Hmm - not sure about the way this discussion sometimes degenerates into personal attacks and personality disputes. I guess that's the end of the Oz Politics Party as a viable political force!

Too much infighting!!
A policy..a kingdom for a policy!
Well - onshoring requires security and detention offers the opportunity to evaluate the personalities etc of prospective new citizens. Question is where and how to do this.
So I guess the question is where and how to:-
a) bring refugees here,
b) maintain security for Oz,
c) provide humane and fair treatment.
d) alternatively provide refuge (in some cases) and processing offshore
My studies show that, most often, the burden is placed totally on a prospective refugee to make the effort to get to a place where he/she might receive refugee status - an onshore airport, an embassy, an agency and so forth. I've had contacts from Iran asking how to go about this.
This is very difficult, but I can see no other viable way.
Every step of a refugee's path is fraught with danger in certain countries (no names), with betrayal and execution a very real possibility at any step of the way - and often, under the auspices of the UN adopted process, the very real danger that the 'homeland' process, which uses locals to do the initial processing in the potential refugees homeland, will result in betrayal, usury, blackmail and so forth.
Approaching a local embassy is probably the best - provided that embassy will actually do anything for the refugee, and not just send him/her back home.
Short of a proper internationally secured holding ground for refugees - which still requires that they arrive there under their own steam (often an impossibility), and which requires that all routes of access also be secured, and how far does that go? - the entire situation is unmanageable.
OK - back to our 'boat people' - our Navy/Air Force etc have carried out what are essentially humanitarian blocking moves for a long time now - remember that the Air Force launched a massive search for missing boats that went down with huge loss in a storm at great cost to Oz - we don't seem to stint on those costs when required, so perhaps funding a better in-country processing facility in Indonesia or whatever would be at least as cost-effective as rescuing boat people.
Just tossing around some ideas here, guys. You may comment at will....