ah ha ....AWB.... the biggest coverup of the Howard era, But by NO means, the ONLY.
It was clear from the information available at the time, that the AWB WAS paying mucho money to the Iraqi regime run by( ''what's is name??) you know ...him.
... damn ... Hussein ?? f'n memory.!! Then again, ... a LOT of BLOOD has run since then.
To me ... that smacks of some kind of soulless greed rampant in the AWB, and the Howard govt. To, on one hand, send our young men to die, while on the other, paying kick-backs to that ENEMY killing our youth, sent by the Howard govt. IT IS SO SCANDALOUS ... and whats worse-- is NO ONE in Australia said BOO, at the time.!!!!
Didn't want to be disappeared??
Now we have a brave man willing to open up some of this most disgusting exercise of fascist control of the people and govt.
HOPE HE isn't disappeared, or SMEARED with the typical LIB self- protection..and let the people of Australia know, just who, and what , they idiolised at that time. SHAME SHAME SHAME.
This is not the country I want to live in....... but it is my home.
Kick these creeps right where they need it.
THERE is NO WAY Australia needs an LNP govt.
It's the LAST thing we need.
Let this diverse and fractious government crew, commanded very skillfully by Cap'n Gillard, have a CHANCE to make real inroads on the mess left by the former govt.