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Is This What We Can Look Forward To? (Read 35676 times)
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Re: Is This What We Can Look Forward To?
Reply #165 - Jul 17th, 2012 at 9:07pm
Karnal wrote on Jul 17th, 2012 at 5:11pm:
abu_rashid wrote on Jul 17th, 2012 at 2:03pm:
Yadda wrote on Jul 17th, 2012 at 1:10am:
"Let not the believers take for friends or helpers unbelievers rather than believers. If any do that, in nothing will there be help from Allah; except by way of precaution, that ye may guard yourselves from them."
Koran 3.28

So I take it you don't believe in this passage of the Bible either then Yadda?

"Don't team up with those who are unbelievers. How can righteousness be a partner with wickedness? How can light live with darkness?" (2 Corinthians 6:14)

Or do you only espouse this crap when it's someone else's beliefs you're misinterpreting?

In fact if I had posted that same passage but put a Qur'anic reference on it, I'm sure you wouldn't even have known the difference would you? Since you have no idea what either of our religions believe, as your religion is nothing but the doctrine of hatred and bigotry.

Be careful, Abu. You'll get a dictionary quote for that one.

The unbridgable gap between Islam and Christianity (and Judaism) is that for Islam, the word in the Koran and Mohammed's interpretations of it (hadiths) are the entire subject matter of Islamic faith. With Christianity and especially Judaism, an interpretive (exegetic) tradition is equally important.

Islam is like Pallas Athene who sprung fully armed and armoured and perfect from Zeus's head. Seventh century Araby under Mohammed is that worldly perfection to which all Islam has been hankering ever since.

Judaism and Christianity on the other hand unfold through what some call the history of grace. As a matter of fact, and as illustration, take the idea of evolution. It could not have come from an Islamic mind.

Islam is absolutely ahistoric in it own self-reckoning. Christianity and Judaism aren't like that. This is indeed Islam's crucial criticism of them, that they are not as anachronistic as Islam, that they change with time, unlike Islam.

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Re: Is This What We Can Look Forward To?
Reply #166 - Jul 17th, 2012 at 10:28pm
freediver wrote on Jul 17th, 2012 at 6:12pm:
In fact if I had posted that same passage but put a Qur'anic reference on it, I'm sure you wouldn't even have known the difference would you? Since you have no idea what either of our religions believe, as your religion is nothing but the doctrine of hatred and bigotry.

Abu are you saying that yours is too?

Keep re-reading it, it might make sense to you eventually (we can only hope).
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Re: Is This What We Can Look Forward To?
Reply #167 - Jul 17th, 2012 at 10:43pm
Soren wrote on Jul 17th, 2012 at 9:07pm:
The unbridgable gap between Islam and Christianity (and Judaism) is that for Islam, the word in the Koran and Mohammed's interpretations of it (hadiths) are the entire subject matter of Islamic faith. With Christianity and especially Judaism, an interpretive (exegetic) tradition is equally important.

Islam is like Pallas Athene who sprung fully armed and armoured and perfect from Zeus's head. Seventh century Araby under Mohammed is that worldly perfection to which all Islam has been hankering ever since.

Judaism and Christianity on the other hand unfold through what some call the history of grace.

What a load of absolute bollocks. Judaism and Christianity suddenly "evolved" into this state of subjugation to the forces of secularism, about 200 years ago when the atheists tore them a new one and put them in their place. That's the only reason Christianity ever accepted such things, not out of some airy fairy enlightenment mumbo jumbo supposedly "woven into the tapestry of their beliefs", that you conjure up in your mind, to provide you with what you seriously lack, a decent argument against Islam.

Soren wrote on Jul 17th, 2012 at 9:07pm:
As a matter of fact, and as illustration, take the idea of evolution. It could not have come from an Islamic mind.

Really? So I guess in your little delusional alternate reality, Ibn Khaldun was never born right?

Soren wrote on Jul 17th, 2012 at 9:07pm:
Islam is absolutely ahistoric in it own self-reckoning. Christianity and Judaism aren't like that. This is indeed Islam's crucial criticism of them, that they are not as anachronistic as Islam, that they change with time, unlike Islam.

Yes, being unprincipled, ie. having no actual values or morals that you will stick to and defend is indeed worthy of criticism.
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Re: Is This What We Can Look Forward To?
Reply #168 - Jul 17th, 2012 at 10:52pm
abu_rashid wrote on Jul 17th, 2012 at 10:43pm:
Soren wrote on Jul 17th, 2012 at 9:07pm:
The unbridgable gap between Islam and Christianity (and Judaism) is that for Islam, the word in the Koran and Mohammed's interpretations of it (hadiths) are the entire subject matter of Islamic faith. With Christianity and especially Judaism, an interpretive (exegetic) tradition is equally important.

Islam is like Pallas Athene who sprung fully armed and armoured and perfect from Zeus's head. Seventh century Araby under Mohammed is that worldly perfection to which all Islam has been hankering ever since.

Judaism and Christianity on the other hand unfold through what some call the history of grace.

What a load of absolute bollocks. Judaism and Christianity suddenly "evolved" into this state of subjugation to the forces of secularism, about 200 years ago when the atheists tore them a new one and put them in their place. That's the only reason Christianity ever accepted such things, not out of some airy fairy enlightenment mumbo jumbo supposedly "woven into the tapestry of their beliefs", that you conjure up in your mind, to provide you with what you seriously lack, a decent argument against Islam.

Soren wrote on Jul 17th, 2012 at 9:07pm:
As a matter of fact, and as illustration, take the idea of evolution. It could not have come from an Islamic mind.

Really? So I guess in your little delusional alternate reality, Ibn Khaldun was never born right?

Soren wrote on Jul 17th, 2012 at 9:07pm:
Islam is absolutely ahistoric in it own self-reckoning. Christianity and Judaism aren't like that. This is indeed Islam's crucial criticism of them, that they are not as anachronistic as Islam, that they change with time, unlike Islam.

Yes, being unprincipled, ie. having no actual values or morals that you will stick to and defend is indeed worthy of criticism.

SO you accept Darwin's theory of evolution?

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Aussie Muslim

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Re: Is This What We Can Look Forward To?
Reply #169 - Jul 18th, 2012 at 7:38am
Soren wrote on Jul 17th, 2012 at 10:52pm:
SO you accept Darwin's theory of evolution?

Is that honestly what you perceived my post to say? Or are you just trying to avoid admitting your post is Absolute bollocks?
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Re: Is This What We Can Look Forward To?
Reply #170 - Jul 18th, 2012 at 8:21am
That's what it looked like to me Abu. Your earlier post also appeared to imply that both religions are nothing but the doctrine of hatred and bigotry.
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People who can't distinguish between etymology and entomology bug me in ways I cannot put into words.
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Re: Is This What We Can Look Forward To?
Reply #171 - Jul 18th, 2012 at 8:57am
abu_rashid wrote on Jul 18th, 2012 at 7:38am:
Soren wrote on Jul 17th, 2012 at 10:52pm:
SO you accept Darwin's theory of evolution?

Is that honestly what you perceived my post to say? Or are you just trying to avoid admitting your post is Absolute bollocks?

you claim evolution for Islam. Do you believe in evolution, then?

Or are you claiming evolution for Islam even as you don't believe it because it is a false doctrine?

Or do you accept the Islamic version of evolution but not the Darwinian version?

You can't be all three. Which one then?

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Re: Is This What We Can Look Forward To?
Reply #172 - Jul 18th, 2012 at 10:03am
Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Jul 13th, 2012 at 3:26pm:

the countries with majority muslims that have decent education dont seem to have the violence actually.

Go figger.


Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Jul 14th, 2012 at 9:49am:

Name one moslem majority country that has,
1/ 'decent education',
2/ doesn't have incidents of ISLAMIC violence [directed towards minorities].


Indonesia is improving with better education too.


The latest out of Malaysia,  ......'educated', 'tolerant', moslem majority Malaysia.....

Last Malaysian Hindu temple in central Kuala Lumpur condemned, given five days to vacate
Another Hindu temple in Malaysia will soon join the growing list of non Muslim houses of worship to be destroyed by (Muslim) authorities in the name of 'progress'. In this case, the last Hindu temple reportedly in the central business district of Kuala Lumpur will soon be demolished as a part of a 'redevelopment' project, which does indeed constitute progress if you're an Islamic supremacist.


16 May 2006
Pressure on multi-faith Malaysia

Malaysia is considering its multi-cultural credentials after a crowd of Muslims on Sunday broke up a meeting called to defend the rights of religious minorities.
The country's leaders condemned the disturbances, but the BBC's Jonathan Kent in Kuala Lumpur says non-Muslims feel increasingly beleaguered.
"I'm becoming an alien in Malaysia, in my own country," says Dr Jacob George.
The president of the Consumers Association of Subang and Shah Alam in Selangor State has been helping to organise efforts to stop the local authorities in the ethnic Malay-Muslim dominated city of Shah Alam from demolishing a 107-year-old Hindu temple.
......"There's a creeping Islamicisation in our society and this isn't appropriate because we're a multi-religious, multi-racial country."

I can't find a news item about the Malaysian authorities demolishing an old established Mosque.

Can you SPOT ?
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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Re: Is This What We Can Look Forward To?
Reply #173 - Jul 18th, 2012 at 10:53am
abu_rashid wrote on Jul 17th, 2012 at 2:03pm:
Yadda wrote on Jul 17th, 2012 at 1:10am:
"Let not the believers take for friends or helpers unbelievers rather than believers. If any do that, in nothing will there be help from Allah; except by way of precaution, that ye may guard yourselves from them."
Koran 3.28

So I take it you don't believe in this passage of the Bible either then Yadda?

"Don't team up with those who are unbelievers. How can righteousness be a partner with wickedness? How can light live with darkness?" (2 Corinthians 6:14)

Or do you only espouse this crap when it's someone else's beliefs you're misinterpreting?

In fact if I had posted that same passage but put a Qur'anic reference on it, I'm sure you wouldn't even have known the difference would you? Since you have no idea what either of our religions believe, as your religion is nothing but the doctrine of hatred and bigotry.

You are correct Abu, the Bible DOES counsel God's people to separate themselves from the ways of the world, and the ways of the unbelievers [aka, infidels, heathens, gentiles].

Romans 12:9
Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.

And of course.....

2 Corinthians 6:14
Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
15  And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?
16  And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
17  Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,
18  And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.

But the NT Bible also states.....

Romans 12:18
If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.

Hebrews 12:14
Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:

Hey Abu,

Where are the unambiguous and complementary Koran verses, to the unambiguous command contained within, Romans 12:18, and Hebrews 12:14 ???

There are none.

And you know it.

The principle command and doctrine of the Koran is to try to [first] persuade, but otherwise fight every un-ISLAMIC authority and people, so as to then, FORCEFULLY impose ISLAM and moslem authority upon them.

"Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. "
Koran 9.29

And in the Hadith.....

"Allah's Apostle was asked, "What is the best deed?" He replied, "To believe in Allah and His Apostle (Muhammad). The questioner then asked, "What is the next (in goodness)? He replied, "To participate in Jihad (religious fighting) in Allah's Cause." "
hadithsunnah/bukhari/ #001.002.026

"A man came to the Prophet and asked, "A man fights for war booty; another fights for fame and a third fights for showing off; which of them fights in Allah's Cause?" The Prophet said, "He who fights that Allah's Word (i.e. Islam) should be superior, fights in Allah's Cause." "
hadithsunnah/bukhari/ #004.052.065
hadithsunnah/bukhari/ #004.052.080i


Instead of hiding behind a cloak of deceit, pretending that ISLAM is virtuous, AND HONEST,   .....why won't you moslems just admit that your 'cause' is one which uses falsehood, deceit, threats, intimidation, and brutal violence ?

And to attain what, Abu ?

ISLAM is seeking to gain a worldly, secular, political ascendancy over mankind.

There is nothing spiritual about ISLAM.

ISLAM's purpose, its raison d’être, is to kill [and enslave] as many human beings, as it possibly can.

And enslave mankind, to whom ???

Matthew 4:9
And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.


Psalms 146:8
The LORD openeth the eyes of the blind: the LORD raiseth them that are bowed down: the LORD loveth the righteous:

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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A cat with a view
Re: Is This What We Can Look Forward To?
Reply #174 - Jul 18th, 2012 at 10:55am
Soren wrote on Jul 17th, 2012 at 2:21pm:
Yadda wrote on Jul 17th, 2012 at 1:28am:

As a good, a REAL moslem, you are encouraging your children to embrace critical thinking ?


Pull the other one Abu, it plays "Jihad Bells."

Grin                    Grin                    Grin                    Grin                    Grin                    Grin                    Grin                    Grin                    Grin                    Grin                    Grin                    Grin                    Grin                    Grin                    Grin                    Grin

That is SOOOOO culturally insensitive. It is actually multiculturally hurtful.

Coz, moslems DO hate the sound of bells [especially church bells].

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Re: Is This What We Can Look Forward To?
Reply #175 - Jul 18th, 2012 at 11:59am
What we can look forward to - the Scandinavian Model

Mona Sahlin, a later leader of the Social Democrats, said in an interview [in] 2002 with the magazine Euroturk, when asked what Swedish culture is:

I’ve often had that question, but I can’t think of what Swedish culture is. I think that is what makes us Swedes so envious of immigrants. You have a culture, an identity, something that ties you together. What do we have? We have Midsummer’s Eve and such corny things.

She also said: The Swedes must integrate into the new Sweden. The old Sweden is not coming back.

In this New Sweden we have more reported rapes than any other country in the European Union, according to a study by professor Liz Kelly from England. More than 5 000 rapes or attempted rapes were reported in 2008 (last year it was more than 6 000). In 2010 another study reported that just one country in the world has more rapes than Sweden, and that is Lesotho in South Africa. For every 100,000 inhabitants Lesotho has 92 reported rapes, Sweden has 53, The United States 29, Norway 20 and Denmark 7.

In 1990 the authorities counted 3 exclusion areas in Sweden, suburbs where mostly immigrants live, where very few have a job to go to, almost all of them live by welfare and the children don’t pass their exams. In 2002 they counted 128 exclusion areas. In 2006 we had 156 and then they stopped counting. In some cities, like Malmö where I live, a third of all inhabitants live in an exclusion area.

What did Tage Erlander mean when he said that the Swedish population was homogeneous, not just according to race but also in many other aspects? I think he meant things like norms, values, culture and traditions. A feeling of fellowship. That we all, in the Old Sweden, had a similar view of what a good society is and how we solve conflicts. He KNEW what the Swedish culture was all about, in contrast to Mona Sahlin.

In the New Sweden we need armed police officers at our hospitals because rivalling families fight each other in the hospital rooms. They gun each other down in open streets and they rob and beat old people up. The crime rate grows by the minute, but the Swedish politicians and journalists tell us that it has absolutely nothing to do with immigration. The fact that our prisons are full of foreign people is just a coincidence or is explained by socio-economic factors.
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Re: Is This What We Can Look Forward To?
Reply #176 - Jul 18th, 2012 at 8:23pm
Soren wrote on Jul 18th, 2012 at 11:59am:
What we can look forward to - the Scandinavian Model

Mona Sahlin, a later leader of the Social Democrats, said in an interview [in] 2002 with the magazine Euroturk, when asked what Swedish culture is:

I’ve often had that question, but I can’t think of what Swedish culture is. I think that is what makes us Swedes so envious of immigrants. You have a culture, an identity, something that ties you together. What do we have? We have Midsummer’s Eve and such corny things.

She also said: The Swedes must integrate into the new Sweden. The old Sweden is not coming back.

In this New Sweden we have more reported rapes than any other country in the European Union, according to a study by professor Liz Kelly from England. More than 5 000 rapes or attempted rapes were reported in 2008 (last year it was more than 6 000). In 2010 another study reported that just one country in the world has more rapes than Sweden, and that is Lesotho in South Africa. For every 100,000 inhabitants Lesotho has 92 reported rapes, Sweden has 53, The United States 29, Norway 20 and Denmark 7.

In 1990 the authorities counted 3 exclusion areas in Sweden, suburbs where mostly immigrants live, where very few have a job to go to, almost all of them live by welfare and the children don’t pass their exams. In 2002 they counted 128 exclusion areas. In 2006 we had 156 and then they stopped counting. In some cities, like Malmö where I live, a third of all inhabitants live in an exclusion area.

What did Tage Erlander mean when he said that the Swedish population was homogeneous, not just according to race but also in many other aspects? I think he meant things like norms, values, culture and traditions. A feeling of fellowship. That we all, in the Old Sweden, had a similar view of what a good society is and how we solve conflicts. He KNEW what the Swedish culture was all about, in contrast to Mona Sahlin.

In the New Sweden we need armed police officers at our hospitals because rivalling families fight each other in the hospital rooms. They gun each other down in open streets and they rob and beat old people up. The crime rate grows by the minute, but the Swedish politicians and journalists tell us that it has absolutely nothing to do with immigration. The fact that our prisons are full of foreign people is just a coincidence or is explained by socio-economic factors.

Do you have a link please Soren?
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In real life Gandalf is known as Mr 10%
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Re: Is This What We Can Look Forward To?
Reply #177 - Jul 18th, 2012 at 9:28pm
Yadda wrote on Jul 18th, 2012 at 10:53am:

There is nothing spiritual about ISLAM.


There is nothing spiritual virtuous about ISLAM.

ISLAM is the spiritual 'dark place'.

Ephesians 6:12
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Re: Is This What We Can Look Forward To?
Reply #178 - Jul 18th, 2012 at 9:50pm
Adamant wrote on Jul 18th, 2012 at 8:23pm:
Soren wrote on Jul 18th, 2012 at 11:59am:
What we can look forward to - the Scandinavian Model

Mona Sahlin, a later leader of the Social Democrats, said in an interview [in] 2002 with the magazine Euroturk, when asked what Swedish culture is:

I’ve often had that question, but I can’t think of what Swedish culture is. I think that is what makes us Swedes so envious of immigrants. You have a culture, an identity, something that ties you together. What do we have? We have Midsummer’s Eve and such corny things.

She also said: The Swedes must integrate into the new Sweden. The old Sweden is not coming back.

In this New Sweden we have more reported rapes than any other country in the European Union, according to a study by professor Liz Kelly from England. More than 5 000 rapes or attempted rapes were reported in 2008 (last year it was more than 6 000). In 2010 another study reported that just one country in the world has more rapes than Sweden, and that is Lesotho in South Africa. For every 100,000 inhabitants Lesotho has 92 reported rapes, Sweden has 53, The United States 29, Norway 20 and Denmark 7.

In 1990 the authorities counted 3 exclusion areas in Sweden, suburbs where mostly immigrants live, where very few have a job to go to, almost all of them live by welfare and the children don’t pass their exams. In 2002 they counted 128 exclusion areas. In 2006 we had 156 and then they stopped counting. In some cities, like Malmö where I live, a third of all inhabitants live in an exclusion area.

What did Tage Erlander mean when he said that the Swedish population was homogeneous, not just according to race but also in many other aspects? I think he meant things like norms, values, culture and traditions. A feeling of fellowship. That we all, in the Old Sweden, had a similar view of what a good society is and how we solve conflicts. He KNEW what the Swedish culture was all about, in contrast to Mona Sahlin.

In the New Sweden we need armed police officers at our hospitals because rivalling families fight each other in the hospital rooms. They gun each other down in open streets and they rob and beat old people up. The crime rate grows by the minute, but the Swedish politicians and journalists tell us that it has absolutely nothing to do with immigration. The fact that our prisons are full of foreign people is just a coincidence or is explained by socio-economic factors.

Do you have a link please Soren?
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Aussie Muslim

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Re: Is This What We Can Look Forward To?
Reply #179 - Jul 19th, 2012 at 12:59am
freediver wrote on Jul 18th, 2012 at 8:21am:
That's what it looked like to me Abu. Your earlier post also appeared to imply that both religions are nothing but the doctrine of hatred and bigotry.

*shrug* your poor literacy skills are hardly my problem.
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