There are calls for Craig Thomson to stand down over the fact a FWA report has found that he misused some $500,000 of members money during his time as National Secretary of the HSU
Let's be clear I'm not asserting any of what he has said is true, only that it's reasonable
This $500k is made up of the following:
- $200k to hire two staff members to work on his 2007 election campaign
- $100k of "unexplained" cash advances
- $200k of direct expenditure on his 2007 election campaign
Now let's look at each of these in isolation
$100k of cash advances unaccounted for:He claims he did provide receipts / explanations for this expenditure.
Belinda Or (The financial controller of the office) also stated in her interviews with FWA that this was the practice.
Yet the current management of HSU claims there are no receipts when FWA asked to see them.
Kathy Jackson is currently the National Secretary of the HSU and took over the job from Craig Thomson
It is reasonable to accept that Thomson provided receipts (confirmed by independent witness) and that KJ was in the best position to have made those receipts disappear.Claims of hiring two staff and spending $200k of direct expenses is his bid to win Dobell in 2007First of all CT conceeds that this amount of money was spent for this purpose so the real issue lies around whether or not he was authorised to make this expenditure
The rules of the HSU are pretty clear on this but bascially what they say is the National Secretary is authorised to spend money on the general administration of the Union providing he has permission from the Union Council, the Executive or the Union President between meetings of these two councils.
FACT: The Council of the HSU National Executive is controlled by Michael Williamson. The representation of the Council is determined proportioanally by the size of the memberships of the respective state branches. MW's branch held the majority of the members, therefore his branch provided most of the money to the National Office and, as such, had control of the National Office Council
MW was also the National President with the capacity to give the National Secretary permission to expense money for any purpose on behalf of the national union
MW told Craig Thomson to spend "Whatever he needs to" to win the seat of Dobell. It was a political imperative that CT won that seat and that the Union movement do whatever it could to get John Howard out of government
The ENTIRE Executive of the union knew this was the case, the ENTIRE Council of the union knew this was the case, the NSW ALP leant on MW heavily to ensure that this was the case, Unions NSW leant on MW heavily to ensure this was the case and the ACTU leant on MW heavily to ensure this was the case. This was the case.
It is reasonable to assume that Craig Thomson as National Secretary of the HSU was authorised to spend that $400k on getting himself elected to the seat of Dobell in 2007Craig Thomson spent union money securing the services of hookersThere are a few issues around this.
Is it reasonable to assume that Marco Bolano would have threatened people in this manner?
Bolano is well know as Kathy Jackson's hard man, there is probably not a person involved in ALP politics in Victoria who he hasn't threatened with something or another at various times. Hell he's even been known to go the punch a few times during union meetings. The guy's a thug and a bully and we can reasonable assume he would have issued threats of this nature
But who could pull off such an elaborate conspiracy?
Charging this onto a credit card - easy - all you need is the number and a willing merchant - I know in my place of work if I wanted to get the bosses credit card number it would be a simple matter of spending two seconds looking for it. Same for the drivers licence number, in fact, you provide this number to you employer when you apply to get the credit card as part of the identification requirements.
It's reasonable to assume KJ/MB has access to these details
It's reasonable to assume it would be relatively easy to find a merchant who ran escort / hooker services and convince them to put through $6k in charges to some credit card numbers, hell even give them the licence number of the person who's name is on the card in case it is ever questioned. You might be a regular client and brothel owners are hardly known for their scrupples ...
How about those phone records - pushing reality there surely?
Well not really, any half compentent IT professional could clone a SIM card, it isn't that hard. The fact is the National Office of the HSU isn't an office at all - it's has space in a few of the state branches of the union and only employs 2/3 staff members.
They don't have their own IT systems, they piggy back off the existing structures of the state Branches. Do you know where the National Office of the HSU was located at the time of all this? Would you believe the office of the Victorian Number 3 branch (which would later merge with NSW / Vic Number 1 to form HSUEast) - and who was Secretary of Vic No 3 at the time? Why none other than Kathy Jackson!
The fact is that branch issued CT with his phone, think about that for a minute, they had his phone before they gave it to him for his use as National Secretary.
Michael Williamson owns the IT company which provides IT services to both Vic No 3 branch, NSW Branch and the National Office of the HSU - the man had an army of IT professionals at his disposal.
It is not unreasonable to assume that CT's SIM card could have been cloned prior to him receiving the phone for his use as National Secretary
All in all the case Craig Thomson has presented litters the assertions in the FWA report with so much reasonable doubt they become unreasonable IMNSHO