Armchair_Politician wrote on Jun 10
th, 2012 at 12:46pm:
Gist wrote on Jun 10
th, 2012 at 9:50am:
Armchair_Politician wrote on Jun 10
th, 2012 at 7:15am:
Another lie by our lying PM. Abbott is definitely going to be able to repeal the carbon tax and if/when she loses the next election, she should support legislation (if she is still ALP Leader) as the Coalition did with changes to WorhChoices. Also, the tax cuts will do next to nothing to offset the effect of a higher cost of living under the carbon tax.
So when that higher cost of living has come into effect AND Abbott repeals the carbon tax -
how will he reduce the cost of living?
It's a simple question. It deserves an answer.
Lets say the cost of living pre-carbon tax is $100 per week, just for a nice round number. Lets also say that the cost of living post-carbon tax will be $150 per week. Make no mistake, prices will increase under the carbon tax - that's the entire point of it, to make things such as fuel and electricity more expensive in the hope we use them less. Now, when Abbott passes legislation to repeal the carbon tax and it has been abolished, the cost of living will go back to $100 per week. It's really that simple!
Will they? Most businesses I've worked for would simply say they've driven down costs. Therefore they have improved
profits.In simple words (for numpties like you) they will pocket the $50.
How will Abbott ensure that this doesn't happen?
Also, please answer this simple question -
The carbon tax is being returned to the people as either a reduction in income tax OR or a pension increase. This would compensate people for that extra $50 a week. Some people will get MORE than the mythical $50 a week that you plucked out of the air.
When Lieberals scrap the tax, they will also have to scrap the tax cuts and cut pensions. PLUS people will still be paying the extra $50 a week (see previous point).
Especially in the face of the cost of living increase?