Brian Ross
Frank wrote on Aug 31 st, 2020 at 9:18pm: Brian Ross wrote on Aug 31 st, 2020 at 8:21pm: Frank wrote on Aug 31 st, 2020 at 6:41pm: Brian Ross wrote on Aug 31 st, 2020 at 5:22pm: Frank wrote on Aug 31 st, 2020 at 4:54pm: Brian Ross wrote on Aug 31 st, 2020 at 2:53pm: Frank wrote on Aug 31 st, 2020 at 2:46pm: Brian Ross wrote on Aug 30 th, 2020 at 5:57pm:, dearie, dearie, me. You make so many claims about Islam - most of which depend upon certain translations and interpretations which of course paint the religion in the worst light possible. Why do so few Muslims actually follow this supposed duty that you claim exists, Moses? I wonder if they learn a different Islam to the one you preach? You'd make a wonderful recruiter for Daesh. Tsk, tsk. It's the behaviour of Islam's adherents that is appalling, Bwian, not the poverty of any Koranic translation. Is that all of them or just a tiny minority, Soren? Mmmm? Not at all a tiny minority, Bwian. Really? How many is it, Soren? 5% 10% 20% 30% 50%? Do you really believe a majority of Muslims are Terrorists? Really? I believe the majority of Muslims adhere to Islam's repressive, backward, primitive tenets. Hijabis, niqabis, the bearded bruvves, the segregation, the paralysing defernce to the likes Hilali and his sucessors, etc, etc. 90% of them observe Ramadan. 70 % do the 5 prayers a day. They are seriously into Islam. They dress the part, they act the part. They sompathise with their martyrs for Allah. The apostates are not counted as Muslims, true. It would be very interesting to ask in the next census: "what belief system have you abandoned in your life?" If Islam is the question, apostasy is the only sane answer. The rest are lying doggo, as Bin Laden said, waiting to see which horse wins. And your evidence for those figures comes from, where, exactly, Soren? Why do only approximately 45% of Muslims in Australia regularly attend Mosques? Why do so few women in Australia who claim to be Muslims wear Hijab or Niquab? I'd suggest you are letting Islamophobia blind you to the reality of Islam. Funny, that, hey, Soren? Mmm? Because they are not muslims. They are lying doggo, waiting to see which way it goes and then side with the winners. They are not honest or brave enough to abandon Islam openly but they are spineless enough to tick the box even though they dont really believe it. Opportunists. Islam encourages opportunism. Look at you. You are a spineless opportunist if ever there was one. Your every instinct is to be an Islamic opportunist - and you are a mere bitch-slapped Christian, slapped about for being a recalcitrant idiot! It turned you into a spineless, dishonest, lying opportunist. It doesn't bear imagining what you could have become if you were ENCOURAGED to be an opportunist, as Muslims are!!! A Gandalf, at least. So, then, Soren, what is your opinion of Christians who don't attend Church, don't go to Mass, use contraceptives, don't give Tithes, etc.? Are they being bad Christians or are they "lying doggo", seeing who will be victorious, hey? Tsk, tsk, you really do have a twisted mind, mate. Watch out, your head will disappear up your own arse...