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Syria (Read 167520 times)
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Re: Syria
Reply #1305 - Mar 8th, 2016 at 9:39pm
The irony and hypocrisy is doubly profound since Rep Kinzinger has met and coordinated with opposition leader Okaidiwho is a confirmed ally of ISIS. In contrast with Kinzinger’s false claims, it is widely known that ISIS ideology and initial funding came from Saudi Arabia and much of its recent wealth from oil sales via Turkey.  The Syrian Army has fought huge battles against ISIS, winning some but losing others with horrific scenes of mass beheading.

11. The Human Rights Watch assessment is biased.

HRW has been very active around Syria. After the chemical attacks in greater Damascus on August 21, 2013, HRW rushed a report which concluded that, based on a vector analysis of incoming projectiles, the source of the sarin-carrying rockets must have been Syrian government territory. This analysis was later debunked as a “junk heap of bad evidence” by highly respected investigative journalist Robert Parry. HRW’s assumption about the chemical weapon rocket flight distance was faulty. Additionally it was unrealistic to think you could determine rocket trajectory with 1% accuracy from a canister on the ground.  To think you could determine flight trajectory from a canister on the ground that had deflected off a building wall was preposterous.

In spite of this, HRW stuck by its analysis which blamed the Assad government.  HRW Director Ken Roth publicly indicated dissatisfaction when an agreement to remove Syrian chemical weapons was reached. Mr. Roth wanted more than a ‘symbolic’ attack.

In light of the preceding, we note the December 2015 HRW report addressing the claims of Caesar.

HRW seems to be the only non-governmental organization to receive the full set of photo files from the custodian. To its credit, HRW acknowledged that nearly half the photos do not show what has been claimed for two years: they show dead Syrian soldiers and militia along with scenes from crime scenes, car bombings, etc…

But HRW’s bias is clearly shown in how they handle this huge contradiction. Amazingly, they suggest the incorrectly identified photographs support the overall claim. They say, “This report focuses on deaths in detention. However other types of photographs are also important. From an evidentiary perspective, they reinforce the credibility of the claims of Caesar about his role as a forensic photographer of the Syrian security forces or at least with someone who has access to their photographs.” (HRW, p.31)  This seems like saying if someone lies to you half the time that proves they are truthful.

The files disprove the assertion that the files all show tortured and killed. The photographs show a wide range of deceased persons, from Syrian soldiers to Syrian militia members to opposition fighters to civilians trapped in conflict zones to regular deaths in the military hospital.  There may be some photos of detainees who died in custody after being tortured, or who were simply executed. We know that this happened in Iraqi detention centers under U.S. occupation. Ugly and brutal things happen in war times. But the facts strongly suggest that the ‘Caesar’ account is basically untrue or a gross exaggeration.

It is striking that the HRW report has no acknowledgment of the war conditions and circumstances in Syria.  There is no acknowledgment that the government and Syrian Arab Army have been under attack by tens of thousands of weaponized fighters openly funded and supported by many of the wealthiest countries in the world.

There is no hint at the huge loss of life suffered by the Syrian army and supporters defending their country. The current estimates indicate from eighty to one hundred and twenty thousand Syrian soldiers, militia and allies having died in the conflict. During the three years 2011 – 2013, including the period covered by Caesar photos, it is estimated that over 52,000 Syrian soldiers and civilian militia died versus 29,000 anti-government forces.

HRW had access to the full set of photographs including the Syrian army and civilian militia members killed in the conflict. Why did they not list the number of Syrian soldiers and security forces they identified?  Why did they not show a single image of those victims?

HRW goes beyond endorsing the falsehoods in the ‘Caesar’ story; they suggest it is a partial listing. On page 5 the report says, “Therefore, the number of bodies from detention facilities that appear in the Caesar photographs represent only a part of those who died in detention in Damascus.”

On the contrary, the Caesar photographs seem to mostly show victims who died in a variety of ways in the armed conflict. The HRW assertions seem to be biased and inaccurate.

12. The legal accusations are biased and ignore the supreme crime of aggression.

The Christian Science Monitor journalist Dan Murphy gave an apt warning in his article on the Carter Ruck report about ‘Caesar’. While many journalists treated the prosecutors with uncritical deference, he said:

    Association with war crime prosecutions is no guarantor of credibility – far from it. Just consider Luis Moreno Ocampo’s absurd claims about Viagra and mass rape in Muammar Qaddafi’s Libya in 2011. War crimes prosecutors have, unsurprisingly, a bias towards wanting to bolster cases against people they consider war criminals (like Assad or Qadaffi) and so should be treated with caution. They also frequently favor, as a class, humanitarian interventions.

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Re: Syria
Reply #1306 - Mar 8th, 2016 at 9:40pm
The Carter Ruck legal team demonstrated how accurate those cautions were.  They were eager to accuse the Syrian government of “crimes against humanity” but the evidence of “industrial killing”, “mass killing”, “torturing to kill” is dubious and much of the hard evidence shows something else.

In contrast, there is clear and solid evidence that a “Crime against Peace” is being committed against Syria. It is public knowledge that the “armed opposition” in Syria has been funded, supplied and supported in myriad ways by various outside governments. Most of the fighters, both Syrian and foreign, receive salaries from one or another outside power. Their supplies, weapons and necessary equipment are all supplied to them. Like the “Contras” in Nicaragua in the 1980s, the use of such proxy armies is a violation of customary international law.

It is also a violation of the UN Charter which says:

    All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other matter inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations.

The government of Qatar has been a major supporter of the mercenaries and fanatics attacking the sovereign state of Syria. Given that fact, isn’t it hugely ironic to hear the legal contractors for Qatar accusing the Syrian government of “crimes against humanity”?

Isn’t it time for the United Nations to make reforms so that it can start living up to its purposes?  That will require demanding and enforcing compliance with the UN Charter and International Law.
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Re: Syria
Reply #1307 - Mar 9th, 2016 at 9:26pm
Crosstalk on Syria: Calm Before Storm?

Published on 9 Mar 2016

More than 10 days into the ceasefire, calm generally prevails in Syria. Both Russia and the U.S. emphasize the need to avoid delays in the negotiating process. The two most powerful actors are in agreement, but what about Washington’s allies in the region? Turkey and Saudi Arabia are not fully on board. A lot can still go wrong. CrossTalking with Daniel Lazare, Alexander Mercouris, and Geoffrey Aronson.

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Re: Syria
Reply #1308 - Mar 9th, 2016 at 10:35pm
Playing Dress-Up in Syria: How the West Tries to Save Its Terrorist Hordes


The US-led coalition operating in Syria is playing a massive game of dress-up in the country, where “its immense but now stranded terrorist hordes” change their banners back and forth from Daesh to the so-called Free Syrian Army, seeking protection within the terms of the ceasefire, according to a Bangkok-based geopolitical researcher.

The Syrian conflict portrayed by the US-led coalition as a civil war within the country is in fact a clear invasion from outside Tony Cartalucci writes in his article for the New Eastern Outlook website.

The world has realized that there has never been a so-called Free Syrian Army (FSA) operating on Syrian soil. The fighters were actually western-backed “terrorist hordes,” flowing into the country as one would expect amid an invasion, not a “civil war,” he says.

“While the West’s military campaigns over and upon Syrian soil claimed to be taking on the so-called “Islamic State” (ISIS) or Daesh, it was clear that nothing was being done about cutting off the obvious supply corridors sustaining Daesh's ability to fight.

“In other words, the US and its “coalition’s” war on ISIS was feigned. No genuine military campaign would ever be fought on the front lines while neglecting the enemy’s logistical lifelines – especially when those lifelines led from NATO territory,” he states.

It wasn’t until Russia’s intervention on behalf of the Syrian government, he adds, when these corridors were targeted and disrupted – thus fully exposing the gambit for all the world to see.

“Not surprisingly, as soon as this began, it had an immediate effect on the West’s proxy forces across the country. Since then, Russian-backed Syrian forces have incrementally begun sealing off Syria’s borders, isolating stranded terrorist factions within the interior of the country, and retaking territory as these forces atrophy and dissipate.”

As the global public becomes increasingly aware of this “glaring point of logic,” the researcher explains, “it appears that the West is now attempting to cynically leverage it, while simultaneously rescuing thousands of trapped terrorist mercenaries facing encirclement and destruction in the closing phases of the Syrian conflict.

The author provides as an example a sudden appearance of the “New Syrian Army,” a moniker for the discredited FSA, on the Iraqi-Syrian border, “cutting off” ISIS supply lines leading back and forth between the two countries.

He further questions why such border interdiction operations haven’t been done before, and in fact, why these “rebels” who are admittedly harbored, trained, funded, and armed in Jordan and Turkey to begin with, didn’t first begin by securing Syria’s borders to prevent Daesh from entering the country in precisely the same areas “rebels” are supposedly operating?

His answer is very simple: the West had no intention of stopping Daesh.

“In fact, Daesh are the “rebels” and the “rebels” are Daesh. Their “taking” of the Syrian-Iraqi border is superficial at best. The weapons, cash, and fighters will still flow, just as they do past NATO forces along the Turkish-Syrian border. The only difference is that now these terrorists will be flying the “FSA” flag, lending them protection amid a ceasefire agreed to in good faith by the Syrian government and its allies.”

Taking full advantage of the ceasefire, the “FSA” is now suddenly appearing as if rising from the dead, everywhere Daesh and Al Qaeda have dominated for years, he says.

“It appears that – having exhausted all other options – the West has decided to change as many of those black banners back to the “rebel” green, white, and black (the colors of the Free Syrian Army) as possible, before the conflict draws to a close, giving the West the most favorable position achievable ahead of “peace talks.”

During early victories against the West’s proxy forces, Al Qaeda and Daesh militants would dress as women to flee the battlefield. Now, they are dressing up as the otherwise nonexistent “FSA,” the author concludes.

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Re: Syria
Reply #1309 - Mar 11th, 2016 at 5:24pm
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Do we need to be always politically correct.
In the world of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
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Re: Syria
Reply #1310 - Mar 11th, 2016 at 6:03pm
The Janissaries where an elite force in the ottoman empire made up exculsively of christian boys kidnapped while they where young and converted to Islam, originally these Janissaries where formed and brainwashed to kill other christians in battle and in general.

The rebels and desch / ISIS are moslem men brainwashed and bribed by USA intelligence agencies to fight and kill other moslems, they are probably well rewarded by their masters here on Earth.

Of course as with every wild animal every now and then they turn and bite the hand that feeds them.
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« Last Edit: Mar 12th, 2016 at 11:26am by Ajax »  

1. There has never been a more serious assault on our standard of living than Anthropogenic Global Warming..Ajax
2. "One hour of freedom is worth more than 40 years of slavery &  prison" Regas Feraeos
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Re: Syria
Reply #1311 - Mar 15th, 2016 at 7:58am
Hm not sure about that.

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Re: Syria
Reply #1312 - Mar 15th, 2016 at 10:03am
Russia to start withdrawal from Syria Live updates

14 Mar, 2016

Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered the start of the withdrawal of Russian forces from Syria, saying that its objectives have been largely achieved. Russia will however keep a military presence at the port of Tartous and at the Khmeymim airbase.

   23:17 GMT
    The United Nations Security Council has positively received the news of the Russian withdrawal from Syria.

    "We have also taken very good note of the decision by the Russians to start withdrawing part of these forces," the Security Council’s rotating president, Angola's Ambassador Ismael Abraao Gaspar Martins, told reporters. "When we see forces withdrawing, it means war is being taking a different step. So that's good."

    22:18 GMT
    “I do not think that Russia will stop battling Islamic State and Al-Nusra Front,” Gerard Bapt, a member of the National Assembly of France, told RT. Bapt noted such a move would contribute to the stabilization of the situation in Syria, as all non-terrorist parties involved in the conflict will have no other choice but to engage in peace efforts.

22:09 GMT
Russian withdrawal from Syria is a "reasonable decision" as Islamic State is now in defensive position, Republican party MP and former transport minister Thierry Mariani told RT. "And apparently, Russian forces no longer need to stay in Syria."

22:04 GMT
Apparetly Russia has achieved its military objectives and Moscow believes that there is less danger from Islamic State militants, Eric Coquerel from France’s Left Party told RT.

"This [Russian troops withdrawal] is a necessary and positive [development]... It was probably carried out and to facilitate [Geneva] negotiations because in our view the Syrian issue should be resolved in the UN," he added.

21:43 GMT
Russian President Vladimir Putin held a telephone conversation with his US counterpart Barack Obama about Syria, Putin's press office said. Both presidents spoke in favor of fast political regulation of the Syrian conflict and spoke about the Geneva talks.

Putin informed Obama that after the Russian forces fulfilled major goals fighting international terrorism, Russia decided to withdraw troops from Syria, the statement says.

21:40 GMT
The Russian operation “changed the situation on the ground. ISIS is being pushed back,” journalist Neil Clark told RT.

21:31 GMT
The Russian decision to end the operation in Syria is an attempt to encourage the Syrian peace process, Catherine Shakdam, political analyst, writer and commentator for the Middle East, said.

“It is not a sign of defeat... that does not mean that Russia is abandoning Syria. What it means is that Russia wants to help Syria to decide its own future,” Shakdam added.


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Re: Syria
Reply #1313 - Mar 15th, 2016 at 10:24am
God decision.
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Re: Syria
Reply #1314 - Mar 16th, 2016 at 8:19pm
"CrossTalk" Russia´s success

Published on 16 Mar 2016

Vladimir Putin's announcement that he had ordered the withdrawal of military assets from Syria was as surprising as when he informed the world of Russia’s intention to intervene months ago. Even some of Putin’s harshest critics at home and abroard admit Russia’s military mission has been a success. But will it be enough to win a lasting peace for a sovereign Syria?
CrossTalking with Marcus Papadopoulos, James Jatras, and Earl Rasmussen.

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Re: Syria
Reply #1315 - Mar 16th, 2016 at 8:29pm
Iran to stand by Syria in anti-terror campaign: Larijani

Mar 16, 2016

Iran’s Parliament (Majlis) Speaker Ali Larijani has reaffirmed the Islamic Republic’s support for the Syrian nation and government in their battle against terrorist groups.

In a meeting with Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal al-Mekdad in Tehran on Tuesday, Larijani hailed the resistance of the Syrian nation against terrorism.

“The Syrian nation is a resistant nation which has, through perseverance and resistance, managed to leave behind critical and sensitive conditions,” Larijani said.

The top Iranian parliamentarian said that a bright prospect is ahead of the Syrian nation, expressing hope that the Arab country could find peace and security as soon as possible.

Mekdad, for his part, said Iran and Syria have very close views on regional and international issues, expressing hope that other countries in the region would keep up battling terrorism.

The Syrian official further hailed Iran’s support for the Syrian nation and government in the face of militancy in the Arab country.

Also on Tuesday, Ali Akbar Velayati, a senior adviser to Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, held talks with Mekdad and praised the Syrians’ victory in the “mini-world war” waged by foreign parties in the Arab country.

Velayati said the region could have faced a different situation had Iran, Syria, Iraq and Hezbollah failed to cooperate with each other.

The meetings come as a new round of UN-mediated peace talks between the Syrian government and foreign-backed opposition groups started on Monday. Negotiations are expected to end by March 24.

Syria has been gripped by foreign-backed militancy since March 2011. According to a February report by the Syrian Center for Policy Research, the conflict has claimed the lives of over 470,000 people, injured 1.9 million others, and displaced nearly half of the country’s pre-war population of about 23 million within or beyond its borders.

Saudi Arabia and Turkey have widely been blamed for the surge in the deadly militancy in Syria as they have been supporting militants with funds, training and weapons.
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Re: Syria
Reply #1316 - Mar 16th, 2016 at 8:43pm
Attempts to present Russian operation in Syria as new Afghanistan failed — diplomat

MOSCOW, March 16. /TASS/. Attempts to present the operation of Russia’s Aerospace Forces in Syria as another Afghanistan was a media campaign that has ended in failure, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said.

"We should be aware that it was a well-planned, ‘saucy’ media campaign aimed at presenting all operations by Russia’s air group in Syria as another Afghanistan," Zakharova said on a Moscow radio station. "The purpose was to hit each of us real hard. But the media campaign has proved abortive, on the other hand."

Zakharova remarked that this sort of coverage had nothing to do with real journalism.
Assad's stance won't weaken after Russia's withdrawal

According to the spokeswoman, the Russian Aerospace Forces in Syria acted solely in the interests of Russia and the fight against terrorism.

"We did not reinforce anyone except the positions of the official, real Syrian army, the one controlled by Damascus in its fight against terrorist groups. We were there for own sake, first and foremost. This must be clearly understood. This is the pragmatism that in no way contradicts patriotism," she said. The diplomat noted that the stance of incumbent Syrian President Bashar al-Assad would not weaken after the decision to withdraw the main part of the Russian Aerospace Forces from Syria.

According to her, the political settlement in Syria has been launched not in theory but directly at the negotiating table. "We have established a communication channel with the United States for our military who address urgent issues online," she said.

On Monday, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered to begin the pullout of the main part of the Russian air group from Syria as of March 15. He said the tasks set to the Russian military had been coped with "by and large." Russian Deputy Defense Minister Nikolai Pankov earlier said that strikes against terrorists would continue.

Russia joined the operation against terrorists in Syria on September 30, 2015, at the request of Syrian president Bashar al-Assad. Ceasefire took effect in Syria on February 27, 2016. It had been agreed by Russia and the United States. The ceasefire does not apply to the Islamic State and Jabhat al-Nusra groups (both outlawed in Russia), and also other groups declared terrorist by the UN Security Council. Russia will leave an air flight control center in the Syrian territory that will monitor the observation of the Syrian ceasefire. The military remaining in Syria will be protected by the air defense systems deployed at Hmeimim air base.

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Re: Syria
Reply #1317 - Mar 26th, 2016 at 2:06pm
Syria War, A ''different'' documentary by Russia 24(English Subtitles)

Published on 30 Dec 2012

This is the story of a team of Syrian Army that is fighting across the country and assigned with duty of protecting Russia TV crew in their correspondences.
Events and evidences of crimes by FSA-Qaeda rebel gangs and their tactics in abducting, asking ransom, killing and the way that Syrian Army personnel is seeing this war, prove without doubt that the Syrian Army is not fighting because they are loyal to the President, but because they know that the islamists will have one goal , to transform the country to a Halifate and exterminate whoever will not follow their religion fanaticism and beliefs.
Confirmed also that beyond foreign fighters the majority of Syrian rebels are uneducated people who have not the ability to explain simple things and actions.
Of course under the Sheiks word, brutal assassinations and executions are fully justified and the allothy for their souls is given by their screams ''Allah Akbar'' (God is Great) in every assassination they commit, in order to take courage and don't really understand what they are doing so.
An old men fate is also apocalyptic, living in the middle of the warzone and welcoming the army in his bombed house, was simply executed by the armed gangs, being not really danger for them, but exterminated due to his beliefs. Everything different must seize to exist according to the beard fanatics ideology........
Can all these set up a state??? Certainly not, but they can easily destroy whatever is not aligned with them. Educated people of the cities however, have their own stance and opinion and stay away of the bearded gangs of atrocities.....
Reuters and AFP being constantly under the rebel ''protection'' will not dare to present the true side of events, even when they are come back to their countries, mostly because someone else will be back to correspond and pay with his life, any attempt of ''bad'' comments for the rebels.
Of course Jazeera, Qatar official foreign policy tool, not even worth an attempt to explain their position and way they present news, it become obvious to everybody.

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Sir James
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Re: Syria
Reply #1318 - Mar 26th, 2016 at 2:15pm
The only problem with Syria is it is still there. Its just another muslim dump.
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matty = muslim with a mat collection, invented by the intellectual giants with an IQ of 81 or below.  Yeah its such a gotcha , I know. Roll Eyes
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Re: Syria
Reply #1319 - Mar 26th, 2016 at 2:57pm
Syria - The True Story,Full Documentary

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