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"Carbon Levy Will Never Be Repealed" PM (Read 14114 times)
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"Carbon Levy Will Never Be Repealed" PM
Jun 10th, 2012 at 6:02am
Ms Gillard also predicted the carbon tax will never be repealed even if Tony Abbott becomes prime minister.

Asked if she would "never, ever" move to relieve community concern by reducing the $23 per tonne carbon price or moving to an emissions trading scheme faster she said: "Oh, it's done. The legislation is the legislation and it's done.

"And I actually think if you try to imagine six months in to carbon pricing, what will people be experiencing and thinking then? They'll have their tax cuts, so their pay packet will be different ... many working women won't be paying tax at all any more and many (will be) seeing tax cuts like $500."
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Re: "Carbon Levy Will Never Be Repealed" PM
Reply #1 - Jun 10th, 2012 at 6:18am
Humanity will prevail over the New World Order sadists and scientific dictatorship.  The carbon tax will fall, the global economy will fall, humanity will prevail over the killers.Tongue
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World Wide Working Class Struggle
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Re: "Carbon Levy Will Never Be Repealed" PM
Reply #2 - Jun 10th, 2012 at 6:29am
Carbon tax repeal not so easy

Minister for Mental Health and Ageing, Mark Butler, has pointed out, promises to repeal complicated laws are difficult to pull off.

''Well, we tried rollback on the GST; it didn't work. This is the mother of all rollback campaigns,'' Butler told Q&A on ABC television this week.

Deutsche Bank has looked into the Coalition's promise to repeal the carbon tax and said it might not happen until April 2014 - nearly two years after the legislation takes effect in July this year.

''Each step in the constitutional process takes time, and in practice, it could take eight to 14 months for the repeal bills to pass, with risks of further delay at each stage of that process,'' research analyst Tim Jordan wrote in a report released yesterday.

''On that timetable, the earliest a repeal bill could pass after an August 2013 election would be April 2014, 22 months after the carbon price comes into force.''

Assuming the Coalition wins the next election but is not granted control of the upper house, Labor and the Greens are unlikely to repeal the price on carbon, leaving Abbott with the option of calling a ''double dissolution'' - or fresh election on all seats of Parliament. If the double-dissolution election failed to give the Coalition control of both houses of Parliament, it could call a ''joint sitting'' to pass the contested legislation, provided it had a majority of seats in the two houses combined.

But whether this is the ideal outcome is another issue. Mr Jordan said abandoning a market mechanism for reducing emissions would ''only provide a temporary reprieve for major emitters''.

''The carbon price is likely to have a modest impact on most listed emitters: most high-carbon firms in trade-exposed sectors will receive free units (and in the case of steel makers, cash grants) to offset the impact; resources companies face a small impact relative to earnings; airlines will pass on the cost in ticket prices; and utilities are likely to recover most of their additional costs through higher electricity prices,'' he wrote.

Labor and the Coalition have a bipartisan commitment to cut emissions by 5 per cent below 2000 levels by 2020.

Mr Jordan told BusinessDay that this commitment would still stand if the carbon tax was repealed and would probably be met through state-based or ad hoc programs.
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Re: "Carbon Levy Will Never Be Repealed" PM
Reply #3 - Jun 10th, 2012 at 6:33am
Abbott has dug a big hole over ‘disastrous’ carbon tax

The Opposition’s unrelenting attack on the Government over carbon pricing has been simple and devastatingly effective. But Tony Abbott probably should have told his colleagues to hold off purchasing shares in an industry he has predicted will be shattered.

One of the Opposition Leader’s favourite strategies is to visit a family-run store, or a factory, or a pharmacy or a shopping centre. He’s been to manufacturing sites and trucking businesses, greengrocers – and, of course, mining sites - to smile, shake hands with workers, then talk about how much they’re all going to suffer under a carbon tax.

Meanwhile, it seems a significant portion of his party has been off buying shares in mining. Which tends to show some sort of confidence in the future of the sector.

At least 34 Opposition members or their partners have invested in mining, as their leader has travelled the country warning the tax would be a wrecking ball generally, disastrous for mining, and death to the coal industry.

Climate Change Minister Greg Combet told Parliament yesterday:

(S)ince the carbon price was announced last February, and the start of the opposition leader’s people’s revolt started, many coalition MPs have actually bought shares in the industry. Now, the member for Wentworth is amongst them, but we would respect that because he knows the campaign run by the opposition leader is complete and utter rubbish, nonsense, false, a fraud and a fabrication.

But it does include the members for Brisbane, Flynn, Stirling, Fadden, Bennelong and Kooyong. Not only that, when you have a look at the register, all up about 30 per cent of the members of the Coalition are investors in the minerals industry.

Publicly, their leader talks mining stocks down; privately, they snap up the investments. There might be a little insider trading strategy going on, but it demonstrates hypocrisy. If there were a TV reality show, Australia’s Greatest Hypocrites, they would be the winners.

It’s not new news that the Coalition has been investing in mining – in March named names and revealed some of the details.

But 34 is a substantial number of people who don’t believe their own leader’s hype.

As though we needed any more proof that politics is more about posturing and fear mongering than policy.

When the carbon tax comes in on July 1, it will have a range of impacts. It will help some industries. It will hinder others. If the Government’s figures are correct, many Australians will benefit from the related compensation. Many won’t.

While carbon pricing is lauded as the most effective way to change behaviour and start to have an impact on climate change, it’s still somewhat of a gamble whether this particular model will work – and it’s really unclear what will happen when Mr Abbott tries to rescind it. He has promised: “I will give the remainder of my political life, however long I have left, to beating the carbon tax.”

And having seen the irreparable damage done to Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s career prospects by her carbon tax backflip, you can guarantee he will go to extreme lengths to keep his own carbon promise.

What he needs to do now, though, is inject a little more reality into his predictions that the sky will fall in on mining. He has used the wedge very effectively, but is now ramming it in too far and it could all split apart on him.

He will be all too easily proven wrong, not only by his own colleagues’ disbelief, but when the world is still standing after July 1.

Mr Combet also said yesterday: “It reminds you a bit of the old Lucky Starr song from the 1960s, I’ve Been Everywhere. You know, ‘Cabramatta, Parramatta, Wangaratta, Coolangatta’ - but the punchline is, ‘everywhere is doomed, man’.

He was clearly feeling quite jovial about the results of his research into the House of Representatives’ Register of Members’ Interests.

If I were Mr Abbott now, I would be furiously going through that register and working out how many Labor MPs have not bought shares in mining companies. And maybe toning down the prophecies of doom.
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Re: "Carbon Levy Will Never Be Repealed" PM
Reply #4 - Jun 10th, 2012 at 7:15am
Another lie by our lying PM. Abbott is definitely going to be able to repeal the carbon tax and if/when she loses the next election, she should support legislation (if she is still ALP Leader) as the Coalition did with changes to WorhChoices. Also, the tax cuts will do next to nothing to offset the effect of a higher cost of living under the carbon tax.
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Re: "Carbon Levy Will Never Be Repealed" PM
Reply #5 - Jun 10th, 2012 at 7:43am
Armchair_Politician wrote on Jun 10th, 2012 at 7:15am:
Another lie by our lying PM. Abbott is definitely going to be able to repeal the carbon tax and if/when she loses the next election, she should support legislation (if she is still ALP Leader) as the Coalition did with changes to WorhChoices. Also, the tax cuts will do next to nothing to offset the effect of a higher cost of living under the carbon tax.

Since you are so sure of this abbot repeal line ... how much will the coalition pay industry compensation?

Also the carbon levy, if Abbott rips the compensation and wage rises and tax cuts from everybody, how will he remove the carbon cost already within pricing.

Business will just pocket the extra profit.

So by repealing, all Abbott wants to do is force up the cost of living for everyone.

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Re: "Carbon Levy Will Never Be Repealed" PM
Reply #6 - Jun 10th, 2012 at 8:46am
____ wrote on Jun 10th, 2012 at 7:43am:
Armchair_Politician wrote on Jun 10th, 2012 at 7:15am:
Another lie by our lying PM. Abbott is definitely going to be able to repeal the carbon tax and if/when she loses the next election, she should support legislation (if she is still ALP Leader) as the Coalition did with changes to WorhChoices. Also, the tax cuts will do next to nothing to offset the effect of a higher cost of living under the carbon tax.

Since you are so sure of this abbot repeal line ... how much will the coalition pay industry compensation?

Also the carbon levy, if Abbott rips the compensation and wage rises and tax cuts from everybody, how will he remove the carbon cost already within pricing.

Business will just pocket the extra profit.

So by repealing, all Abbott wants to do is force up the cost of living for everyone.

Ummm, why will the Coalition need to PAY compensation to industry that does not WANT the carbon tax and would be BETTER OFF without the carbon tax? You truly are strange!
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14% - that low?!

Posts: 16000
Re: "Carbon Levy Will Never Be Repealed" PM
Reply #7 - Jun 10th, 2012 at 9:09am
If we couldn't believe her when she said "There will be no carbon tax under a government I lead"

Then why is this any more believable?

Greens will try to hang on to ANY hope but the Carbon Tax will go!!!

Bob Brown has abandoned his little penguins so will Gillard
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Bill 14% is not the alcohol content of that wine. It's your poll number
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Re: "Carbon Levy Will Never Be Repealed" PM
Reply #8 - Jun 10th, 2012 at 9:36am
Armchair_Politician wrote on Jun 10th, 2012 at 8:46am:
____ wrote on Jun 10th, 2012 at 7:43am:
Armchair_Politician wrote on Jun 10th, 2012 at 7:15am:
Another lie by our lying PM. Abbott is definitely going to be able to repeal the carbon tax and if/when she loses the next election, she should support legislation (if she is still ALP Leader) as the Coalition did with changes to WorhChoices. Also, the tax cuts will do next to nothing to offset the effect of a higher cost of living under the carbon tax.

Since you are so sure of this abbot repeal line ... how much will the coalition pay industry compensation?

Also the carbon levy, if Abbott rips the compensation and wage rises and tax cuts from everybody, how will he remove the carbon cost already within pricing.

Business will just pocket the extra profit.

So by repealing, all Abbott wants to do is force up the cost of living for everyone.

Ummm, why will the Coalition need to PAY compensation to industry that does not WANT the carbon tax and would be BETTER OFF without the carbon tax? You truly are strange!

The expert explained that the legislation defined the carbon units created under the law as a unit of personal property, which would make it harder for future national leaders to repeal the carbon tax law without compensation.

Don't tell me the conservatives are blindly follow abbott without using their brain !
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Re: "Carbon Levy Will Never Be Repealed" PM
Reply #9 - Jun 10th, 2012 at 9:38am
Maqqa wrote on Jun 10th, 2012 at 9:09am:
If we couldn't believe her when she said "There will be no carbon tax under a government I lead"

Then why is this any more believable?

Greens will try to hang on to ANY hope but the Carbon Tax will go!!!

Bob Brown has abandoned his little penguins so will Gillard

Bob Brown still supports a carbon levy ... unless you have information and are holding out on us?
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John Smith
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Re: "Carbon Levy Will Never Be Repealed" PM
Reply #10 - Jun 10th, 2012 at 9:41am
Abbott will NEVER repeal the carbon tax .... the LIB party will replace him before he even tries and then claim that it was Abbotts agenda and the new leader has a different agenda therefore no broken promises .. blah blah blah .. they've got it all worked out
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Our esteemed leader:
I hope that bitch who was running their brothels for them gets raped with a cactus.
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14% - that low?!

Posts: 16000
Re: "Carbon Levy Will Never Be Repealed" PM
Reply #11 - Jun 10th, 2012 at 9:43am
____ wrote on Jun 10th, 2012 at 9:38am:
Maqqa wrote on Jun 10th, 2012 at 9:09am:
If we couldn't believe her when she said "There will be no carbon tax under a government I lead"

Then why is this any more believable?

Greens will try to hang on to ANY hope but the Carbon Tax will go!!!

Bob Brown has abandoned his little penguins so will Gillard

Bob Brown still supports a carbon levy ... unless you have information and are holding out on us?

After the next election does he have a vote?


Brown has abandoned his little penguins - suck it up princess
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Bill 14% is not the alcohol content of that wine. It's your poll number
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Gold Member

14% - that low?!

Posts: 16000
Re: "Carbon Levy Will Never Be Repealed" PM
Reply #12 - Jun 10th, 2012 at 9:43am
John Smith wrote on Jun 10th, 2012 at 9:41am:
Abbott will NEVER repeal the carbon tax .... the LIB party will replace him before he even tries and then claim that it was Abbotts agenda and the new leader has a different agenda therefore no broken promises .. blah blah blah .. they've got it all worked out

As a leftie you'd know that!!
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Bill 14% is not the alcohol content of that wine. It's your poll number
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John Smith
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Re: "Carbon Levy Will Never Be Repealed" PM
Reply #13 - Jun 10th, 2012 at 9:47am
Maqqa wrote on Jun 10th, 2012 at 9:43am:
John Smith wrote on Jun 10th, 2012 at 9:41am:
Abbott will NEVER repeal the carbon tax .... the LIB party will replace him before he even tries and then claim that it was Abbotts agenda and the new leader has a different agenda therefore no broken promises .. blah blah blah .. they've got it all worked out

As a leftie you'd know that!!

As a right wing nutjob you had every opportunity to refute my claim ... but you didn't .... speaks volumes ....
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Our esteemed leader:
I hope that bitch who was running their brothels for them gets raped with a cactus.
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14% - that low?!

Posts: 16000
Re: "Carbon Levy Will Never Be Repealed" PM
Reply #14 - Jun 10th, 2012 at 9:49am
John Smith wrote on Jun 10th, 2012 at 9:47am:
Maqqa wrote on Jun 10th, 2012 at 9:43am:
John Smith wrote on Jun 10th, 2012 at 9:41am:
Abbott will NEVER repeal the carbon tax .... the LIB party will replace him before he even tries and then claim that it was Abbotts agenda and the new leader has a different agenda therefore no broken promises .. blah blah blah .. they've got it all worked out

As a leftie you'd know that!!

As a right wing nutjob you had every opportunity to refute my claim ... but you didn't .... speaks volumes ....

I don't need to and I have confronted you with demands for proof the other day which you failed to provide. That speaks volumes

Back under your rock boy!!
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Bill 14% is not the alcohol content of that wine. It's your poll number
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