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Islamophobophobia: Politically Correct Persecution (Read 28846 times)
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Islamophobophobia: Politically Correct Persecution
Jun 6th, 2012 at 2:08pm

These are all words from the Koran, with the names reversed. Imagine if Christians talked like this today! It would be a hate crime.

But these are Koranic verses with only the object of hate changed.

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Re: Islamophobophobia: Politically Correct Persecution
Reply #1 - Jun 6th, 2012 at 2:34pm
No problem at all for a skilled practitioner of doublethink.
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Re: Islamophobophobia: Politically Correct Persecution
Reply #2 - Jun 6th, 2012 at 9:44pm
I could take some crazy-looking guy and get him to mistranslate parts of the Bible, and take them out of context too.

Obviously the people who made this video and promote it feel no qualms about dishonesty.

It is good that people see how the Islam haters are liars and distorters.

An example in the video is the translation of the Arabic word for "guardian" in the Quran into "friend"on the video. Highly deceptive.


www.loonwatch c o m/2011/04/jesus-loves-his-enem­ies-and-then-kills-them-all/­eimpose-dhimmitude-or-live-as-­equals/
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« Last Edit: Jun 6th, 2012 at 11:02pm by falah »  

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Re: Islamophobophobia: Politically Correct Persecution
Reply #3 - Jun 6th, 2012 at 9:53pm
What do you think of loonwatch Falah?
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People who can't distinguish between etymology and entomology bug me in ways I cannot put into words.
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Re: Islamophobophobia: Politically Correct Persecution
Reply #4 - Jun 6th, 2012 at 10:08pm
falah wrote on Jun 6th, 2012 at 9:44pm:
I could take some crazy-looking guy and get him to mistranslate parts of the Bible, and take them out of context too.

No you couldn't.

The Jew hatred, the Christian hatred  and the infidel hatred by Muslims is never out of context. They are living hatreds, and you are an example of them.

You could not just be indifferent as an Islamist. You must be antagonistic, you must be hostile and bent on ruling or destroying them (us).

If anyone said about Muslims what you and Abu and muslims preachers everywhere do say, they'd be up for islamophobia. But somehow you bvggers are never up for being sworn enemies of western liberal democracy, of the jews, hindus, the tribal African, the tribal Asian, Christians, not to mention your undying bloody animosity towards the Shites and assorted other heretical Muslim.

Your hostility is the single thing that defines you. You are entirely defined by what you are standing against. You are entirely defined, in other words, by your phobias.

Watch that video past the half way mark and you will see yourself, the grinning stirrer, working on discord and spreading animosity and smiling gleefully when he achieves it.

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Re: Islamophobophobia: Politically Correct Persecution
Reply #5 - Jun 6th, 2012 at 10:24pm
Soren wrote on Jun 6th, 2012 at 10:08pm:
Your hostility is the single thing that defines you. You are entirely defined by what you are standing against. You are entirely defined, in other words, by your phobias.

Interesting. Coming from an arch grump and serial moaner - creatively reflexive, old boy. And not a hint of irony either.

Marvellous stuff.
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Re: Islamophobophobia: Politically Correct Persecution
Reply #6 - Jun 8th, 2012 at 11:37am
Karnal wrote on Jun 6th, 2012 at 10:24pm:
Soren wrote on Jun 6th, 2012 at 10:08pm:
Your hostility is the single thing that defines you. You are entirely defined by what you are standing against. You are entirely defined, in other words, by your phobias.

Interesting. Coming from an arch grump and serial moaner - creatively reflexive, old boy. And not a hint of irony either.

Marvellous stuff.

You mean not a hint of Paki Weaselly Ambiguities?

Islamists are all about their stance against the West. They criticise, denigrate, undermine it. But any criticism of Mohammed, the Koran and Islamists in general is verboten. You publish a Mohammed cartoon, you are going to be hunted down and an attempt will be made on your life. If you quote the Koran and your audience laughs, you will be taken to court.

Free speech applies to Muslims when they can use it against non-Muslims. It decidedly doesn't apply when Islam is criticised.

But being the stupid paki bvgger that you are, that irony escapes you entirely and you get bogged down, as usual, in some weaselly, swivel-eyed nonsense. 
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Sir Spot of Borg
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Re: Islamophobophobia: Politically Correct Persecution
Reply #7 - Jun 8th, 2012 at 11:50am
World English Dictionary
Islamophobia (ˌɪzlɑːməˈfəʊbɪə)

     hatred or fear of Muslims or of their politics or culture



Just so you know the definition.

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Re: Islamophobophobia: Politically Correct Persecution
Reply #8 - Jun 8th, 2012 at 11:56am
I like this clip of the atheist convention in Melbourne, muslims trying out their hate speach as free speach again, wonder if we can spot falah?

Muslims loose!

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Re: Islamophobophobia: Politically Correct Persecution
Reply #9 - Jun 8th, 2012 at 12:24pm
Adamant wrote on Jun 8th, 2012 at 11:56am:
I like this clip of the atheist convention in Melbourne, muslims trying out their hate speach as free speach again, wonder if we can spot falah?

Muslims loose!

Burn in hell, burn in hell!

ZZ Tops, ZZ Tops!

Burn in hell, burn in hell!

ZZ Tops, ZZ Tops!

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Re: Islamophobophobia: Politically Correct Persecution
Reply #10 - Jun 8th, 2012 at 3:37pm
Islamophobia is prevalent above all among Muslims”
Felix Strüning9. April 20123

CT-Interview with German Islam-critic Udo Ulfkotte on Hitler, Mohammed and the financial crisis as a solution

Udo Ulfkotte with the Bavarian interior minister and panegyrist at that time, Günter Beckstein (right), concerning the award of the civic prize of the Annette Bartheit Foundation, 2003

He is to a certain extent the inventor of the Islam-critical fact book and probably the most provocative opponent of political Islam in Germany: Udo Ulfkotte explains in a Citizen Times interview why Islamophobia is prevalent above all among Muslims; German Islam critics are changing nothing; what Mohammed and Hitler had in common; and what he would urgently advise Interior Minister Friedrich (German original, tanks for translation by JLH at Gates of Vienna).

Citizen Times: Mr. Ulfkotte, almost exactly nine years ago your first book on Islam, The War in our Cities, appeared. How has the debate about Islam in Germany developed since then?

Udo Ulfkotte: We have given up more and more since then. Let us leave my books and look at Thilo Sarrazin. Then we just have to accept the fact: Even when an author sells far more than a million books on the subject, is quoted in all the media — absolutely nothing changes. We are today where we were before Sarrazin. No. We are getting worse and worse in the realm of political correctness. The debate on Islam is not developing. It is repeatedly choked off. Quite slowly we are choking ourselves by doing that.

Citizen Times: A broad front of so-called bias researchers has arisen specifically in reference to that, who classify Islam criticism as Islamophobia. What is there to this charge?

Udo Ulfkotte: It always makes me chuckle, when this idea is mentioned. Islamophobia comes from Islamic territory. Most Muslims suffer from it. The Sunni Muslims have an Islamophobia about the Shi’ite Muslims, the Shi’ite Muslims have an Islamophobia about the Muslims of the Ahmadiyya, and so on. In the 17 years when I lived largely among Muslims in Islamic countries, I was able to study this Islamophobia.

I know of no other group of people in he world who are so shaped by Islamophobia as are the Muslims. And I do not know of one single bias researcher who has ever dealt with that. That, too, is choked off. So it is not at all a question of Islamophobia, but of political correctness. Something is being hammered into the heads of the stupid Germans. And the really stupid ones actually believe it.

Citizen Times: How do you see the various actors in the Islam-critical scene in Germany in its broadest sense — from the PRO movement to organizations like BPE?

Udo Ulfkotte: They are moving nothing, except themselves. There is not one group in this area which, soberly regarded, could move or has moved anything. That is not a reproach, but a finding of fact. The actors are interchangeable and random. They have no charisma or they would be further along in this arena. The vacuum is there. But no one is in sight to fill it. That was exactly the case in the Netherlands — until Wilders. Then everything happened very quickly.

Citizen Times: Let’s talk straight. What is Islam — religion, culture or political ideology?

Udo Ulfkotte: You said it exactly. Islam is religion and political ideology and culture. But it is also an economic model, a judicial system, a political order and a social model. Islam is therefore not just a religion.

Regarded seriously, the founder of Islam, Mohammed, did what Adolf Hitler did in the past century to win power. What Mein Kampf is to Adolf Hitler, the Koran is to Muslims. A neutral reader will find there more than 200 passages with calls to battle against infidels. This devilish concoction, the Koran, should be on the Index, like Mein Kampf. Mohammed and Adolf Hitler are alike in many ways.

In the city of Yathrib, now called Medina, Mohammed beheaded more than 500 Jews. More wouldn’t have been possible. At that time, there were no longer any male Jews in Yathrib. The Nazi ideology and Islam are very similar. It was not for no reason that the leaders of Islam formed their own Islamic SS brigades to support Hitler in his genocidal campaign against the Jews. Allah’s green Nazis are being courted by today’s policies. An irony of world history.

Citizen Times: Assuming that the office of Interior Minister Friedrich should call and ask for your advice…What three specific steps would you recommend for immediate implementation?

Udo Ulfkotte: I would tell him the truth. Time is working against him with furious speed, and against all the political parties represented in the Bundestag. For now, forget Islam and the problems we have with Muslims. I personally am no longer afraid of that, and I am no longer going to try to change anything in the political arena. For the pendulum of history will soon be swinging back in the other direction. For a very simple reason. The government bankruptcies everywhere in the EU are rolling our way. And we have a financial shield for everyone, but none for ourselves. In the end, we will pay. And I look forward to that. Because the only thing to do will be to dial everything back severely — from pensions to social aid. And then, of course, there will be no more money for the millions of Muslims everywhere who want to be taken care and are living on Hartz-IV funds.

Then the battle over distribution of moneys will start. And that will be the very latest point at which citizens will forget all political correctness and wonder whether they can continue to play social service office to the world, and whether they want to share the fruits of their labor with people who have brought them nothing but expenses. That will circulate.

Citizen Times: A theory which you expressed as early as 2010, borrowing from the US futurologist, Gerald Celente.

Udo Ulfkotte: …correct. At any rate, that is the latest when there will be massive steams of Muslims from Europe to their home countries. That is all predictable. Against this background, these are my three suggestions for Interior Minister Friedrich:

First: Now, today — in accordance with our laws — deport all Muslims who are not employed and do not have German citizenship.

Second: Retroactively withdraw citizenship from all Muslims and deport those who have not proven worthy of having citizenship. The USA has been doing that slowly for a long time, for instance with Islamists and criminals.

And third: Institute comprehensive Islam instruction in German schools. And there, enlighten children on the Nazi-like ideology of Muslims, Anyone who wants to fight Nazis must also fight the ideology of the founder of Islam, Mohammed.

Now, Minister Friedrich will not do all that. So it is foreseeable that Muslims will sometime be driven from Europe. I certainly do not want that. But it is looming on the horizon. History means change. And we will soon see great changes. Simply because we have destroyed our financial basis. Soon the big bang is coming which will also solve our Muslim problem.

Citizen Times: Political scientist Dr. Thomas Tartsch once called you the inventor of the Islam-critical book of facts. In point of fact, you are journalistically pretty busy. What book may we expect this summer?

Udo Ulfkotte: I do not write only under my own name, but I also ghostwrite autobiographies for large publishing houses. And I am presently working on the autobiography of a well-known SPD politician. You understand, I cannot mention his name. In passing, I can say that he shares my opinion about Islam. On television and in public, he speaks quite differently. That gets him votes. In contrast to me, he is a true Muslim-hater. He will seem completely different in a book. He values the fact that he is mentioned in connection with visits to mosques and intercultural conferences as many times as possible in the book. That is the side of him that readers will get. That is how it is with political correctness.
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Re: Islamophobophobia: Politically Correct Persecution
Reply #11 - Jun 8th, 2012 at 7:33pm
Adamant wrote on Jun 8th, 2012 at 11:56am:
I like this clip of the atheist convention in Melbourne, muslims trying out their hate speach as free speach again, wonder if we can spot falah?

I wouldn't waste my time on a bunch of losers who listen to liars.

Their star attraction was a huge liar named Ayaan Hirsi:

Outspoken Dutch MP admits lying,0.jpg

AYAAN Hirsi Ali, a Somali-born Dutch politician known for her outspoken criticism of Islam, is leaving parliament and moving to the US after admitting she lied to gain asylum in the Netherlands.

Ms Hirsi Ali, 36, sought asylum in the Netherlands in 1992, claiming to be escaping from an arranged marriage. She was granted Dutch citizenship in 1997 and elected to parliament in 2003...

Adamant wrote on Jun 8th, 2012 at 11:56am:
Muslims loose!

Is the intelligence level of the average Islam-hater? Can't spell simple English words.

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Re: Islamophobophobia: Politically Correct Persecution
Reply #12 - Jun 8th, 2012 at 7:47pm
Adamant wrote on Jun 8th, 2012 at 3:37pm:
CT-Interview with German Islam-critic Udo Ulfkotte on Hitler, Mohammed and the financial crisis as a solution

Ahh yes, nutty old Udo Ulfkotte.

The guy who came up with the 'fecal jihad' theory  Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

Udo Ulfkotte and Fecal Jihad: Asymmetric Warfare or Crazy Conspiracy Theory?

Russell Blackford recently wrote a piece on Islamophobia that was reproduced by Richard Dawkins, in which he said,

“attacks on Islam..made opportunistically..cannot be dismissed out of hand as worthless.”

We responded on Twitter by saying that most attacks can be dismissed as worthless. Exhibit A: Conspiracy Theories.

Now here is a perfect example, from one Dr. Udo Ulfkotte, who thinks the recent E.coli outbreak in Germany is linked to Muslim immigrants’ importation of “fecal jihad.” After this, I don’t know who could compete for “the craziest conspiracy theory of the year award.” (hat tip: Sphinx and Jake)

Ulfkotte: Turkish women’s poor hygiene to blame for E.coli/EHEC outbreak

The writer and “Islam expert” Dr. Udo Ulfkotte has made a nice career for himself in Germany by spreading hate and fear against Muslims.  In a recent interview he fantasized about all the “living space” (Lebensraum) ethnic Germans could have if only they could conduct forced deportation of all the Turkish and Arab people living in Germany. No matter that nearly all of Dr. Ulfkotte’s hateful diatribes are based on lies: he is a much sought-after guest for TV talk shows and discussion panels.

But even Dr. Ulfkotte may have outdone himself with his mostrecent piece on the right-wing Truther site of Kopp Verlag(with thanks to Politblogger). Germany is facing a health crisis due to vegetables tainted with E.coli. Naturally, Udo Ulfkotte seizes the opportunity for yet another attack on immigrants from Turkey:

    Im »Erdbeerland« in Pottenstein und auf mindestens zehn weiteren Erdbeerplantagen erfand man den Hosenzwang, weil Türkinnen, die dort saisonal gearbeitet hatten, bei der Arbeit auf die Erdbeeren uriniert und zwischen den Pflanzen auch noch andere »größere Geschäfte« verrichtet hatten. … Bestimmte Migranten haben eben völlig andere Vorstellungen von Hygiene und der Einhaltung von Hygiene-Richtlinien als wir Europäer.

    (In the “strawberry region” in Pottenstein (Austria) and on at least ten other strawberry farms workers are required to wear pants because Turkish women who were working there seasonally were urinating on the strawberries and even defecating among the plants….Certain migrants have a completely different concepts of hygiene than we Europeans.)

Dr. Ulfkotte goes on to describe a “fecal Jihad” being waged by Muslims against Europeans.

Thus far, there is zero evidence that the E.coli outbreak has any connection with strawberries, much less strawberries from Austria.  Authorities believe rather that cucumbers from Spain may be to blame.  But don’t look for a retraction or an apology from Dr. Udo Ulfkotte.  He has never once retracted any of the numerous lies he’s published at Kopp Verlag or elsewhere.

Again, Ulfkotte is free to publish whatever he wishes, even if it’s mostly lies.  What concerns me is that he is viewed by the German media as an “expert” and frequently appears on German television.  They are lending to this fraud credibility he in no way deserves.
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Re: Islamophobophobia: Politically Correct Persecution
Reply #13 - Jun 8th, 2012 at 9:04pm
We responded on Twitter by saying that most attacks can be dismissed as worthless. Exhibit A: Conspiracy Theories.

Falah, isn't it true that you previously took the protocols of the elders of zion seriously?
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Re: Islamophobophobia: Politically Correct Persecution
Reply #14 - Jun 8th, 2012 at 9:16pm
falah wrote on Jun 8th, 2012 at 7:47pm:
Crap crap crap

Galah, you have bizarre rituals around sh!t and p!ss - and everything else. Village Turks transported to Germany wouldn't know how to operate mod cons. They are primitive people, aliens dropped into an alien civilisation.

Back in Turkey, Turks are fantastic. Most hospitable and generous. In Europe - WTF? As welcome and fitting as Jews in Mecca during  Hajj.

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