freediver wrote on Jun 12
th, 2012 at 7:39pm:
longweekend58 wrote on Jun 11
th, 2012 at 10:14pm:
freediver wrote on Jun 11
th, 2012 at 7:50pm:
Quote:Not even close. I asked you for YOUR position - not quoting someone elses amoral position.
It is my position Longy. Whose do you think it is?
I really don't get why people go on about what a political party is honour bound to do. This isn't the knights of the round table. It is politics. They will be judged at election time.
youare on record as bemoaning the behaviour of politicians bu t here you are essentially granting them carte blanche to behave as they want between elections. And best of all, you seem to exalt in the potential for a party that is SMASHED at an election to refuse to obey the clear will of the people by virtue of an electoral anomolay. is this really your position? It sounds a little bit like 'do whatever you want and can get away with'.
As one of the gradually reducing group of intelligent people on here it is a pretty lame attitude.
Actually Longy, if you read what I posted, you will see I am suggesting that we hold them accountable rather than just moaning about it.
longweekend58 wrote on Jun 11
th, 2012 at 10:21pm:
freediver wrote on Jun 11
th, 2012 at 8:38pm:
Rudd tried to milk his mandate on climate change for all it was worth. Look where it got him.
Maqqa is right though, but they would need a very clear mandate. I dont see that happening at the next election. The coalition have focussed so hard on the 'lie' that Gillard told rather than the merits of the policy. Hopefully they will have a clearer policy well before the election, and the election focusses on that.
clear mandate? with an election pretty much fought over the carbon tax and acheiving a near record majority, precisely what else do you want? A plebisctite at the same time?
You seem to be trying to redefine the concept of mandate so as to not be beholden to one.
It is not a redefinition. It is just being honest about what sort of mandate the major parties have. If the people want to put absolute power in the hands of one party they will, and have done it before.
Mandates are funny things.
Elections are never fought on one single issue - ever. Furthermore elections and plebiscites generally only have one of two possible outcomes (the last federal election being an exception), yet on any real issue there is an infinite spectrum of possible outcomes.
This talk of clear mandates always oversimilifies the matter.
rubbish. the 98 election was on the GST and pretty much nothing else.
the notion of mandate is always difficult and becomes impossible if you assume a black and white position such as you have. the 2007 election gave a clear and unequivocal mandate for the removal of workchoices. the 2010 election gave no one a mandate for anything - not even govt.
you talk about holding govts accountable but only at elections as if there is no requirement for the govt to listen in between. I know you love the carbon tax, but mandates are matters of principle. The ultimate ends of what you are talking about is govts doing absolutely anythign they can to get into power and then utterly ignoring them when there. We have the right to expect better than that.
When Howard brought in workchoices he broke a convention of not implementing major polcieis without electroal support. Up until then it had been pretty well understood. That was bad. And in 2010, Gillard took it a step further byt promising one thing whiel clearly intending to do the opposite. And now you are trying to say that if the elction campaign is fought substantially over the Carbon tax and Abbott wins a significant majority that that means nothing? What are elections supposed to be? where we choose people who are under no obligation to do as they promise and can be thwarted by other people as well?
you often talk about making our political system more accountable, yet your every post on the matter says the opposite. We cant hold them ACCOUNTABLE unless we express clear EXPECTATIONS of them. ONe of those should be to obey their promises. A second should be to do what the electorat demands, regardless of your ability to thwart it.
its not a onerous obligation. it is called PRINCIPLE.