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The glorious aboriginal muslim victory over whitey (Read 64725 times)
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Re: The glorious aboriginal muslim victory over whitey
Reply #120 - Jun 10th, 2012 at 3:14pm
Falah, I don't think you have even indicated whether or not you agree with these statements (at least not directly):

The isolation of the Yolngu people is what allowed them to get away with ongoing hostility and violence, rather than being a result of it.

If they had been in the fertile areas of Australia's southeast, even in the same numbers, with the same resistance to disease and the same social organisation, they would have been rapidly subdued by immigrant farmers or the military, and would have only survived after giving up the stance of violent hostility. They would have made life harder for every other aborigine in the country.
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Re: The glorious aboriginal muslim victory over whitey
Reply #121 - Jun 10th, 2012 at 9:33pm
freediver wrote on Jun 10th, 2012 at 3:14pm:
Falah, I don't think you have even indicated whether or not you agree with these statements (at least not directly):

The isolation of the Yolngu people is what allowed them to get away with ongoing hostility and violence, rather than being a result of it.

Don't lie Freediver. Tasmania is the most isolated place in the world yet European settlers surprised the Aborigines there and wiped them out.

Arnhem Land was near to friendly European-run ports like Coepang in the Dutch East Indies only a few hundred km away. Compare that to the Hobart Town settlement where the nearest European-run port was more than 1000 km away. Or compare it to the settlement of Sydney where the nearest European-run port was several thousand km away.

Attempts were made to settle Arnhem Land before Melbourne. The main difference between the two was the resistance of the Aborigines.

In places like Melbourne or Tasmania, the Aborigines had no idea what was going on. They thought the Europeans were ghosts or even friendly visitors. Due to their ignorance of the true nature of these European foreigners, they failed to put up any meaningful resistance and were soon genocided off their lands.

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Re: The glorious aboriginal muslim victory over whitey
Reply #122 - Jun 10th, 2012 at 10:09pm
I see. We retreat from any meaningful debate back to meaningless generalisations. If you can't win the argument, just repeat yourself, eh Falah?

Since when is proximity to a European port an indicator of the ability of European settlers to settle and farm the land? The whole point of ports is to transport good over long distances. If you have nothing to bring to the port, it is not of much value, even if it is a bit closer.

It is a well known historical theme that Australia's north coast formed an effective barrier to settlement of many more advanced societies, despite it being relatively easy to access.

Do you really think all the white people huddled together in Victoria, NSW and southeast QLD because they were scared of a small pocket of violent aborigines up north?

Can you explain why Europeans settled the southern tip of Africa so easily, but not the bit in the middle that is green on google earth? Surely the bit in the middle is closer to European ports?
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Re: The glorious aboriginal muslim victory over whitey
Reply #123 - Jun 11th, 2012 at 12:15am
freediver wrote on Jun 10th, 2012 at 10:09pm:
I see. We retreat from any meaningful debate back to meaningless generalisations. If you can't win the argument, just repeat yourself, eh Falah?

Since when is proximity to a European port an indicator of the ability of European settlers to settle and farm the land?

Freeliar it was you who claimed that Arnhem Land was not settled by Europeans because of its 'isolation', conveniently ignoring that Sydney, Perh and Hobart were established in far greater isolation.
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Re: The glorious aboriginal muslim victory over whitey
Reply #124 - Jun 11th, 2012 at 2:23pm
freediver wrote on Jun 9th, 2012 at 1:11pm:
He has said of the Ord. "It is impossible not too make money out of such an environment. The problems of the Ord are all about corporate greed. If the place had been opened to, and settled by refugees it would be a paradise."

I see, so corporate greed is preventing corporations from making money where it is impossible not to make money?

Are you sure he is an economist?

Quite sure.

Are you sure megacorporations are cut out to be primary producers? Whether or not a farming enterprise is 'profitable' depends on the economic modelling. 'Corporate farming' is often little more than assett stripping. The bottom line in the Money Bank. is one thing, but it has to be judged against the Soil bank. The rate of 'desertification' and loss of topsoil in Australia is shameful and unacknowledged.

Traditional Chinese farms grow the depth of topsoil every year. Indeed the same could be said for European farms of the 19th C. when up to 400 tons of horse manure per acre were added. A premium was payed for good soil.  With the decline in horses and the reliance on chemical fertilizer that soil bank has disappeared.

The very good potential replacement products for horse manure, lawn clippings, manures from intensive animal farms, are treated as waste and go to the tip.

Australia relys on imported phosphate that is stolen by Morroco from the Western Sahara. But very soon there will be nothing to import. The importance to the future of sustainable agriculture and what that really means has been totally ignored. 

On the Ord ill considered corporate mono cultural ventures have detracted from the virgin potential of good soil and an abundance of water.
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Re: The glorious aboriginal muslim victory over whitey
Reply #125 - Jun 11th, 2012 at 3:26pm
Freeliar it was you who claimed that Arnhem Land was not settled by Europeans because of its 'isolation', conveniently ignoring that Sydney, Perh and Hobart were established in far greater isolation

No Falah. Again you get it completely backwards. I claimed that it remained isolated because of it's unsuitability for european farming methods. Europeans travelled all the way round to the cold, far side of the continent because for them it was better land. It was not to get as far away from the hostile Yolngu people as possible.

It's a shame that 10 pages in, you still haven't gotten past the first sentence.

Perhaps now, taking into account what my argument actually is, you could try saying whether you agree with it. Do you agree with these statements:

The isolation of the Yolngu people is what allowed them to get away with ongoing hostility and violence, rather than being a result of it.

If they had been in the fertile areas of Australia's southeast, even in the same numbers, with the same resistance to disease and the same social organisation, they would have been rapidly subdued by immigrant farmers or the military, and would have only survived after giving up the stance of violent hostility. They would have made life harder for every other aborigine in the country.


Are you sure megacorporations are cut out to be primary producers?

The ones that specialise in primary producing are cut out for it. After all they have taken over from a lot of our smaller family type farms.

In any case, in a situation where it is "impossible not to make money" they generally find a way. If not them, then a non-mega company does, and if they do it well enough, they too become a mage company that is no longer capable of doing what made it so rich.

Whether or not a farming enterprise is 'profitable' depends on the economic modelling. 'Corporate farming' is often little more than assett stripping. The bottom line in the Money Bank. is one thing, but it has to be judged against the Soil bank. The rate of 'desertification' and loss of topsoil in Australia is shameful and unacknowledged.

It is only unacknowledged if you get around with your hands over your ears.

This would be reflected in the land value. Plenty of people have had success purchasing mistreated land at bargain prices and carefully restoring it's health.

With the decline in horses and the reliance on chemical fertilizer that soil bank has disappeared.

This can obviously happen in cropland agriculture, but I hope you realise that horses were always a secondary source of manure.

On the Ord ill considered corporate mono cultural ventures have detracted from the virgin potential of good soil and an abundance of water.

...potential that no-one has realised. Even your economist friend conceded that we would have to let asylum seekers do it. Have you asked him whether it would work if we had to pay those people 'fair' Australian wages? Do you think he meant that asylum seekers know more about how to farm in the Ord basin, or do you think he meant they would work hard for less money?
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Re: The glorious aboriginal muslim victory over whitey
Reply #126 - Jun 11th, 2012 at 6:43pm
freediver wrote on Jun 11th, 2012 at 3:26pm:

Are you sure megacorporations are cut out to be primary producers?

The ones that specialise in primary producing are cut out for it. After all they have taken over from a lot of our smaller family type farms.

In any case, in a situation where it is "impossible not to make money" they generally find a way. If not them, then a non-mega company does, and if they do it well enough, they too become a mage company that is no longer capable of doing what made it so rich.

Whether or not a farming enterprise is 'profitable' depends on the economic modelling. 'Corporate farming' is often little more than assett stripping. The bottom line in the Money Bank. is one thing, but it has to be judged against the Soil bank. The rate of 'desertification' and loss of topsoil in Australia is shameful and unacknowledged.

It is only unacknowledged if you get around with your hands over your ears.

This would be reflected in the land value. Plenty of people have had success purchasing mistreated land at bargain prices and carefully restoring it's health.

With the decline in horses and the reliance on chemical fertilizer that soil bank has disappeared.

This can obviously happen in cropland agriculture, but I hope you realise that horses were always a secondary source of manure.

On the Ord ill considered corporate mono cultural ventures have detracted from the virgin potential of good soil and an abundance of water.

...potential that no-one has realised. Even your economist friend conceded that we would have to let asylum seekers do it. Have you asked him whether it would work if we had to pay those people 'fair' Australian wages? Do you think he meant that asylum seekers know more about how to farm in the Ord basin, or do you think he meant they would work hard for less money?

Corporations buy out better run businesses all the time. That's not an indication that big is beautiful, it's just a reflection of capitalism.

There's a general grumble about soil degradation in Australia, but when a few million tonnes of top soil are blown into the ocean the event might be reported on the news, but not the implications. It is not taken seriously ENOUGH. I mean to say, a few boat loads of extra refugees, now much time does that get in the national discussion, compared to the loss of arable land?

Horse manure was indeed the primary source of fertilizer for the French maraicheres.

Besides good stable manure, other manures such
as that from cows, pigs, sheep, etc. are also freely
used by some growers, as well as night soil when ob- tamable, and when no strong objections are raised on
the question of odour. Many French housewives, with
characteristic thrift, never waste any refuse from the
house, the poultry run, or the kitchen garden, if it is
likely to be at all useful in the culture of vegetables or
salads. In fact, anything in the shape of animal or
vegetable refuse is carefully preserved, and made into
a compost heap mixed with leaves, weeds, and soil.
It is then freely and frequently drenched with soapy
water on washing days as well as with any other
household liquids available. In due course this
organic refuse (which is taken away by the dustman
in England) becomes converted into a beautiful rich
and friable mould.

Chemical or artificial manures, although now so
extensively employed in ordinary gardening practice,
are not popular with intensive cultivators.

Do you think he meant that asylum seekers know more about how to farm in the Ord basin, or do you think he meant they would work hard for less money?

Factors affecting plant growth are universal. It is true that immigrant families with a rural background have always developed market gardens. Partly that's because they trade earnings that could be made in more regular work against an investment in the future. The intensive cultivation of small holdings by experienced gardeners will always result in greater yields and better soil management than broad acre monocultures. Can you buy a small holding on the Ord? No. Are marketing and distribution structures set up to facillitate small holdings? No. This is the mistake of government policy. it's not that the land itself is 'no good'.
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"It is in the shelter of each other that the people live" - Irish Proverb
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Re: The glorious aboriginal muslim victory over whitey
Reply #127 - Jun 11th, 2012 at 6:52pm
Horse manure was indeed the primary source of fertilizer for the French maraicheres.

We are in Australia Grey. At least, I am.

It is true that immigrant families with a rural background have always developed market gardens.

Not many people would want to immigrate to the middle of nowhere if the only work opportunity is growing food for yourself or to trade with your neightbour for food, especially if it does not rain for 6 months at a time and the nearest river is packed full of crocodiles. We have enough trouble getting people to places like this for high paying mining jobs. No-one is going to do it for an experimental farm where the best possible outcome is feeding yourself.

Can you buy a small holding on the Ord? No.

What makes you think it is not possible? Why not just get together with a bunch of other hippes and split up a large holding?

Are marketing and distribution structures set up to facillitate small holdings?

Why would small holdings and market gardens need marketing and distribution structures?

The intensive cultivation of small holdings by experienced gardeners will always result in greater yields and better soil management than broad acre monocultures.

Ask your friend the economist about how much more money it makes.

This is the mistake of government policy. it's not that the land itself is 'no good'.

The government has  been trying to get people up there for over a century. No takers.
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Re: The glorious aboriginal muslim victory over whitey
Reply #128 - Jun 11th, 2012 at 10:36pm
We are in Australia Grey. At least, I am.

Spinning and flailing about FD. I said, 'Traditional Chinese farms grow the depth of topsoil every year. Indeed the same could be said for European farms of the 19th C. when up to 400 tons of horse manure per acre were added. A premium was payed for good soil.  With the decline in horses and the reliance on chemical fertilizer that soil bank has disappeared.

You replied, 'This can obviously happen in cropland agriculture, but I hope you realise that horses were always a secondary source of manure'.

I gave evidence that horse manure can indeed be the primary source of manure, and suddenly we must confine ourselves within Australian borders.
Australia follows the European agricultural tradition; not the Aboriginal and not the Asian.

What makes you think it is not possible? Why not just get together with a bunch of other hippes and split up a large holding?

You know what that is and why it doesn't require answering. But if I was a hippy agriculturalist wanting organic accreditation I wouldn't want to pay an exorbitant price to a corporation for land they've drenched in chemicals and asset stripped. Neither would I want to embroil myself in the legal wranglings of owning property in common. Even hippies learn.

Why would small holdings and market gardens need marketing and distribution structures?

Another stupid question, why does any primary producer? Especially when producing in an area that's a long way from anywhere else.

Ask your friend the economist about how much more money it makes.

Ask your childrens children how tasty and nutritious money is. The future is not all about money.

The government has  been trying to get people up there for over a century. No takers.

A century ago Lake Argyle was not even a concept. That apart if the government wanted the area developed by pioneersit could've given the land away as it did in the south to returned servicemen or as it did in the American West or even, heavens preserve us, work out a better scheme entirely to attract the right people.

It didn't,  it gave away the environment to megacorp. And so we are back to refugees. Why not give these people the opportunity to develop a part of Australia that lays fallow? Why should the government always arrange things so that the RICH get a cut without working?   


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"It is in the shelter of each other that the people live" - Irish Proverb
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Re: The glorious aboriginal muslim victory over whitey
Reply #129 - Jun 12th, 2012 at 8:50am
Indeed the same could be said for European farms of the 19th C. when up to 400 tons of horse manure per acre were added.

Was this over all of Europe, or over a few little market gardens in Paris?

I gave evidence that horse manure can indeed be the primary source of manure

By generalising a few little market gardens that could capitalise on the need to dump all the city's horse manure somewhere to the entire continent?

You know what that is and why it doesn't require answering. But if I was a hippy agriculturalist wanting organic accreditation I wouldn't want to pay an exorbitant price to a corporation for land they've drenched in chemicals and asset stripped.

It has barely been used.

Neither would I want to embroil myself in the legal wranglings of owning property in common. Even hippies learn.

So split it up.

Another stupid question, why does any primary producer? Especially when producing in an area that's a long way from anywhere else.

OK then, why is a market garden even relevant if they are so far from anywhere else? Do you want to import horse manure from France to dump there?

A century ago Lake Argyle was not even a concept. That apart if the government wanted the area developed by pioneersit could've given the land away as it did in the south to returned servicemen or as it did in the American West or even, heavens preserve us, work out a better scheme entirely to attract the right people.

It didn't,  it gave away the environment to megacorp.

Who do you think paid for the lake?

And so we are back to refugees. Why not give these people the opportunity to develop a part of Australia that lays fallow?

For the same reason we don't make refugees clean our toilets for 50c a day.
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Re: The glorious aboriginal muslim victory over whitey
Reply #130 - Jun 12th, 2012 at 9:51am
click on the image for a large photo. Veggie growing on the Ord circa 1910
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"It is in the shelter of each other that the people live" - Irish Proverb
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Re: The glorious aboriginal muslim victory over whitey
Reply #131 - Jun 12th, 2012 at 10:32am
Was this over all of Europe, or over a few little market gardens in Paris?

What two bites at the same cherry Smiley It is as I said, in Europe up to 400 tons of horse manure was used per acre. The 'maraicheres' of Paris were the gun growers but naturally they were imitated, to greater and lesser extents.

By generalising a few little market gardens that could capitalise on the need to dump all the city's horse manure somewhere to the entire continent?

Now you're flailing churlishly Smiley If you check market records for London to Madrid you'll find just how much of Europes produce was coming out of those 'few little narket gardens'.

It has barely been used.

It has been badly abused.

So split it up.

Easier said than done, the legal wrangles I referred to.

OK then, why is a market garden even relevant if they are so far from anywhere else?

Maybe they wouldn't be if Australian cities weren't planted and subsequently allowed to spread over the arable land available to supply them food. But as we know transport costs are not really that great.

Do you want to import horse manure from France to dump there?

If it were possible to dump it on your stoop, there are times I'd be sorely tempted Smiley

Who do you think paid for the lake?

The gubmint. Who do you think paid for it?

For the same reason we don't make refugees clean our toilets for 50c a day.

No we'd sooner incarcerate them for years and then send them back or have them drive taxis for 50c a day. Look as I've said before, it's not always about money. Give refugees the opportunity to settle in Australia in a particular region, make them the offer and let them decide. Win - win solutions to problems are often a good idea.

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"It is in the shelter of each other that the people live" - Irish Proverb
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Re: The glorious aboriginal muslim victory over whitey
Reply #132 - Jun 12th, 2012 at 6:37pm
It is as I said, in Europe up to 400 tons of horse manure was used per acre.

So is that an average of 200 tons, or an average of 0.0001 tons? It is not what you said that is the problem, rather it is that you have not actually said anything of substance.

If it were possible to dump it on your stoop, there are times I'd be sorely tempted

You're welcome. I could do with some now.

The gubmint. Who do you think paid for it?

The people are or are going to use it.

Give refugees the opportunity to settle in Australia in a particular region, make them the offer and let them decide. Win - win solutions to problems are often a good idea.

How is this any different to givng them the 'oppoprtunity' to clean our toilets for 50c a day and let them decide between that and going home to face death. That is also win-win, but we reject it on moral grounds.

Or do you think refugees would actually choose to go to the remote outback to farm amongst the crocodiles over living in the city on benefits merely because they are familiar with farming?
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Re: The glorious aboriginal muslim victory over whitey
Reply #133 - Jun 13th, 2012 at 1:44am
How is this any different to givng them the 'oppoprtunity' to clean our toilets for 50c a day and let them decide between that and going home to face death. That is also win-win, but we reject it on moral grounds.

Or do you think refugees would actually choose to go to the remote outback to farm amongst the crocodiles over living in the city on benefits merely because they are familiar with farming?

I don't think there's anything wrong with people earning the rights of citizenship. Australia has precedent in the Snowy Mt. scheme, of course the conditions can be as onerous or luxurious as the people see fit. I think it a much better idea than detention camps.
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"It is in the shelter of each other that the people live" - Irish Proverb
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Re: The glorious aboriginal muslim victory over whitey
Reply #134 - Jun 13th, 2012 at 8:09pm
Can they earn it by cleaning my toilet etc for 50c a day? Australian cleaners charge far too much. Or is it only ethical if there is some kind of grand scheme involved that an economist has wet dreams about?
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