the hill but can not come to the house because settlers is firing gunfire across the streets and also one boy he has received small wound from stones cracked from gun fire.
I say to her to calm down and I will see.
I call in Hebrew to the settlers stop firing and take the children to the Palestinians. I rescue situation.
But you know what I also do?
I go to top of hill where is the settlers and tell them to behave.
I tell them is unacceptable and if we are called back today we are coming back and make arrests next time.
Settlers apologise to me.
I have settlers stop shooting I have Palestinians in their section and I give out warning.
I get no thanks. I am told by Palestinian woman "see how you let them do it. See how you don't stop them?"
See what I mean? She is wrong. I did stop them, I did make them safe.
But look how the story can read.
Know the real happenings my friend.
You see here we have the Zionist telling us that when settlers shoot at Palestinian children the correct response is to tell settlers not to be naughty.
Yet when a Palestinian resistance fighter fires on an invasion force from and apartment block the correct response is to call in an air strike on the apartment block.
The excuse for 'cast lead' which killed and made homeless thousands of innocent palestinians already suffering from a blockade. Is that resistance fighters were shooting primitive rockets into Israel. But these rockets didn't come from Gaza city. They came from just outside the Wall.
Why weren't air strikes called on the rocket launchers? They say because they move so fast. This is a lie. When these rockets are launched they leave a vapour trail pointing to the launch site, in unoccupied farm land just the other side of the Israelie wall. they could take out a launch vehicle there in seconds with an Apache.
The Israelis WANT the rockets. They rarely harm anybody, nobody was hurt by them in the months before 'Cast Lead'. They weren't launched by Hamas but by a radical splinter group. Acting with the same method and intention of radical splinter groups in Northern Ireland. They want conflict, you will always get a few idiots.
The Israeli response was to call down a blitzkreig on a civilian city. Then they wonder why they're called Nazis. Keh!