Abbott has dug a big hole over ‘disastrous’ carbon tax
The Opposition’s unrelenting attack on the Government over carbon pricing has been simple and devastatingly effective. But Tony Abbott probably should have told his colleagues to hold off purchasing shares in an industry he has predicted will be shattered.
One of the Opposition Leader’s favourite strategies is to visit a family-run store, or a factory, or a pharmacy or a shopping centre. He’s been to manufacturing sites and trucking businesses, greengrocers – and, of course, mining sites - to smile, shake hands with workers, then talk about how much they’re all going to suffer under a carbon tax.
Meanwhile, it seems a significant portion of his party has been off buying shares in mining. Which tends to show some sort of confidence in the future of the sector.
At least 34 Opposition members or their partners have invested in mining, as their leader has travelled the country warning the tax would be a wrecking ball generally, disastrous for mining, and death to the coal industry.
Climate Change Minister Greg Combet told Parliament yesterday:
(S)ince the carbon price was announced last February, and the start of the opposition leader’s people’s revolt started, many coalition MPs have actually bought shares in the industry. Now, the member for Wentworth is amongst them, but we would respect that because he knows the campaign run by the opposition leader is complete and utter rubbish, nonsense, false, a fraud and a fabrication.
But it does include the members for Brisbane, Flynn, Stirling, Fadden, Bennelong and Kooyong. Not only that, when you have a look at the register, all up about 30 per cent of the members of the Coalition are investors in the minerals industry.
Publicly, their leader talks mining stocks down; privately, they snap up the investments. There might be a little insider trading strategy going on, but it demonstrates hypocrisy. If there were a TV reality show, Australia’s Greatest Hypocrites, they would be the winners.
It’s not new news that the Coalition has been investing in mining – in March named names and revealed some of the details.
But 34 is a substantial number of people who don’t believe their own leader’s hype.
As though we needed any more proof that politics is more about posturing and fear mongering than policy.
When the carbon tax comes in on July 1, it will have a range of impacts. It will help some industries. It will hinder others. If the Government’s figures are correct, many Australians will benefit from the related compensation. Many won’t.
While carbon pricing is lauded as the most effective way to change behaviour and start to have an impact on climate change, it’s still somewhat of a gamble whether this particular model will work – and it’s really unclear what will happen when Mr Abbott tries to rescind it. He has promised: “I will give the remainder of my political life, however long I have left, to beating the carbon tax.”
And having seen the irreparable damage done to Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s career prospects by her carbon tax backflip, you can guarantee he will go to extreme lengths to keep his own carbon promise.
What he needs to do now, though, is inject a little more reality into his predictions that the sky will fall in on mining. He has used the wedge very effectively, but is now ramming it in too far and it could all split apart on him.
He will be all too easily proven wrong, not only by his own colleagues’ disbelief, but when the world is still standing after July 1.
Mr Combet also said yesterday: “It reminds you a bit of the old Lucky Starr song from the 1960s, I’ve Been Everywhere. You know, ‘Cabramatta, Parramatta, Wangaratta, Coolangatta’ - but the punchline is, ‘everywhere is doomed, man’.
He was clearly feeling quite jovial about the results of his research into the House of Representatives’ Register of Members’ Interests.
If I were Mr Abbott now, I would be furiously going through that register and working out how many Labor MPs have not bought shares in mining companies. And maybe toning down the prophecies of doom.