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Pathetic Australians deserve to drown (Read 10241 times)
Grappler Deep State Feller
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Re: Pathetic Australians deserve to drown
Reply #15 - Jun 24th, 2012 at 5:24pm
OK - but you will see that what I've posted on this issue - having studied it at Uni BTW - is very supportive and accommodating towards those who really desire to come here.

That said - you have to come to the understanding that politicians make their decisions based on (partly) their idea of what is best - and they do this from the POV that they - and they alone - have access to all the facts, including the views of all the competing agencies and groups that weigh into the argument.

Thus it is unlikely that their view will accord with that of the general public to any great degree - since they are also (more than) influenced by the security agencies, border people, armed forces and so forth in their decision making.

What we DO need here is a clear statement of genuine intent from one side or the other that actually opposes what the other part of the Tag Team advocates - so that We, The People (you may have guessed that I am a populist republican by now) are offered the privilege

(**coughs - blows froth off top of beer** - in a democracy the electorate is offered a privilege of deciding?)

of deciding for ourselves which way we would like this to proceed.

I - like you so very obviously are - am sick of hearing about death, fear, and loss on the high seas of desperate people who only want a better life.  Sad  Cry
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“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
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Grappler Deep State Feller
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Re: Pathetic Australians deserve to drown
Reply #16 - Jun 24th, 2012 at 5:29pm
Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Jun 22nd, 2012 at 2:45pm:
Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Jun 22nd, 2012 at 2:02pm:
bobbythefap1 wrote on Jun 22nd, 2012 at 9:54am:
You know who I am talking about and it goes for many people around Australia not just on this site.
You are pathetic.
I have been slowly coming to the conclusion that people lack real empathy for quite some time and the latest asylum seeker capsizing has made it more then apparent that you do not care about other people at all.
We all know you do not care about the people, you are just using them to help your self and your beliefs or 'side' of politics.

I hope that you drown or are indefinitely detained.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

I've never seen you emphasize with anyone who has a view opposed to yourself. Therefore the same can be said of yourself: "We all know you do not care about the people, you are just using them to help your self and your beliefs or 'side' of politics."

So what do you think should happen to the refugees? Should we send them back where they came form to be killed? Shall we lock them up forever? Shall we let them in and bash them for getting welfare while they learn skills and look for jobs? Shall we not let them in australia !@ all and let them live forever on desert islands? Shall we just let them drown @ sea? What?


Hear..hear!!!  (offers Borg standing applause).
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“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
― John Adams
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Grappler Deep State Feller
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Re: Pathetic Australians deserve to drown
Reply #17 - Jun 24th, 2012 at 5:39pm
Oh - and we know which groups are under discussion when it comes to criminals and drug dealers etc....a past police commissioner here was castigated in the media and by a Labor government over precise comments that pointed the finger at them - even though that criminality is a well known fact - he wasn't allowed to say so.

That said - those groups were brought here under circumstances that were different - mainly that we as a country were not under clear and present danger from terrorism - and these people represented those from specifically war-torn countries and thus The Mighty Heart of True Australia was opened to them - WITHOUT adequate checks and balances.

Now what we are seeing is going the other way - and too hard and too far against those who are probably less to blame for their situation(s).

Historical footnote:-  I once co-commanded a mission to liberate two re-education camps near Saigon in 1978 - under the auspices of the family of the past head of the Saigon River Pilots under the old regime - whose family were being held for 're-education'...I understand how it was for so many of those people in their need to get out and come here - at first hand.  I also understand why so many had to turn to crime to make a living.......

(awaits knock on door at 3am over this disclosure).....
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“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
― John Adams
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Re: Pathetic Australians deserve to drown
Reply #18 - Jun 24th, 2012 at 6:07pm
Sir lastnail wrote on Jun 22nd, 2012 at 2:54pm:
bobbythefap1 wrote on Jun 22nd, 2012 at 9:54am:
You know who I am talking about and it goes for many people around Australia not just on this site.
You are pathetic.
I have been slowly coming to the conclusion that people lack real empathy for quite some time and the latest asylum seeker capsizing has made it more then apparent that you do not care about other people at all.
We all know you do not care about the people, you are just using them to help your self and your beliefs or 'side' of politics.

I hope that you drown or are indefinitely detained.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

That's not entirely true. There are a lot of refugees that have been brought here legally who are hardened criminals. Rapists, murderers and thieves, you name it, they are amongst them !! Some murderes who have learnt to use an AK-47 at the age of 12 and have some notches on their belts. It is not fair to offload hardened criminals onto law abiding communities here until we can work out a proper system to sort out who is who. Until then I am not keen on bringing anymore refugees here. The good fair working people here do not deserve it.

Lets face it, how on earth do you get a background check on a John Doe who comes from a country which has no legal or police system and certainly does not keep any paper work on people ?

When normal immigrants have to apply they go through rigourous srcutiny but if you are a refugee then no worries you walk right in and if you are a undesirable like some of them have been you get to rob law abiding citizens here on a train station or sell drugs Sad

Stuff that, we don't need that sh.t !! We don't let crims out of jail to walk around and cause more problems so why do we import criminals and allow them to walk our streets and cause havock ?

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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Re: Pathetic Australians deserve to drown
Reply #19 - Jun 24th, 2012 at 6:40pm
bobbythefap1 wrote on Jun 22nd, 2012 at 9:54am:
You know who I am talking about and it goes for many people around Australia not just on this site.
You are pathetic.
I have been slowly coming to the conclusion that people lack real empathy for quite some time and the latest asylum seeker capsizing has made it more then apparent that you do not care about other people at all.
We all know you do not care about the people, you are just using them to help your self and your beliefs or 'side' of politics.

I hope that you drown or are indefinitely detained.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

Yawn. Another Emotionally Correct fapper.

What actual policy do you suggest? Let all comers in, no question asked?

If not, where would you draw the line? HOW would you draw the line? How would you ensure that people don't rort your policy?

Another 90 drown and you have no fooking idea. All you do, can do, want to do, is continue masturbating in public with your emotions exposed for all to see.  Grotesque.

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Sir Spot of Borg
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Re: Pathetic Australians deserve to drown
Reply #20 - Jun 25th, 2012 at 7:32am
Soren wrote on Jun 24th, 2012 at 6:40pm:
bobbythefap1 wrote on Jun 22nd, 2012 at 9:54am:
You know who I am talking about and it goes for many people around Australia not just on this site.
You are pathetic.
I have been slowly coming to the conclusion that people lack real empathy for quite some time and the latest asylum seeker capsizing has made it more then apparent that you do not care about other people at all.
We all know you do not care about the people, you are just using them to help your self and your beliefs or 'side' of politics.

I hope that you drown or are indefinitely detained.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

Yawn. Another Emotionally Correct fapper.

What actual policy do you suggest? Let all comers in, no question asked?

If not, where would you draw the line? HOW would you draw the line? How would you ensure that people don't rort your policy?

Another 90 drown and you have no fooking idea. All you do, can do, want to do, is continue masturbating in public with your emotions exposed for all to see.  Grotesque.

Not that he seems to be doing that but what exactly is wrong with emotions? You are psychotic so everyone else has to be?

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Grappler Deep State Feller
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Re: Pathetic Australians deserve to drown
Reply #21 - Jun 25th, 2012 at 10:24am
Hmm - not sure about the way this discussion sometimes degenerates into personal attacks and personality disputes.  I guess that's the end of the Oz Politics Party as a viable political force!  Grin  Too much infighting!!

A policy..a kingdom for a policy!

Well - onshoring requires security and detention offers the opportunity to evaluate the personalities etc of prospective new citizens.  Question is where and how to do this.

So I guess the question is where and how to:-

a) bring refugees here,
b) maintain security for Oz,
c) provide humane and fair treatment.
d) alternatively provide refuge (in some cases) and processing offshore

My studies show that, most often, the burden is placed totally on a prospective refugee to make the effort to get to a place where he/she might receive refugee status - an onshore airport, an embassy, an agency and so forth.  I've had contacts from Iran asking how to go about this.

This is very difficult, but I can see no other viable way.

Every step of a refugee's path is fraught with danger in certain countries (no names), with betrayal and execution a very real possibility at any step of the way - and often, under the auspices of the UN adopted process, the very real danger that the 'homeland' process, which uses locals to do the initial processing in the potential refugees homeland, will result in betrayal, usury, blackmail and so forth.

Approaching a local embassy is probably the best - provided that embassy will actually do anything for the refugee, and not just send him/her back home.

Short of a proper internationally secured holding ground for refugees - which still requires that they arrive there under their own steam (often an impossibility), and which requires that all routes of access also be secured, and how far does that go? - the entire situation is unmanageable.

OK - back to our 'boat people' - our Navy/Air Force etc have carried out what are essentially humanitarian blocking moves for a long time now - remember that the Air Force launched a massive search for missing boats that went down with huge loss in a storm at great cost to Oz - we don't seem to stint on those costs when required, so perhaps funding a better in-country processing facility in Indonesia or whatever would be at least as cost-effective as rescuing boat people.

Just tossing around some ideas here, guys.  You may comment at will.... Smiley
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“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
― John Adams
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Re: Pathetic Australians deserve to drown
Reply #22 - Jun 25th, 2012 at 11:08pm
Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Jun 25th, 2012 at 7:32am:
Soren wrote on Jun 24th, 2012 at 6:40pm:
bobbythefap1 wrote on Jun 22nd, 2012 at 9:54am:
You know who I am talking about and it goes for many people around Australia not just on this site.
You are pathetic.
I have been slowly coming to the conclusion that people lack real empathy for quite some time and the latest asylum seeker capsizing has made it more then apparent that you do not care about other people at all.
We all know you do not care about the people, you are just using them to help your self and your beliefs or 'side' of politics.

I hope that you drown or are indefinitely detained.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

Yawn. Another Emotionally Correct fapper.

What actual policy do you suggest? Let all comers in, no question asked?

If not, where would you draw the line? HOW would you draw the line? How would you ensure that people don't rort your policy?

Another 90 drown and you have no fooking idea. All you do, can do, want to do, is continue masturbating in public with your emotions exposed for all to see.  Grotesque.

Not that he seems to be doing that but what exactly is wrong with emotions? You are psychotic so everyone else has to be?


And wtf might you be?? Fapper No 2?

What actual policy do you suggest? Let all comers in, no question asked?

If not, where would you draw the line? HOW would you draw the line? How would you ensure that people don't rort your policy?

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Uncle Meat
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Re: Pathetic Australians deserve to drown
Reply #23 - Jun 25th, 2012 at 11:25pm
Soren wrote on Jun 25th, 2012 at 11:08pm:
What actual policy do you suggest? Let all comers in, no question asked?

You do realise that asylum seekers are asked questions, don't you?

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Re: Pathetic Australians deserve to drown
Reply #24 - Jun 26th, 2012 at 3:50am
bobbythefap1 wrote on Jun 22nd, 2012 at 9:54am:
You know who I am talking about and it goes for many people around Australia not just on this site.
You are pathetic.
I have been slowly coming to the conclusion that people lack real empathy for quite some time and the latest asylum seeker capsizing has made it more then apparent that you do not care about other people at all.
We all know you do not care about the people, you are just using them to help your self and your beliefs or 'side' of politics.

I hope that you drown or are indefinitely detained.

You should be ashamed of yourself.


The so called West is a greedy bunch of slave drivers hiding behind what have now been proven to be impotent nuclear weapons!

Should be a killa 21st century!
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*Sure....they're anti competitive as any subsidised job is.  It wouldn't be there without the tax payer.  Very damned difficult for a brainwashed collectivist to understand that I know....  (swaggy) *
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Sir Spot of Borg
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Re: Pathetic Australians deserve to drown
Reply #25 - Jun 26th, 2012 at 5:48am
What actual policy do you suggest? Let all comers in, no question asked?

the security methods that are being used are prolly sufficient. Need to streamline them a bit to get the time in detention down (we have longest in the world). Since the media stuffed up the police's case on that emad guy i expect some new policies have been brought in.Its not like they are going to tell us.

Maybe process them in indonesia. Why isnt that an option? Then we could fly them over if they are approved.

We have to take our fair share of refugees. We helped create them. We are way down the bottom of the list in how many we get/take.

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asylum_003.jpg (50 KB | 39 )

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Re: Pathetic Australians deserve to drown
Reply #26 - Jun 26th, 2012 at 12:23pm
spot of bullshit-

Do you even check what you post when trolling is accurate or being a leftist are you happy to mislead people with your lies and bullshit?

We take in 13,000-14,000 refugees every year and have been doing so since the Howard years, why does your bullshit picture full of leftist lies put the figure at around 10,000?

Do you even bother to check our intake before posting bullshit?

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Leftists and the Ayatollahs have a lot in common when it comes to criticism of Islam, they don't tolerate it.
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Re: Pathetic Australians deserve to drown
Reply #27 - Jun 26th, 2012 at 12:30pm
So how is the refugee intake in those countries working out for them, or are we just supposed to just assume that more = better? 

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In the fullness of time...
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Sir Spot of Borg
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Re: Pathetic Australians deserve to drown
Reply #28 - Jun 26th, 2012 at 12:31pm
Baronvonrort wrote on Jun 26th, 2012 at 12:23pm:
spot of bullshit-

Do you even check what you post when trolling is accurate or being a leftist are you happy to mislead people with your lies and bullshit?

We take in 13,000-14,000 refugees every year and have been doing so since the Howard years, why does your bullshit picture full of leftist lies put the figure at around 10,000?

Do you even bother to check our intake before posting bullshit?

You are making some grand claims there mate - got some evidence to back them up? Remember my pic is from 2010.

BTW lil dickwad here is a gov site saying we took 13k in 2010

In the 2010–11 program year, the Humanitarian Program delivered 13 799 visas. This number included 8971 visas granted to persons offshore and 4828 program countable visas granted to people seeking protection in Australia.³


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I'm a 
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Re: Pathetic Australians deserve to drown
Reply #29 - Jun 26th, 2012 at 12:35pm

Bronvonrort claims we took in 13 - 14,000 refugess in 2010.

SOB claims he's talking through his ass, but agrees with him in the very next breath.

He doesn't realise anything is wrong.

Everybody laughs....except SOB.
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In the fullness of time...
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