mozzaok wrote on May 24
th, 2012 at 9:31am:
I have to concede that the ONE aspect of the whole barrage of allegations against Thompson that made me wonder if it may have been at least partially unfounded was the fact that NO prostitutes had come out with a story saying they did get money for services from him.
Even though it is not illegal, it would have damaged his credibility in the public eye.
Yet after so many years, none had so far come forward, despite the fact that we already know that they do not limit their choices in how they make money, like most others.
A very significant proportion are heroin addicts, and as such, are usually in great need of money, so any who could prove themselves credible enough, could get a very big payday, from the sleazy tabloid scum, cash for comment crowd.
But for years none took that potential paycheque, bearing in mind that the opportunity to do so disappears the moment that Thompson is found guilty of something, and resigns, or is sacked.
So I have to admit to having very grave reservations about the bona fides of such a claim, at this late stage.
It may prove to be credible, it may not, and the CASH component of the story means that if they go with the hooker with a heart of gold, who just could not bear to see the Parliament brought into disrepute, so is providing her story free, will not be accepeted at face value, and friends or relatives who magically have their mortgage disappear, or discover a long lost inheritance, would also be in the sights of those who would investigate any such a claim. Dangerous waters for a TV station to go be swimming in.
In fact, we may end up with Craig Thompson owning Ch. 9, we could see a whole set of new programming if that happens.
He may start showing, things like;
Ripleys, Believe It or Not,
or Films like;
Outside The Law
Sex, Lies and Videotape,
as movies of the week,
and one just for his old mate Tony,
10 Things I Hate About You.
I will watch with interest.
You know waiting for someone to come forward who could be dead, would be a long wait. Did you ever factor in that the man was not that great that you would remember him. The hooker could have died. The hooker does not have enough evidence to put herself into a his word against hers fight.
Waiting for a hooker to come forward could be almost fruitless.
This hooker would have to come up with something other than 'yeh I slept with him'