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Question: Is Kathy Jackson A HR Nicholls Mole?

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« Created by: corporate_whitey on: Jun 13th, 2012 at 4:47pm »

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Is Kathy Jackson A HR Nicholls Mole? (Read 1352 times)
Gold Member

Australian Politics

Posts: 8896
Is Kathy Jackson A HR Nicholls Mole?
Jun 13th, 2012 at 4:47pm
Health Services Union national secretary Kathy Jackson spoke at a meeting of the far rightwing policy think tank the HR Nicholls society, the Union executive called for a purge of Union grass roots democracy and introduction of extremist HR Nicholls style authoritarian corporate reforms.  Unions are reliant on grass roots democracy to function, HR Nicholls knows this and so does Kathy Jackson, this is a conspiracy, she must be a mole in the union movement.

Jackson calls on unions to adopt company rules

Health Services Union national secretary Kathy Jackson has defied her union by addressing what is known as Australia's most conservative industrial relations club, the HR Nicholls Society.

Ms Jackson delighted her audience with tales of union rorts and up-and-coming politicians who use unions as a launching pad for a career in Canberra.

She called on unions to be subject to the same corporate rules as companies, adopting a similar policy to the one that has been put forward by Opposition Leader Tony Abbott.

"I believe that there is a very strong case for extending, to the full extent possible and applicable, the same governance, investigation and enforcement provisions that apply to other corporations, generally those registered under the Corporations Act, to unions," she said.

Ms Jackson has long been at odds with the HSU East branch executive, which passed a motion banning executives consorting with the HR Nicholls Society, labelling it an anti-union hate group.

"To say the least, this is an unorthodox venue for a unionist to give this type of address," she said.

"But my options for giving such a speech to an audience that might listen are pretty limited these days.

"I've been attacked for speaking to you tonight because you're seen as the enemies of the trade union movement.

"Some of you are convinced that the market offers the best hope of the greatest good in all things, including the labour market - I profoundly disagree." But she said given the concerns about the use of members' money, it is time for the unions to change.

"After what I've been through at the HSU, I'd come down on the company directors' side," she said.

"I think that every union official needs to take their role and responsibility seriously.

"I don't think what's in place now works and I don't think increasing the signs and bringing them into line is the solution." Shorten attacked With her audience eating out of the palm of her hand, Ms Jackson compared herself to Joan of Arc and maintained a desire to right wrongs was her only motive.

She also took aim at people with union backgrounds who go on to seek a career in politics.

"Bill Shorten is an international grandmaster in the process of using unions as chess pieces in ALP factional warfare," she said.

"Bill Shorten as Minister for Workplace Relations is the most obvious example of Dracula being in charge of the blood bank." A spokesman for the Minister for Workplace Relations said Mr Shorten was overseas and unavailable for comment.

Founded by former treasurer Peter Costello and others in 1986, the HR Nicholls Society is one of Australia's most conservative industrial relations groups.

It supports the deregulation of Australia's industrial relations system and wants the award system abolished and the minimum wage lowered.

In 2007 it criticised John Howard's WorkChoices for creating even more regulation.

Ms Jackson is the first unionist to speak at an HR Nicholls Society gathering since 1990, when the then secretary of the Vehicle Builders Union, Joe Thompson, spoke about amalgamating unions.

The society's president, lawyer Adam Bisit, says the society exists to promote discussion about the operation and reform of industrial relations in Australia.

"I love controversy.

Everything is bedded down and swept under the carpet in IR.

We want things out in the open," he said.

"We're the only body...

that examines IR issues and gives this platform, and we've invited her, without any fetters whatsoever, to tell us the latest chapters in her story involving the HSU."
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World Wide Working Class Struggle
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MediocrityNET: because
people died for this!

Posts: 26966
Re: Is Kathy Jackson A HR Nicholls Mole?
Reply #1 - Jun 13th, 2012 at 4:50pm
she's mafia mate
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*Sure....they're anti competitive as any subsidised job is.  It wouldn't be there without the tax payer.  Very damned difficult for a brainwashed collectivist to understand that I know....  (swaggy) *
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Australian Politics

Posts: 8896
Re: Is Kathy Jackson A HR Nicholls Mole?
Reply #2 - Jun 13th, 2012 at 4:56pm
Someone is trying to seize control of the Unions and the money, you are prolly right about Mafia, but the reforms she is calling for are HR Nicholls reforms so they are involved in conspiracy to corrupt the Union movement too.
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World Wide Working Class Struggle
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MediocrityNET: because
people died for this!

Posts: 26966
Re: Is Kathy Jackson A HR Nicholls Mole?
Reply #3 - Jun 13th, 2012 at 5:00pm
mafia and their chinese counterparts are all over this country ,read CBDs, and are getting married!

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*Sure....they're anti competitive as any subsidised job is.  It wouldn't be there without the tax payer.  Very damned difficult for a brainwashed collectivist to understand that I know....  (swaggy) *
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Australian Politics

Posts: 8896
Re: Is Kathy Jackson A HR Nicholls Mole?
Reply #4 - Jun 13th, 2012 at 5:05pm
And yet the Government continues to sell us on its empty lies about a strong economy that is rotten to the core with corruption.
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World Wide Working Class Struggle
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Australian Politics

Posts: 8896
Re: Is Kathy Jackson A HR Nicholls Mole?
Reply #5 - Jun 13th, 2012 at 5:22pm
Which leads us to another question, why does the Government continue to ignore and turn a blind eye to organized crime and corruption and who is being paid off by organized crime to protect them?
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World Wide Working Class Struggle
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MediocrityNET: because
people died for this!

Posts: 26966
Re: Is Kathy Jackson A HR Nicholls Mole?
Reply #6 - Jun 13th, 2012 at 5:28pm
Are you answering your own questions now??  Wink Wink
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*Sure....they're anti competitive as any subsidised job is.  It wouldn't be there without the tax payer.  Very damned difficult for a brainwashed collectivist to understand that I know....  (swaggy) *
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The Valley Boy
Ex Member

Re: Is Kathy Jackson A HR Nicholls Mole?
Reply #7 - Jun 13th, 2012 at 11:25pm
corporate_whitey wrote on Jun 13th, 2012 at 4:47pm:
Health Services Union national secretary Kathy Jackson spoke at a meeting of the far rightwing policy think tank the HR Nicholls society, the Union executive called for a purge of Union grass roots democracy and introduction of extremist HR Nicholls style authoritarian corporate reforms.  Unions are reliant on grass roots democracy to function, HR Nicholls knows this and so does Kathy Jackson, this is a conspiracy, she must be a mole in the union movement.

Jackson calls on unions to adopt company rules

Health Services Union national secretary Kathy Jackson has defied her union by addressing what is known as Australia's most conservative industrial relations club, the HR Nicholls Society.

Ms Jackson delighted her audience with tales of union rorts and up-and-coming politicians who use unions as a launching pad for a career in Canberra.

She called on unions to be subject to the same corporate rules as companies, adopting a similar policy to the one that has been put forward by Opposition Leader Tony Abbott.

"I believe that there is a very strong case for extending, to the full extent possible and applicable, the same governance, investigation and enforcement provisions that apply to other corporations, generally those registered under the Corporations Act, to unions," she said.

Ms Jackson has long been at odds with the HSU East branch executive, which passed a motion banning executives consorting with the HR Nicholls Society, labelling it an anti-union hate group.

"To say the least, this is an unorthodox venue for a unionist to give this type of address," she said.

"But my options for giving such a speech to an audience that might listen are pretty limited these days.

"I've been attacked for speaking to you tonight because you're seen as the enemies of the trade union movement.

"Some of you are convinced that the market offers the best hope of the greatest good in all things, including the labour market - I profoundly disagree." But she said given the concerns about the use of members' money, it is time for the unions to change.

"After what I've been through at the HSU, I'd come down on the company directors' side," she said.

"I think that every union official needs to take their role and responsibility seriously.

"I don't think what's in place now works and I don't think increasing the signs and bringing them into line is the solution." Shorten attacked With her audience eating out of the palm of her hand, Ms Jackson compared herself to Joan of Arc and maintained a desire to right wrongs was her only motive.

She also took aim at people with union backgrounds who go on to seek a career in politics.

"Bill Shorten is an international grandmaster in the process of using unions as chess pieces in ALP factional warfare," she said.

"Bill Shorten as Minister for Workplace Relations is the most obvious example of Dracula being in charge of the blood bank." A spokesman for the Minister for Workplace Relations said Mr Shorten was overseas and unavailable for comment.

Founded by former treasurer Peter Costello and others in 1986, the HR Nicholls Society is one of Australia's most conservative industrial relations groups.

It supports the deregulation of Australia's industrial relations system and wants the award system abolished and the minimum wage lowered.

In 2007 it criticised John Howard's WorkChoices for creating even more regulation.

Ms Jackson is the first unionist to speak at an HR Nicholls Society gathering since 1990, when the then secretary of the Vehicle Builders Union, Joe Thompson, spoke about amalgamating unions.

The society's president, lawyer Adam Bisit, says the society exists to promote discussion about the operation and reform of industrial relations in Australia.

"I love controversy.

Everything is bedded down and swept under the carpet in IR.

We want things out in the open," he said.

"We're the only body...

that examines IR issues and gives this platform, and we've invited her, without any fetters whatsoever, to tell us the latest chapters in her story involving the HSU."

Kathy Jackson try to stand for parliament as well, so why is she having a go at other unionist that stand for parliament.

Only in a place like “Jacksonville” would someone like Kathy call me a failed ALP candidate. After all, this is the woman who tried to win pre-selection to become an ALP candidate in Victoria, and lost. Then, just for another shot at humiliation, Jackson took the ALP to court to try to overturn the election result, but alas she lost once again.

Ever heard of that saying pot and kettle before.....
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Australian Politics

Posts: 8896
Re: Is Kathy Jackson A HR Nicholls Mole?
Reply #8 - Jun 14th, 2012 at 1:57am
Alright, what is Kathy Jacksons connection to HR Nicholls then and what is HR  Nicholls connection to organized crime and political corruption?  These people are trying to redefine organized labor and bring it under corporate governance which is nothing more than a grab by organized crime for the funds of workers, and total control of the union movement.  If this is not worth the police looking in to I do not know what is.
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World Wide Working Class Struggle
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Australian Politics

Posts: 1345
Re: Is Kathy Jackson A HR Nicholls Mole?
Reply #9 - Jun 19th, 2012 at 7:56pm
corporate_whitey wrote on Jun 13th, 2012 at 4:47pm:
Health Services Union national secretary Kathy Jackson spoke at a meeting of the far rightwing policy think tank the HR Nicholls society, the Union executive called for a purge of Union grass roots democracy and introduction of extremist HR Nicholls style authoritarian corporate reforms.  Unions are reliant on grass roots democracy to function, HR Nicholls knows this and so does Kathy Jackson, this is a conspiracy, she must be a mole in the union movement.

Jackson calls on unions to adopt company rules

Health Services Union national secretary Kathy Jackson has defied her union by addressing what is known as Australia's most conservative industrial relations club, the HR Nicholls Society.

Ms Jackson delighted her audience with tales of union rorts and up-and-coming politicians who use unions as a launching pad for a career in Canberra.

She called on unions to be subject to the same corporate rules as companies, adopting a similar policy to the one that has been put forward by Opposition Leader Tony Abbott.

"I believe that there is a very strong case for extending, to the full extent possible and applicable, the same governance, investigation and enforcement provisions that apply to other corporations, generally those registered under the Corporations Act, to unions," she said.

Ms Jackson has long been at odds with the HSU East branch executive, which passed a motion banning executives consorting with the HR Nicholls Society, labelling it an anti-union hate group.

"To say the least, this is an unorthodox venue for a unionist to give this type of address," she said.

"But my options for giving such a speech to an audience that might listen are pretty limited these days.

"I've been attacked for speaking to you tonight because you're seen as the enemies of the trade union movement.

"Some of you are convinced that the market offers the best hope of the greatest good in all things, including the labour market - I profoundly disagree." But she said given the concerns about the use of members' money, it is time for the unions to change.

"After what I've been through at the HSU, I'd come down on the company directors' side," she said.

"I think that every union official needs to take their role and responsibility seriously.

"I don't think what's in place now works and I don't think increasing the signs and bringing them into line is the solution." Shorten attacked With her audience eating out of the palm of her hand, Ms Jackson compared herself to Joan of Arc and maintained a desire to right wrongs was her only motive.

She also took aim at people with union backgrounds who go on to seek a career in politics.

"Bill Shorten is an international grandmaster in the process of using unions as chess pieces in ALP factional warfare," she said.

"Bill Shorten as Minister for Workplace Relations is the most obvious example of Dracula being in charge of the blood bank." A spokesman for the Minister for Workplace Relations said Mr Shorten was overseas and unavailable for comment.

Founded by former treasurer Peter Costello and others in 1986, the HR Nicholls Society is one of Australia's most conservative industrial relations groups.

It supports the deregulation of Australia's industrial relations system and wants the award system abolished and the minimum wage lowered.

In 2007 it criticised John Howard's WorkChoices for creating even more regulation.

Ms Jackson is the first unionist to speak at an HR Nicholls Society gathering since 1990, when the then secretary of the Vehicle Builders Union, Joe Thompson, spoke about amalgamating unions.

The society's president, lawyer Adam Bisit, says the society exists to promote discussion about the operation and reform of industrial relations in Australia.

"I love controversy.

Everything is bedded down and swept under the carpet in IR.

We want things out in the open," he said.

"We're the only body...

that examines IR issues and gives this platform, and we've invited her, without any fetters whatsoever, to tell us the latest chapters in her story involving the HSU."

It does not matter if she is a mole for the HR Nicholls Society, she is definitely not representing her members, otherwise she would not grab a salry of $270,000, while Mr.Williamson of the same Union grabs $330,000, yet the members of HSU are reportedley on $42,000 a year.
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