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Stand by for more Thomson (Read 30751 times)
Gold Member

Australian Politics

Posts: 45675
Gender: male
Re: Majority has no sympathy for Thomson
Reply #255 - Jun 7th, 2012 at 12:55pm
buzzanddidj wrote on Jun 7th, 2012 at 8:24am:
John Smith wrote on Jun 7th, 2012 at 8:16am:
Maqqa wrote on Jun 6th, 2012 at 11:26pm:
Aussie wrote on Jun 6th, 2012 at 8:08pm:
Oh dear.

Looks like Thommo was telling the truth on this one.

Just because this particular prostitute recanted - does that means he is acquitted of all findings?

Acquitted? I wasn't aware he had been charged with anything?

He was not only
- he was ALSO found

longweekend58 wrote on Jun 7th, 2012 at 8:07am:
(N)one of this makes any change to Thomsons guilt

There are more definitions of 'guilty' other than "we the jury, find X guilt of..."
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AUSSIE: "Speaking for myself, I could not care less about 298 human beings having their life snuffed out in a nano-second, or what impact that loss has on Members of their family, their parents..."
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Gold Member

14% - that low?!

Posts: 16000
Re: Majority has no sympathy for Thomson
Reply #256 - Jun 7th, 2012 at 12:57pm
progressiveslol wrote on Jun 7th, 2012 at 10:25am:
The woman told Today Tonight she was the prostitute at the centre of Nine's investigation, which covered an alleged transaction on May 7, 2005.

But Mr Williams rejects this. ''ACA have at no time asserted the woman featured on Today Tonight this evening was the prostitute involved in that transaction. To the contrary,
ACA is aware that a prostitute other than the woman interviewed tonight was allegedly involved

Looks like labor have put a ring in, into today tonight. They must be trying to push ACA into revealing the real prostitute or trying to help thomson by using a fake prostitute to recant.

He spent $6000 plus the unaccounted for $100,000 cash advances - surely there was more than one. And for that money he could have gotten a better looking one than the one that came out on Today Tonight
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Bill 14% is not the alcohol content of that wine. It's your poll number
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Gold Member

Australian Politics

Posts: 45675
Gender: male
Re: Majority has no sympathy for Thomson
Reply #257 - Jun 7th, 2012 at 12:58pm
buzzanddidj wrote on Jun 7th, 2012 at 12:02pm:
cods wrote on Jun 7th, 2012 at 10:23am:
it begs the question what happens when the next pollie is found out and has a huge cloud hanging over his/her head???..

keep saying .."I have done nothing wrong"

Ted Baillieu hedges his bets on Liberal MP Geoff Shaw

May 22, 2012

TED Baillieu has given qualified support to embattled MP Geoff Shaw who is fighting claims he allowed his Government-provided car to be used for commercial purposes.

The Liberal backbencher has said he was unaware his parliamentary car was being used for country and interstate deliveries for his hardware business.

Asked repeatedly if he believed Mr Shaw's explanation, Premier Baillieu would say only that he had taken "note" of his version of events and that he would await to see the details of the investigation.

"I don't have all the detail. The only detail I have is what I saw in the paper and we quite rightly referred that straight away to the Speaker," he said.

After the Herald Sun revealed last week that police had attended Mr Shaw's family home during a 2011 domestic issue, and that he had repeatedly hung a banner asking his ex-wife for forgiveness, Mr Baillieu threw his unconditional support behind the Frankston MP.

Yesterday, after allegations Mr Shaw had misused his parliamentary car, it took several questions before Mr Baillieu would again back his backbencher.

"He is a committed local member, he is a committed member of the team and I support all members of the team, and I have confidence in all members of our team," Mr Baillieu said.

Recognising the smell of foul politics

Herald Sun Editorial
May 24, 2012

THE Baillieu Government is falling into the same trap as the Gillard Government in dealing with one of its MPs.

Like the Gillard Government, the Baillieu Government holds a wafer-thin majority and would face a by-election if Frankston MP Geoff Shaw were to be forced out of Parliament.

This is unlikely with Mr Shaw denying allegations of misuse of his taxpayer-funded car. Mr Shaw says if someone did use his car in connection with his hardware business, he will make full restitution.

But the Government is nervous following several incidents involving the trouble-prone MP.

Yesterday, Premier Ted Baillieu was protected from questions about Mr Shaw by Speaker Ken Smith.

The Opposition sees a conflict of interest because it is Mr Smith who is investigating the allegations against Mr Shaw and insists it is a matter for the police.

Mr Smith effectively silenced Opposition Leader Daniel Andrews the day before by turning off his microphone as he attempted to move a motion demanding Mr Shaw make a statement to Parliament

There are obvious similarities between what is happening in the Victorian parliament and the incendiary events in Canberra surrounding Labor MP Craig Thomson.

Mr Shaw, a certified accountant, was embarrassed less than two weeks ago when the Herald Sun reported that police were called to his home last year after a domestic dispute.

It was also reported Mr Shaw put up a sign on busy Golf Links road in his electorate in a bizarre plea for his wife to take him back.

He has since apologised for any hurt he may have caused and Premier Baillieu has given his MP qualified support while his alleged car use is being investigated. The Premier points out the MP has been through "a difficult family breakdown.

While it might appear Mr Shaw's alleged indiscretions do not compare to the allegations against Mr Thomson and Federal Parliament Speaker Peter Slipper, the quicker the Victorian Speaker concludes his investigation the better.

To the public, the same tawdry politics are being hung out in Spring St

He used his company car for non-company business...

hands up everyone on here with a company car who has never done that!!! not defending breaking the rules, but it is hardly up there with ANYTHING Thomson has done.
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AUSSIE: "Speaking for myself, I could not care less about 298 human beings having their life snuffed out in a nano-second, or what impact that loss has on Members of their family, their parents..."
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Gold Member

Australian Politics

Posts: 14214
Eganstown, via Daylesford, VIC
Gender: male
Re: Majority has no sympathy for Thomson
Reply #258 - Jun 7th, 2012 at 1:14pm
longweekend58 wrote on Jun 7th, 2012 at 12:55pm:
buzzanddidj wrote on Jun 7th, 2012 at 8:24am:
John Smith wrote on Jun 7th, 2012 at 8:16am:
Maqqa wrote on Jun 6th, 2012 at 11:26pm:
Aussie wrote on Jun 6th, 2012 at 8:08pm:
Oh dear.

Looks like Thommo was telling the truth on this one.

Just because this particular prostitute recanted - does that means he is acquitted of all findings?

Acquitted? I wasn't aware he had been charged with anything?

He was not only
- he was ALSO found

longweekend58 wrote on Jun 7th, 2012 at 8:07am:
(N)one of this makes any change to Thomsons guilt

There are more definitions of 'guilty' other than "we the jury, find X guilt of..."

NOT in AUSTRALIA, fortunately

We haven't YET gone down the American path of being acquitted in a CRIMINAL court - and guilty in a CIVIL court

I have the UTMOST FAITH in our legal system

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'I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians.
Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.'

- Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
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Gold Member

Australian Politics

Posts: 14214
Eganstown, via Daylesford, VIC
Gender: male
Re: Majority has no sympathy for Thomson
Reply #259 - Jun 7th, 2012 at 1:20pm
longweekend58 wrote on Jun 7th, 2012 at 12:58pm:
buzzanddidj wrote on Jun 7th, 2012 at 12:02pm:
cods wrote on Jun 7th, 2012 at 10:23am:
it begs the question what happens when the next pollie is found out and has a huge cloud hanging over his/her head???..

keep saying .."I have done nothing wrong"

Ted Baillieu hedges his bets on Liberal MP Geoff Shaw

May 22, 2012

TED Baillieu has given qualified support to embattled MP Geoff Shaw who is fighting claims he allowed his Government-provided car to be used for commercial purposes.

The Liberal backbencher has said he was unaware his parliamentary car was being used for country and interstate deliveries for his hardware business.

Asked repeatedly if he believed Mr Shaw's explanation, Premier Baillieu would say only that he had taken "note" of his version of events and that he would await to see the details of the investigation.

"I don't have all the detail. The only detail I have is what I saw in the paper and we quite rightly referred that straight away to the Speaker," he said.

After the Herald Sun revealed last week that police had attended Mr Shaw's family home during a 2011 domestic issue, and that he had repeatedly hung a banner asking his ex-wife for forgiveness, Mr Baillieu threw his unconditional support behind the Frankston MP.

Yesterday, after allegations Mr Shaw had misused his parliamentary car, it took several questions before Mr Baillieu would again back his backbencher.

"He is a committed local member, he is a committed member of the team and I support all members of the team, and I have confidence in all members of our team," Mr Baillieu said.

Recognising the smell of foul politics

Herald Sun Editorial
May 24, 2012

THE Baillieu Government is falling into the same trap as the Gillard Government in dealing with one of its MPs.

Like the Gillard Government, the Baillieu Government holds a wafer-thin majority and would face a by-election if Frankston MP Geoff Shaw were to be forced out of Parliament.

This is unlikely with Mr Shaw denying allegations of misuse of his taxpayer-funded car. Mr Shaw says if someone did use his car in connection with his hardware business, he will make full restitution.

But the Government is nervous following several incidents involving the trouble-prone MP.

Yesterday, Premier Ted Baillieu was protected from questions about Mr Shaw by Speaker Ken Smith.

The Opposition sees a conflict of interest because it is Mr Smith who is investigating the allegations against Mr Shaw and insists it is a matter for the police.

Mr Smith effectively silenced Opposition Leader Daniel Andrews the day before by turning off his microphone as he attempted to move a motion demanding Mr Shaw make a statement to Parliament

There are obvious similarities between what is happening in the Victorian parliament and the incendiary events in Canberra surrounding Labor MP Craig Thomson.

Mr Shaw, a certified accountant, was embarrassed less than two weeks ago when the Herald Sun reported that police were called to his home last year after a domestic dispute.

It was also reported Mr Shaw put up a sign on busy Golf Links road in his electorate in a bizarre plea for his wife to take him back.

He has since apologised for any hurt he may have caused and Premier Baillieu has given his MP qualified support while his alleged car use is being investigated. The Premier points out the MP has been through "a difficult family breakdown.

While it might appear Mr Shaw's alleged indiscretions do not compare to the allegations against Mr Thomson and Federal Parliament Speaker Peter Slipper, the quicker the Victorian Speaker concludes his investigation the better.

To the public, the same tawdry politics are being hung out in Spring St

He used his company car for non-company business...

He STOLE from Victorian TAX-PAYERS - to the benefit of his privately owned business
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'I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians.
Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.'

- Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
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Gold Member

Australian Politics

Posts: 23818
Carlsbad, CA
Gender: male
Re: Majority has no sympathy for Thomson
Reply #260 - Jun 7th, 2012 at 1:36pm
Buzz picks his side of the argument dependent on the party allegiance of those involved.

Yet still refuses to admit he holds party bias.
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Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination - Oscar Wilde
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Gold Member

Australian Politics

Posts: 88048
Re: Majority has no sympathy for Thomson
Reply #261 - Jun 7th, 2012 at 5:09pm
buzzanddidj wrote on Jun 7th, 2012 at 12:02pm:
cods wrote on Jun 7th, 2012 at 10:23am:
it begs the question what happens when the next pollie is found out and has a huge cloud hanging over his/her head???..

keep saying .."I have done nothing wrong"

Ted Baillieu hedges his bets on Liberal MP Geoff Shaw

May 22, 2012

TED Baillieu has given qualified support to embattled MP Geoff Shaw who is fighting claims he allowed his Government-provided car to be used for commercial purposes.

The Liberal backbencher has said he was unaware his parliamentary car was being used for country and interstate deliveries for his hardware business.

Asked repeatedly if he believed Mr Shaw's explanation, Premier Baillieu would say only that he had taken "note" of his version of events and that he would await to see the details of the investigation.

"I don't have all the detail. The only detail I have is what I saw in the paper and we quite rightly referred that straight away to the Speaker," he said.

After the Herald Sun revealed last week that police had attended Mr Shaw's family home during a 2011 domestic issue, and that he had repeatedly hung a banner asking his ex-wife for forgiveness, Mr Baillieu threw his unconditional support behind the Frankston MP.

Yesterday, after allegations Mr Shaw had misused his parliamentary car, it took several questions before Mr Baillieu would again back his backbencher.

"He is a committed local member, he is a committed member of the team and I support all members of the team, and I have confidence in all members of our team," Mr Baillieu said.

Recognising the smell of foul politics

Herald Sun Editorial
May 24, 2012

THE Baillieu Government is falling into the same trap as the Gillard Government in dealing with one of its MPs.

Like the Gillard Government, the Baillieu Government holds a wafer-thin majority and would face a by-election if Frankston MP Geoff Shaw were to be forced out of Parliament.

This is unlikely with Mr Shaw denying allegations of misuse of his taxpayer-funded car. Mr Shaw says if someone did use his car in connection with his hardware business, he will make full restitution.

But the Government is nervous following several incidents involving the trouble-prone MP.

Yesterday, Premier Ted Baillieu was protected from questions about Mr Shaw by Speaker Ken Smith.

The Opposition sees a conflict of interest because it is Mr Smith who is investigating the allegations against Mr Shaw and insists it is a matter for the police.

Mr Smith effectively silenced Opposition Leader Daniel Andrews the day before by turning off his microphone as he attempted to move a motion demanding Mr Shaw make a statement to Parliament

There are obvious similarities between what is happening in the Victorian parliament and the incendiary events in Canberra surrounding Labor MP Craig Thomson.

Mr Shaw, a certified accountant, was embarrassed less than two weeks ago when the Herald Sun reported that police were called to his home last year after a domestic dispute.

It was also reported Mr Shaw put up a sign on busy Golf Links road in his electorate in a bizarre plea for his wife to take him back.

He has since apologised for any hurt he may have caused and Premier Baillieu has given his MP qualified support while his alleged car use is being investigated. The Premier points out the MP has been through "a difficult family breakdown.

While it might appear Mr Shaw's alleged indiscretions do not compare to the allegations against Mr Thomson and Federal Parliament Speaker Peter Slipper, the quicker the Victorian Speaker concludes his investigation the better.

To the public, the same tawdry politics are being hung out in Spring St



the line has been drawn.. by the Labor Govt do not ever forget that.
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Gold Member

Australian Politics

Posts: 88048
Re: Majority has no sympathy for Thomson
Reply #262 - Jun 7th, 2012 at 5:11pm
Andrei.Hicks wrote on Jun 7th, 2012 at 1:36pm:
Buzz picks his side of the argument dependent on the party allegiance of those involved.

Yet still refuses to admit he holds party bias.

notice he didnt mention how GILLARD didnt want to give pensioners an increase because

they dont vote for us"
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Gold Member

Australian Politics

Posts: 20133
Gender: male
Re: Majority has no sympathy for Thomson
Reply #263 - Jun 7th, 2012 at 5:13pm
cods wrote on Jun 7th, 2012 at 5:11pm:
Andrei.Hicks wrote on Jun 7th, 2012 at 1:36pm:
Buzz picks his side of the argument dependent on the party allegiance of those involved.

Yet still refuses to admit he holds party bias.

notice he didnt mention how GILLARD didnt want to give pensioners an increase because

they dont vote for us"

And yet she gave them a decent increase while Howard ignored them for a decade
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Go the Bunnies
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Gold Member

Australian Politics

Posts: 45675
Gender: male
Re: Majority has no sympathy for Thomson
Reply #264 - Jun 7th, 2012 at 5:48pm
buzzanddidj wrote on Jun 7th, 2012 at 1:20pm:
longweekend58 wrote on Jun 7th, 2012 at 12:58pm:
buzzanddidj wrote on Jun 7th, 2012 at 12:02pm:
cods wrote on Jun 7th, 2012 at 10:23am:
it begs the question what happens when the next pollie is found out and has a huge cloud hanging over his/her head???..

keep saying .."I have done nothing wrong"

Ted Baillieu hedges his bets on Liberal MP Geoff Shaw

May 22, 2012

TED Baillieu has given qualified support to embattled MP Geoff Shaw who is fighting claims he allowed his Government-provided car to be used for commercial purposes.

The Liberal backbencher has said he was unaware his parliamentary car was being used for country and interstate deliveries for his hardware business.

Asked repeatedly if he believed Mr Shaw's explanation, Premier Baillieu would say only that he had taken "note" of his version of events and that he would await to see the details of the investigation.

"I don't have all the detail. The only detail I have is what I saw in the paper and we quite rightly referred that straight away to the Speaker," he said.

After the Herald Sun revealed last week that police had attended Mr Shaw's family home during a 2011 domestic issue, and that he had repeatedly hung a banner asking his ex-wife for forgiveness, Mr Baillieu threw his unconditional support behind the Frankston MP.

Yesterday, after allegations Mr Shaw had misused his parliamentary car, it took several questions before Mr Baillieu would again back his backbencher.

"He is a committed local member, he is a committed member of the team and I support all members of the team, and I have confidence in all members of our team," Mr Baillieu said.

Recognising the smell of foul politics

Herald Sun Editorial
May 24, 2012

THE Baillieu Government is falling into the same trap as the Gillard Government in dealing with one of its MPs.

Like the Gillard Government, the Baillieu Government holds a wafer-thin majority and would face a by-election if Frankston MP Geoff Shaw were to be forced out of Parliament.

This is unlikely with Mr Shaw denying allegations of misuse of his taxpayer-funded car. Mr Shaw says if someone did use his car in connection with his hardware business, he will make full restitution.

But the Government is nervous following several incidents involving the trouble-prone MP.

Yesterday, Premier Ted Baillieu was protected from questions about Mr Shaw by Speaker Ken Smith.

The Opposition sees a conflict of interest because it is Mr Smith who is investigating the allegations against Mr Shaw and insists it is a matter for the police.

Mr Smith effectively silenced Opposition Leader Daniel Andrews the day before by turning off his microphone as he attempted to move a motion demanding Mr Shaw make a statement to Parliament

There are obvious similarities between what is happening in the Victorian parliament and the incendiary events in Canberra surrounding Labor MP Craig Thomson.

Mr Shaw, a certified accountant, was embarrassed less than two weeks ago when the Herald Sun reported that police were called to his home last year after a domestic dispute.

It was also reported Mr Shaw put up a sign on busy Golf Links road in his electorate in a bizarre plea for his wife to take him back.

He has since apologised for any hurt he may have caused and Premier Baillieu has given his MP qualified support while his alleged car use is being investigated. The Premier points out the MP has been through "a difficult family breakdown.

While it might appear Mr Shaw's alleged indiscretions do not compare to the allegations against Mr Thomson and Federal Parliament Speaker Peter Slipper, the quicker the Victorian Speaker concludes his investigation the better.

To the public, the same tawdry politics are being hung out in Spring St

He used his company car for non-company business...

He STOLE from Victorian TAX-PAYERS - to the benefit of his privately owned business

im not saying he didnt. However, the level of 'theft' is trivial and doesnt really extend beyond the price of the petrol. Not really up there with Thomsons theft of $500,000 plus the secret commissions.
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AUSSIE: "Speaking for myself, I could not care less about 298 human beings having their life snuffed out in a nano-second, or what impact that loss has on Members of their family, their parents..."
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Gold Member

Australian Politics

Posts: 14214
Eganstown, via Daylesford, VIC
Gender: male
Re: Majority has no sympathy for Thomson
Reply #265 - Jun 7th, 2012 at 6:00pm
cods wrote on Jun 7th, 2012 at 5:11pm:
Andrei.Hicks wrote on Jun 7th, 2012 at 1:36pm:
Buzz picks his side of the argument dependent on the party allegiance of those involved.

Yet still refuses to admit he holds party bias.

notice he didnt mention how GILLARD didnt want to give pensioners an increase because

they dont vote for us"

THAT "tale" was debunked YEARS ago

Gillard gave the
"whoa ... whoa"
to it, as
the BIGGEST increase to the disabled, carers - as well as the aged pension - in Australian history
, was being fast-tracked as Labor policy before it had even been costed

As it turned the Greens proposal WAS doable - and was DONE

Did it stop some of the ungrateful old SODS from WHINGING ?
NO - that would take a MIRACLE

( ... or "The Sullivans" returning to prime-time)

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'I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians.
Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.'

- Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
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Gold Member

Australian Politics

Posts: 45675
Gender: male
Re: Majority has no sympathy for Thomson
Reply #266 - Jun 7th, 2012 at 6:16pm
buzzanddidj wrote on Jun 7th, 2012 at 6:00pm:
cods wrote on Jun 7th, 2012 at 5:11pm:
Andrei.Hicks wrote on Jun 7th, 2012 at 1:36pm:
Buzz picks his side of the argument dependent on the party allegiance of those involved.

Yet still refuses to admit he holds party bias.

notice he didnt mention how GILLARD didnt want to give pensioners an increase because

they dont vote for us"

THAT "tale" was debunked YEARS ago

Gillard gave the
"whoa ... whoa"
to it, as
the BIGGEST increase to the disabled, carers - as well as the aged pension - in Australian history
, was being fast-tracked as Labor policy before it had even been costed

As it turned the Greens proposal WAS doable - and was DONE

Did it stop some of the ungrateful old SODS from WHINGING ?
NO - that would take a MIRACLE

( ... or "The Sullivans" returning to prime-time)

trouble is... no one really effectively debunked that she said exactly what she was reported to have said. And let's face it, based on Gillard's behaviour it is quite believable. Her policies and actions are all pretty much defined by staying in power.
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AUSSIE: "Speaking for myself, I could not care less about 298 human beings having their life snuffed out in a nano-second, or what impact that loss has on Members of their family, their parents..."
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Gold Member

Australian Politics

Posts: 14214
Eganstown, via Daylesford, VIC
Gender: male
Re: Majority has no sympathy for Thomson
Reply #267 - Jun 7th, 2012 at 6:34pm
longweekend58 wrote on Jun 7th, 2012 at 12:58pm:
buzzanddidj wrote on Jun 7th, 2012 at 12:02pm:
cods wrote on Jun 7th, 2012 at 10:23am:
it begs the question what happens when the next pollie is found out and has a huge cloud hanging over his/her head???..

keep saying .."I have done nothing wrong"

Ted Baillieu hedges his bets on Liberal MP Geoff Shaw

May 22, 2012

TED Baillieu has given qualified support to embattled MP Geoff Shaw who is fighting claims he allowed his Government-provided car to be used for commercial purposes.

The Liberal backbencher has said he was unaware his parliamentary car was being used for country and interstate deliveries for his hardware business.

Asked repeatedly if he believed Mr Shaw's explanation, Premier Baillieu would say only that he had taken "note" of his version of events and that he would await to see the details of the investigation.

"I don't have all the detail. The only detail I have is what I saw in the paper and we quite rightly referred that straight away to the Speaker," he said.

After the Herald Sun revealed last week that police had attended Mr Shaw's family home during a 2011 domestic issue, and that he had repeatedly hung a banner asking his ex-wife for forgiveness, Mr Baillieu threw his unconditional support behind the Frankston MP.

Yesterday, after allegations Mr Shaw had misused his parliamentary car, it took several questions before Mr Baillieu would again back his backbencher.

"He is a committed local member, he is a committed member of the team and I support all members of the team, and I have confidence in all members of our team," Mr Baillieu said.

Recognising the smell of foul politics

Herald Sun Editorial
May 24, 2012

THE Baillieu Government is falling into the same trap as the Gillard Government in dealing with one of its MPs.

Like the Gillard Government, the Baillieu Government holds a wafer-thin majority and would face a by-election if Frankston MP Geoff Shaw were to be forced out of Parliament.

This is unlikely with Mr Shaw denying allegations of misuse of his taxpayer-funded car. Mr Shaw says if someone did use his car in connection with his hardware business, he will make full restitution.

But the Government is nervous following several incidents involving the trouble-prone MP.

Yesterday, Premier Ted Baillieu was protected from questions about Mr Shaw by Speaker Ken Smith.

The Opposition sees a conflict of interest because it is Mr Smith who is investigating the allegations against Mr Shaw and insists it is a matter for the police.

Mr Smith effectively silenced Opposition Leader Daniel Andrews the day before by turning off his microphone as he attempted to move a motion demanding Mr Shaw make a statement to Parliament

There are obvious similarities between what is happening in the Victorian parliament and the incendiary events in Canberra surrounding Labor MP Craig Thomson.

Mr Shaw, a certified accountant, was embarrassed less than two weeks ago when the Herald Sun reported that police were called to his home last year after a domestic dispute.

It was also reported Mr Shaw put up a sign on busy Golf Links road in his electorate in a bizarre plea for his wife to take him back.

He has since apologised for any hurt he may have caused and Premier Baillieu has given his MP qualified support while his alleged car use is being investigated. The Premier points out the MP has been through "a difficult family breakdown.

While it might appear Mr Shaw's alleged indiscretions do not compare to the allegations against Mr Thomson and Federal Parliament Speaker Peter Slipper, the quicker the Victorian Speaker concludes his investigation the better.

To the public, the same tawdry politics are being hung out in Spring St

He used his company car for non-company business...


He claims to have NO knowledge of any breach

He is subject of a Liberal Party Speaker's ( ... "in-house") investigation into claims by a staff member that company delivery vehicles from his hardware store regularly booked up petrol to his government car account

The BIG question is ...

Who supplied staff with this account detail - and who instructed staff to use it ?

THIS is the alleged work of an INCUMBENT Minister of the Crown
Not of someone who would many a year later become a government backbencher

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'I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians.
Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.'

- Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
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Gold Member

Australian Politics

Posts: 45675
Gender: male
Re: Majority has no sympathy for Thomson
Reply #268 - Jun 7th, 2012 at 6:37pm
buzzanddidj wrote on Jun 7th, 2012 at 6:34pm:
longweekend58 wrote on Jun 7th, 2012 at 12:58pm:
buzzanddidj wrote on Jun 7th, 2012 at 12:02pm:
cods wrote on Jun 7th, 2012 at 10:23am:
it begs the question what happens when the next pollie is found out and has a huge cloud hanging over his/her head???..

keep saying .."I have done nothing wrong"

Ted Baillieu hedges his bets on Liberal MP Geoff Shaw

May 22, 2012

TED Baillieu has given qualified support to embattled MP Geoff Shaw who is fighting claims he allowed his Government-provided car to be used for commercial purposes.

The Liberal backbencher has said he was unaware his parliamentary car was being used for country and interstate deliveries for his hardware business.

Asked repeatedly if he believed Mr Shaw's explanation, Premier Baillieu would say only that he had taken "note" of his version of events and that he would await to see the details of the investigation.

"I don't have all the detail. The only detail I have is what I saw in the paper and we quite rightly referred that straight away to the Speaker," he said.

After the Herald Sun revealed last week that police had attended Mr Shaw's family home during a 2011 domestic issue, and that he had repeatedly hung a banner asking his ex-wife for forgiveness, Mr Baillieu threw his unconditional support behind the Frankston MP.

Yesterday, after allegations Mr Shaw had misused his parliamentary car, it took several questions before Mr Baillieu would again back his backbencher.

"He is a committed local member, he is a committed member of the team and I support all members of the team, and I have confidence in all members of our team," Mr Baillieu said.

Recognising the smell of foul politics

Herald Sun Editorial
May 24, 2012

THE Baillieu Government is falling into the same trap as the Gillard Government in dealing with one of its MPs.

Like the Gillard Government, the Baillieu Government holds a wafer-thin majority and would face a by-election if Frankston MP Geoff Shaw were to be forced out of Parliament.

This is unlikely with Mr Shaw denying allegations of misuse of his taxpayer-funded car. Mr Shaw says if someone did use his car in connection with his hardware business, he will make full restitution.

But the Government is nervous following several incidents involving the trouble-prone MP.

Yesterday, Premier Ted Baillieu was protected from questions about Mr Shaw by Speaker Ken Smith.

The Opposition sees a conflict of interest because it is Mr Smith who is investigating the allegations against Mr Shaw and insists it is a matter for the police.

Mr Smith effectively silenced Opposition Leader Daniel Andrews the day before by turning off his microphone as he attempted to move a motion demanding Mr Shaw make a statement to Parliament

There are obvious similarities between what is happening in the Victorian parliament and the incendiary events in Canberra surrounding Labor MP Craig Thomson.

Mr Shaw, a certified accountant, was embarrassed less than two weeks ago when the Herald Sun reported that police were called to his home last year after a domestic dispute.

It was also reported Mr Shaw put up a sign on busy Golf Links road in his electorate in a bizarre plea for his wife to take him back.

He has since apologised for any hurt he may have caused and Premier Baillieu has given his MP qualified support while his alleged car use is being investigated. The Premier points out the MP has been through "a difficult family breakdown.

While it might appear Mr Shaw's alleged indiscretions do not compare to the allegations against Mr Thomson and Federal Parliament Speaker Peter Slipper, the quicker the Victorian Speaker concludes his investigation the better.

To the public, the same tawdry politics are being hung out in Spring St

He used his company car for non-company business...


He claims to have NO knowledge of any breach

He is subject of a Liberal Party Speaker's ( ... "in-house") investigation into claims by a staff member that company delivery vehicles from his hardware store regularly booked up petrol to his government car account

The BIG question is ...

Who supplied staff with this account detail - and who instructed staff to use it ?

THIS is the alleged work of an INCUMBENT Minister of the Crown
Not of someone who would many a year later become a government backbencher

the irony is of course that I am NOT defending his actions. I am mocking the morons (you included) who want to crucify a Liberal for petrol theft while even you refuse to even acknowledge any wrong-doing by Thomson.

it isny just hypocrisy... it is...

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AUSSIE: "Speaking for myself, I could not care less about 298 human beings having their life snuffed out in a nano-second, or what impact that loss has on Members of their family, their parents..."
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Eganstown, via Daylesford, VIC
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Re: Majority has no sympathy for Thomson
Reply #269 - Jun 7th, 2012 at 8:51pm
longweekend58 wrote on Jun 7th, 2012 at 6:37pm:
buzzanddidj wrote on Jun 7th, 2012 at 6:34pm:
longweekend58 wrote on Jun 7th, 2012 at 12:58pm:
buzzanddidj wrote on Jun 7th, 2012 at 12:02pm:
cods wrote on Jun 7th, 2012 at 10:23am:
it begs the question what happens when the next pollie is found out and has a huge cloud hanging over his/her head???..

keep saying .."I have done nothing wrong"

Ted Baillieu hedges his bets on Liberal MP Geoff Shaw

May 22, 2012

TED Baillieu has given qualified support to embattled MP Geoff Shaw who is fighting claims he allowed his Government-provided car to be used for commercial purposes.

The Liberal backbencher has said he was unaware his parliamentary car was being used for country and interstate deliveries for his hardware business.

Asked repeatedly if he believed Mr Shaw's explanation, Premier Baillieu would say only that he had taken "note" of his version of events and that he would await to see the details of the investigation.

"I don't have all the detail. The only detail I have is what I saw in the paper and we quite rightly referred that straight away to the Speaker," he said.

After the Herald Sun revealed last week that police had attended Mr Shaw's family home during a 2011 domestic issue, and that he had repeatedly hung a banner asking his ex-wife for forgiveness, Mr Baillieu threw his unconditional support behind the Frankston MP.

Yesterday, after allegations Mr Shaw had misused his parliamentary car, it took several questions before Mr Baillieu would again back his backbencher.

"He is a committed local member, he is a committed member of the team and I support all members of the team, and I have confidence in all members of our team," Mr Baillieu said.

Recognising the smell of foul politics

Herald Sun Editorial
May 24, 2012

THE Baillieu Government is falling into the same trap as the Gillard Government in dealing with one of its MPs.

Like the Gillard Government, the Baillieu Government holds a wafer-thin majority and would face a by-election if Frankston MP Geoff Shaw were to be forced out of Parliament.

This is unlikely with Mr Shaw denying allegations of misuse of his taxpayer-funded car. Mr Shaw says if someone did use his car in connection with his hardware business, he will make full restitution.

But the Government is nervous following several incidents involving the trouble-prone MP.

Yesterday, Premier Ted Baillieu was protected from questions about Mr Shaw by Speaker Ken Smith.

The Opposition sees a conflict of interest because it is Mr Smith who is investigating the allegations against Mr Shaw and insists it is a matter for the police.

Mr Smith effectively silenced Opposition Leader Daniel Andrews the day before by turning off his microphone as he attempted to move a motion demanding Mr Shaw make a statement to Parliament

There are obvious similarities between what is happening in the Victorian parliament and the incendiary events in Canberra surrounding Labor MP Craig Thomson.

Mr Shaw, a certified accountant, was embarrassed less than two weeks ago when the Herald Sun reported that police were called to his home last year after a domestic dispute.

It was also reported Mr Shaw put up a sign on busy Golf Links road in his electorate in a bizarre plea for his wife to take him back.

He has since apologised for any hurt he may have caused and Premier Baillieu has given his MP qualified support while his alleged car use is being investigated. The Premier points out the MP has been through "a difficult family breakdown.

While it might appear Mr Shaw's alleged indiscretions do not compare to the allegations against Mr Thomson and Federal Parliament Speaker Peter Slipper, the quicker the Victorian Speaker concludes his investigation the better.

To the public, the same tawdry politics are being hung out in Spring St

He used his company car for non-company business...


He claims to have NO knowledge of any breach

He is subject of a Liberal Party Speaker's ( ... "in-house") investigation into claims by a staff member that company delivery vehicles from his hardware store regularly booked up petrol to his government car account

The BIG question is ...

Who supplied staff with this account detail - and who instructed staff to use it ?

THIS is the alleged work of an INCUMBENT Minister of the Crown
Not of someone who would many a year later become a government backbencher

the irony is of course that I am NOT defending his actions. I am mocking the morons (you included) who want to crucify a Liberal for petrol theft while even you refuse to even acknowledge any wrong-doing by Thomson.

it isny just hypocrisy... it is...


Take note ...

I have not given a guilty or innocent verdict to the ALLEGATIONS against the federal backbencher, or State Minister


I'll leave BOTH matters with the police, the courts - and the presumption of innocence

is the ULTRA CONSERVATIVE passing a guilty verdict on the Labor backbencher - while playing down the allegations against the State Minister

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'I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians.
Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.'

- Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
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