____ wrote on Jun 12 th, 2012 at 7:39am: Armchair_Politician wrote on Jun 12 th, 2012 at 7:38am: ____ wrote on Jun 12 th, 2012 at 7:34am: Armchair_Politician wrote on Jun 12 th, 2012 at 6:03am: progressiveslol wrote on Jun 12 th, 2012 at 1:49am: mozzaok wrote on Jun 12 th, 2012 at 12:06am: progressiveslol wrote on Jun 11 th, 2012 at 11:51pm: mozzaok wrote on Jun 11 th, 2012 at 11:40pm: I watched the PM on Q&A tonight, and I am pleased that she finally has seen fit to try and develop a more personal style of dialogue with the electorate. I bemoan the fact that she is far less politically aggressive than I would like, and that she did not begin to try and develop this type of engagement a lot sooner.
When she used the example of the Mabo case, to highlight the disgusting, divisive fear mongering, engaged in by the Liberal Nationals coalition, she did so with understated dignity. I would have loved to see her stick the boot in, like Keating would have.
The Libs are likely going to win on the false perception that they hold a high ground on moral issues, and before people blindly accept that, the immoral fear mongering, championed and spread with lies and misinformation, that they seem to take so much delight in, should be held up before all, and shown as the lowly behaviour that it really is. Thats an hysterically inaccurate claim. Wayne Swan said so. REALLY? Gee, ALAN JONES the spruiking coalition cheerleader, telling people day in day out, they would lose their farms, that no back yards are safe. Claims it would open the floodgates to native title claims across the nation, that would put every property owner in jeopardy????? Never happened???? I guess that leopard must have changed his spots. You must be right progs, the Libs would never engage in such deceitful, divisive fear mongering, after all, they are the ones sitting on the Moral High Ground, they hate liars. Unless of course the lies happen to suit their political aspirations at the time. What is that H word again? No-one claims that any politician is free of lies. Just too bad for labor and gillard that their timing, a new tax lie and extent (extremists for not liking our lie) were bad. BTW the highlighted text was a reference to labor saying Abbott was fear mongering, when in fact he was telling the truth. That alone, played over and over, would go a long way to winning him the election. Truth is on Abbott's side. The electorate is fed-up with the lies of Gillard. Libs collapsed further in latest newspoll libs 41 + nats 3, continuing a downard trend. Looks like the electorate is fed up with lib's spin. Labor would still suffer a crushing defeat if an election were held any time soon! Incorrect, since the polls would shift radically, once Abbott has to come out of hiding. Coalition still leads Labor convincingly. Suck it up, Greens_Loser...